Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Heather Locklear showed up for work today on the set of Melrose Place, looking more than ready to crank up the bitch factor on the series. (Ironically, in real life, Heather is as far from a bitch as one can get.) She’s reprising her role as the conniving Amanda Woodard, but we won’t know until November 17 exactly how she fits into the show plot-wise. Hopefully, all the substance abuse problems she wrestled with in 2008 are history. Heather’s always happiest when she’s working.
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I think this coke-head needs to dress more age appropriate. Her knees give it away.
S-a-d is all I’ll say. Draw your own conclusions.
Heather is very sweet, with lovely manners, the type of person who holds open doors for people, etc. That is a rare quality with celebs, I can tell you from personal exp. I saw her recently & she looked very beautiful and aging well. We grew up in the same neighborhood & she went to school with my brother. I am no celeb butt kisser, either. I used to work at a very swank country club & had to deal with obnoxious celebs (movie, tv, rock & sports) stars every day. I can’t stand most celebs but Heather is lovely.
she looks great. I hope she enjoys her show and has fun as the evil chick.
always five THICK ONES.
She is too old for that outfit!
She has stated many times she likes the bad-boy type, hard rocker, fast-living, partying. That’s what makes her happy.
Rules were made to be broken but the “no miniskirts after 35” rule is something you should probably keep in mind before you put on a miniskirt when you’re past 45.
I’d like to see how all of you either look now or would look at her age. Probably not nearly half as good as she does! Take a good, hard look at yourselves in the mirror before you judge! Go Heather!