
Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

WKRP in Cincinnati went off the air in 1982 and we think Loni Anderson looks remarkably similar to the way she did when she played the sexy receptionist on the show. In other words, this woman is taking good care of herself. A little update in the hair and makeup would be nice, but a shopping trip to Barneys is a step in the right direction.

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  1. The Beauty Myth, published in 1991, is a book by Naomi Wolf. It examines beauty as a demand and as a judgement upon women. Subtitled How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women, Wolf examines how modern conceptions of women’s beauty impact the spheres of employment, culture, religion, sexuality, eating disorders, and cosmetic surgery.
    Wolf argues that women in Western culture are damaged by the pressure to conform to an idealized concept of female beauty—the Iron Maiden throughout modern society, from Victorian Times to today. She argues that the beauty myth is political, a way of maintaining the patriarchal system. It allows women to enter the labour force, but under controlled conditions. She also claims that this system keeps women under control by the weight of their own insecurities. The beauty myth is sometimes viewed as succeeding The Feminine Mystique, which relegated women to the position of housewife, as the social guard over women. In this sense, Wolf claims that public interest in a woman’s virginity has been replaced by public interest in the shape of her body.

  2. The Beauty Myth, published in 1991, is a book by Naomi Wolf. It examines beauty as a demand and as a judgement upon women. Subtitled How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women, Wolf examines how modern conceptions of women’s beauty impact the spheres of employment, culture, religion, sexuality, eating disorders, and cosmetic surgery.
    Wolf argues that women in Western culture are damaged by the pressure to conform to an idealized concept of female beauty—the Iron Maiden throughout modern society, from Victorian Times to today. She argues that the beauty myth is political, a way of maintaining the patriarchal system. It allows women to enter the labour force, but under controlled conditions. She also claims that this system keeps women under control by the weight of their own insecurities. The beauty myth is sometimes viewed as succeeding The Feminine Mystique, which relegated women to the position of housewife, as the social guard over women. In this sense, Wolf claims that public interest in a woman’s virginity has been replaced by public interest in the shape of her body.

  3. To the ugly girl(s) at 7:03PM and 7:04PM:
    It is widely known that Naomi Wolf used proceeds from the sales of “The Beauty Myth” to have her breasts enlarged, nose reshaped, tummy “tucked,” chin augmented and fat removed

  4. Loni is a lollipop. Tiny body and huge head.
    She does look good and she hasn’t aged. When she started in WKRP I saw a pic of her with her natural brown hair. She looked way older. She is actually looking younger every year since.
    Somewhere there is an aging portrait in a upstairs closet.

  5. What is wrong with showing some age? This is why the Hollywood crowd is so messed up. They do not deal with reality.

  6. “Loni Anderson Refuses to Get Older”….obviously because she has visited Joan Rivers’ doctor, although maybe not quite as much. Her hair has been bleached and back-combed so much, it’s a wonder she has any left. Or maybe she wears wigs. Whatever, she is who she is and that’s it and that’s all.

  7. hate her hair, otherwise shes putting up a good fight and has a lovely smile.

  8. Okay – she’s at least 60. How many 60 year-olds do you know that look like that? If you live in the REAL world – none.
    If you want to pat her on the back for looking good – go ahead. But it’s not natural. It’s thanks to a plastic surgeon.
    Hear me – I don’t want to hear you babble on about women in their 60’s that look like they’re 30 and you praise them (e.g. Donna Mills).
    Anyone with half a brain knows they have paid big bucks for their lifts and tucks.
    I certainly don’t begrudge them – quite the opposite. I’m happy for them.
    But your posts bragging on how good they look are stupid. Duh.

  9. How old is she? 50’s, 60’s? If so, she looks great and if it’s due to plastic surgery, then good for her. Yes, the poofy hair is outdated, but if she likes it this way, who cares!

  10. How old is she? 50’s, 60’s? If so, she looks great and if it’s due to plastic surgery, then good for her. Yes, the poofy hair is outdated, but if she likes it this way, who cares!

  11. I saw her in a forgettable movie and her face did not move, not one bit; so let’s not pretend this is natural aging

  12. Margo, 8:52 AM.: Doll Baby, I don’t think any clear thinking female is jealous of Loni. She had a disastrous marriage to weird-o Burt Reynolds, who has probably had more plastic surgery than her. I think she is not an extremely happy woman, even with her (once) alluring bod and face.

  13. I heard that Loni and Bert divorced because they kept fighting for the mirror and getting their wigs and false teeth mixed up.

  14. They say living well is the best revenge, and I think she’s definitely gotten her revenge on Burt Reynolds for the truly horrible way he treated her. She looks great; he looks OLD!!!!

  15. SHE LOOKS FABULOUS! But then again so did Cher up untill 3 years ago. I think when you hit the wall, you hit it hard.

  16. She has one of those wonky eyes that comes with one face lift too many.

  17. I have a friend whose mom was Loni’s make-up person. He told me that you cannot believe the amount of time, make-up and air brushing (chest and neck) it takes for her to get ready for a public appearance. She’s old, tired, and probably even more wrinkled than the average 60 yr old because of all the heavy make-up she wears. Having said that, she does look good in these photos.

  18. Oh, Time, thou dost march on. Thou tramplest our faces with lines and wrinkles. We trieth oh so hard to turn back the hands of time….Yet Time thou continueth to march on. And there is (in spite of surgery) not a damn thing we can do about it.

  19. Anyone who doesn’t think she looks good is a bitter, jealous (and probably overweight, unattractive) wanker.

  20. After Loni and Burt broke up, there was a big fight over the adopted kid, property, etc. Don’t remember details, but there was a lot of sadness there. I think she is living with a lawyer.

  21. another woman who cant accept reality.
    well… cant hide forever =)

  22. 50 bucks says the kid she and Burt acquired during their marriage

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