Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

La Toya Jackson and her manager/friend Jeffre Phillips are pictured here leaving yet ANOTHER restaurant – this time Philippe Chow. She’s carrying a big fur coat that looks like it belongs to her mother. Interesting how La Toya and Jeffre have the same eyebrows. Who knows? They might end up married like LaToya and her last manager Jack Gordon.

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  1. JC,
    I absolutely love your non-sense of humor.
    I had to laugh when you mentioned that this coat look like it belongs to her (Toyota’s)mother.
    What does Toyota need a manager for??
    Her claim to fame was disrespecting Michael
    throughout the nineties while she was married to Jack Gordon who constantly abused her.When she was able to get back into the family fold no one had heard of Toyota in years,until Michael’s death last year.
    Latoya does not need a manager,she is a fast talker and a publicity hound who would attend the opening of an envelop.

  2. P.S.
    Talk about arm candy, that coat appears to be cleaning the street as Toyota walks!!

  3. I’m with you vswilson…what in the holy hell does this freak need a “manager” for? Her career has been apparently chopping her face to bits, bleaching her skin white a-la-Michael, and having ridiculous fake tits implanted, oh and there was that time she spread her legs for Playboy.

    And, who’s the tiny joke of a “man” with her? He doesn’t even come up to her eyebrows and she’s pretty short herself.

    Wonder who bought her the coat? Must have mooched it off Michael while the gravy train was still alive. She sure as hell didn’t buy it herself with her nonexistant “career” haha hahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha haahaha

  4. Jeffre ain’t the marrying kind, unless, I love it, “Toyota” gives him a big allowance. Isn’t she the one who cleaned house on Michael’s estate before she called the police when she found the body?

  5. I can’t wait to see her when she gets in her mid-fifies.

  6. Toyota should thank her lucky rabbit’s foot that PETA was nowhere near while she was
    dragging that poor old fur around.

  7. you all are haters. latoya is more important than any of you will ever be and she is worth more than any of you so sit behind a computers and mock her while she enjoys her life and watch.

  8. Cris is a Toya apologist or maybe Toya in disguise.

    Toya is the typical uppity black who is trying to be white type…no talent, fake looks, and an arrogance like a street whore.

  9. I was wondering where she gets her money from, I assumed this guy was a producer ot something. She has some outfits lately and jewelry that do cost $$$, so where does she and in fact the other jackson’s get money to live their lavish globe trotting lifestyles? Before MJ died he was so in debt and didnt pay his staff so how were they all subsisting?

  10. You people need to stop disrespecting Latoya Jackson! You have no knowledge of her finances or anything else personal about her. I don’t like the looks of this guy with his tweezered eyebrows but if he makes her happy and is good company, so what?! AFAIC to disrespect The Jacksons is to disregard ALL that this family had accomplished and it’s just NOT FAIR. Besides, this is a proud Black woman and she is classy in her mannerisms. If Michael could forgive her, we need to get past it. Don’t EVER think these people are broke. They are still rolling in dough and so was MJ!

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