Maddox gets around. Maybe it pays to be the oldest of the Jolie-Pitt brood because he seems to get around more than the others. He was just in New York the other day playing video games with his dad Brad Pitt. Now he’s in the South of France with Angelina >Jolie and she took him shopping at the local supermarket. Both parents are spending a lot of one-on-one time with him.
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Those poor kids. It’s obvious they are paraded around like trophies.
Her dad was SPOT ON! She has mental problems. That’s probably why she’s trying to make it work with that nasty boyfriend of hers. He looks like a billy goat these days.
They both have the goods on each other – so it’s only a matter of time ’til they hammer out an agreement and move on. That way, the kids won’t get taken away.
Jon Voight – you rock.
Only one with mental problems is Jon Voight, and he is as toxic as you are Beachy. Normal people do go out to the grocery store with their kids from time to time. Paps follow them 24/7 because their pics sell. The little Jolie-Pitts are not seen nearly as much as Jen Garner’s or Jessica Alba’s or Suri Cruise or Heidi’s 3. You are disgustingly insanely jealous of Brad and his happiness with Angelina and their kids. How empty and pathetic your life must be.
……………….forgot “PEARL HARBOUR”?
I like them. They don’t care about the paps or what you think of them. You can’t expect them to hide under a rock.
Considering the other kids are seldom seen, I think they try to expose them on their terms. You wanna a picture of Shiloh, you gonna have to wait them out. Same for Sahara or Pax.
I also like the way they spend time with each child. They seem to go out of their way to show the world each child is unique and deserving of 1 to 1 time with each parent. They are real kids unlike the dolly up porcelain don’t get your clothes dirty or else Suri who will never have friends her age.
I like them too. I think both parents are for real and take care of these kids as opposed to the nannies doing all the work.
I have turned a bright green. Just to see the world that these lucky ones are seeing and will see. Some kids never even get to see a pond or river. Yes, I am jealous of their world travels, having grown up below the poverty level. Jealous and envy hurts you in the pit of your stomach.
opposed to the nannies doing all the work.
They have plenty of nannies working…
They must have 40 hours in their day. No way could they keep clothes clean, shop for groceries, pack clothes for trips, make plane reservations, hotel reservations, keep up 5 or 6 mansions, wash hair, wash kids, shop, yada yada yada, unless they had a ton of nannies, helpers, gardeners, accountants, chefs, to do the background work. BTW, does Ang own anything but that long black dress, I have seen many pics with her in it.
PS: I forgot to add: Not to mention taking kids to doctor and dentist. Not to mention her taking off for 3rd world countries and sitting amongst them with a long scarf.
BTW, it is not exactly easy on the health to constantly go up and down in planes. Clots can easily form from air pressure. Also, food and water in different countries could harbor strange bacteria.
GAD, the only conclustion is they must have super powers. (& it’s still fornication).
That’s not a supermarket but a dollar toy store
That is a grocery store chain located all over France that they are coming out of. Their fresh breads are wonderful.
Kids in pre-school, kids in kindergarten, kids in first grade, second grade, third grade. Do any of them go? And more important, do they go to different schools in whatever country they happen to be in at the moment? Or do the anointed ones care? Or is the golden couple separated and fighting, as 5 news mags reported. ????????
jack’s off, the kids are sometimes homeschooled, that is Maddox and Pax, they have a tutor, or they go to a Lycee like when they were in NYC and LA earlier this year. The 2 middle girls were in preschool in NYC and LA as well. The Lycee is a well respected international school system located all over the world that follows the French schools and is used by diplomats and military and families who move often. Maddox attended one in Prague and Texas. Brad has spoken of this in the past. All the kids also speak more than one language. Brad and Angelina are together in France as they have been together everywhere else now for 5 years, tabloids lie, don’t you know that.
Lordy, her arms are like matchsticks. The long dress tries to hide her obvious thin hips. Even with nannies, chefs, maids, etc., she looks worn down. In the Enquirer, a noted doctor scrutinized her weight and he estimated she weighs 100 pounds, at least 25 pounds too little. Geez, anyone with eyes could see that.
Defend them if you may, but their kids deserve stability and friends. How can they have either when they are being carted around the world all the time?
My father got transferred every year until I was in 6th grade. Believe me – it’s hard to meet friends when you are constantly on the go.
These parents are selfish and self-absorbed.
If they weren’t, they’d bank their millions, lay down stakes and raise THEIR OWN KIDS. Not push them off on nannies, keepers, body guards, etc.
This couple is a fraud.
Those overly long, dragging on the ground black dresses are absolutely ghoulish looking. With all her money, can’t Angie buy something that fits and looks like she’s not worshipping vampires?