It looks like Kirstie Alley’s protests that Scientology is NOT involved in her weight loss system are going unheeded. Too many clues point to Scientology getting into the weight loss/ herbal supplements business. And why not? They’ve got Kirstie Alley to sell the system (IF she manages to lose weight on it) and her new TV series to continuously promote Organic Liaison (which already sounds like a Scientology name.) Also, please remember that Scientologists are encouraged to LIE about anything unpleasant related to the church. L Ron Hubbard would be proud.
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So she’s ashamed of Scientology now?
It’s mutual, apparently.
I love her but she’s delusional if she thinks Scientology is willing to do anything but take her millions. Where were they when she was battling her weight for years? This is a scam, Kirstie, but glad you’re back on tv.
Hubbard seeing God would hardly be proud of this..
You got to love Hollywood and their cults. She will never lose that weight.
tell me, Which American Does?
Seriously, she is messed up in the head and not just because of her weight. Every talk show and national morning show she has been on she acts totally nuts, not making any sense at all. This shows what Scientology can do to a person. I am praying that SCI somehow will come crashing down. France, Italy, Germany, Greece and Russia have spoken harshly against SCI – it was in USA Today.
P.S.: Just looking at the insane antics of the tiny Cruise-Master should be enough warning for anyone to stay far far away from SCI. But no, not the idiot GollyWeird stars. Beyond belief.
Hillary, Ellen,Oprah, or Queen Latifah would love to pull her fat thighs apart!
dandy lion…I agree with you completely…every time I have heard this CRAZY woman talk on interviews she has been completely incoherant and nonsensical. She also seems to do a lot of wierd body ticks and movements that are just erratic and spastic.
She has PROVEN in the past how far she’ll go to lie about her weight and now she claims to have already lost 20 pounds. GIVE ME A BREAK! The only way I’d believe that is if she was filmed on the scale before she started and then at a weigh-in 20 pounds thinner. She just throws these things out there and expects people to believe her with no proof! Espiecially when SHE is getting money from the so-called product’s sales. I wouldn’t take it if it were free!
Why would anybody take diet advice from her?
She MAY have lost 20 pounds and here’s how: Put a couple of bricks underneath those long flowing dresses she wears and then take them out. Voila! 20 pounds gone. lol
Anyone connected with Scientology will be left screwed up in the head and their pocketbook a whole lot lighter. Look at Pris Presley, John Travolting, and Tom Cruise has turned Katie into a zombie. I wish Kirstie would push back from the table and take an hour to read about the demon cult she is in. She has gone completely nuts.
Ok she “says” that the heaviest she ever was is 230 pounds. OMG…could she LIE any more???? She’s at least 5’8″ tall and if she’s 230 at her heaviest then Oprah weighs 110 pounds now. There is NO way she is even close to being 230 now!!! She has GOT to be @LEAST 295 OR I would say 320 easy. She is HUGE……they all lie. ALL CELEBRITIES LIE TO SELL WHATEVER THEY ARE SELLING. KIRSTIE ALLEY IS A LIAR. Not news. But sad that she can’t be honest when she lies and says she is trying to help people. THE TRUTH IS THAT SHE IS TRYING TO PROMOTE HER NEW SHOW AND GET ATTENTION THAT SHE CRAVES. That’s the truth. Period end of story.
her poor kids, can you imagine what they have to put up with from their friends about their goofy mother? So sad for them trying to act like everything is very normal.
The Scientology thing is rather creepy, but I still think Kirstie is a hoot. Fat or thin, she is a throwback to the big-shouldered broads of the forties – fast talking, idiosyncratic, blunt, self-deprecating but no victim.
its No secret around Clearwater Florida that Kirsties A & E sidekick
Jim “Chubby Buddy” Hazel’s wife
Kristi Curtis Hazel” is a public Scientologist
its also no Secret around Clearwater that all the employees for Kirsties Organic Liaison Diet Elixir are Scientologist,and,all the advertising for available jobs was done through Scientology Publications or online through a exclusive Scientology “only” Jobs posting board
every Scientology Quack sells vitamins in half the storefronts in downtown Clearwater and they are no different to what Kirstie is trying to sell as a USDA approved(HA!)elixir!
the offices are located inside the “Tone 40” building in downtown Clearwater owned by Ray Cassano another public Scientologist, if your part of the general public you wont be allowed to enter the building, let alone apply for a most businesses owned by Scientologists in downtown Clearwater.
the allegations that Scientology is behind Kirstie’s diet are no shock to Clearwater residents we’ve seen it all and heard it all before.
your info is much appreciated sunnyday
Drug dealing, gun running mockery involved in more screenplay thefts ‘the actors’ parlayed into a trillion dollar cartel. There is a reason Travolta lives on an island and flies around the world.