Photo Credit: Splash News
Jodie Foster has always tried to be both mother and father to her two boys. She seems like a very involved mom – here she is taking her ten year old son Charles to a birthday party at Trilussa. We’re betting Yale grad Jodie will make sure her kids get excellent educations like she did.
Hollywood needs more mothers like her.
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I’m curious how kids end up who are raised by lesbian (or gay) couples. Does anyone know a person who was raised by such people and how that person ultimately turned out when grown up? I’ve always been curious about this.
Yes, I am curious about that, too — considering how many truly fucked-up people are the product of heterosexual unions.
I have no doubt that she is a good/caring mother that looks out for her kid’s best interests. I do think that kids need a mother and a father as long as they have a good relationship. Fathers bring their own kind of nuturing that can not be replicated by a women. Just lika a mother’s special nurturing can not be replicated by a man.
Regardless of what some would like to believe these kids turn out well. The ones i know are also straight. Not that this makes a difference. I just mentioned it because people assume they turn out to be gay. (like you can really raise someone to be gay) The reason you dont know about it is because no one wants you to.. They never report on this because it would ruin their hate speech. And you better believe the family value groups have researched like crazy to find out if kids with gay parents turn out to be serial killers or something. If it were true they would bring it up every chance they get. You would know about it. Of course youll find screwed up kids no matter what..It just doesnt matter if they are gay or straight.
And she didn’t give them stupid names either.
I agree that father’s bring something special to a child’s life. Jodie’s kids probably have male influences in their lives via uncles, grandfather, older cousins, Jodie’s male friends etc so not having a father is not a factor for the. You don’t miss what you never had.
Kids like to have a mother and a father. How does a mother teach a male kid to pee….use a strap on and a hidden water pistol?
And how does a father teach a female kid to pee…don’t know that one.
It’s true that some heterosexuals have messed-up lives and marriages which in turn hurts the kids. But I think it’s really super tough on a kid to have 2 mothers or 2 fathers. It is very confusing when they see 99% of their classmates with a mother and father.
Does this mean the kids go to gay pre schools and elementary schools? Are they only allowed to watch the gay channels on t.v. and go to the gay playgrounds? Does it mean their parent or parents just feed them gay food and dress them in bunny suits?
Or are the children raised by intelligent, critically thinking, loving parents who will allow their children to be who they are!Regardless of the kids orientation. No conditions. Just love and acceptance.
Sheesh..what a bunch of rednecks here.
The filthy lesbian Jodie has just dumped her long timr ‘partner ‘ for another younger woman. That kid doesn’t stand a chance in this life. Surely these filth mongers will burn in hell for all eternity.
to “rawhide” :99% of my daughter’s friends only have one effective parent. Having two of any gender of parent would be fabulous.
J.H.’s Son, 6:57 PM>….. All lesbians and fags should read the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. After that, they should listen to your pappy, John Hagee (who tells it like it is)…then maybe some of them would wise up and CHANGE, damnit.
That’s why I love them so much……
The assumption that the man who fathered Jodie’s children is not involved in their lives is false.
I was raised by 2 male parents. The usual growing pains while in my teens but now I have so much more love for all people and types of families.
And I’m straight, married, have 2 small children and happy.
Jodie Foster is the priestess of the apostate church, the great whore of Babylon.
Your nuts John.
I don’t agree with the poster who said you don’t miss what you never had. Both sets of my grandparents were deceased by the time I was in 2nd grade and I have ALWAYS missed not having a relationship with my grandparents. Always. So to say you never miss what you don’t have is simply not true.
the old butch deviant is too pervy to marry a man and provide a father.
Patrick, have you never read “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Not just homos and lesbos, ALL have sinned. That’s why Christ died on the cross to make a way for us to repent, confess, be cleansed, our name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. This ensures we will live in heaven forever. You never know which day will be your last.
(see Revelation 20:15)
if she really wants to mess up the kids she should hook up with madge, i hear she’s single again.