Photo via: Daily Mail

Clive Davis party carried on at the Beverly Hilton Hotel ballroom Saturday while Whitney Houston’s death was being investigated upstairs. Kim Kardashian is obviously on the prowl for a new man because she wore a ridiculously low cut dress. (Why is she at this music event, anyway?) She stopped to chat with Britney Spears who looked rather plain next to Kim.

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  1. Why is Kim showing us her stretch marked boobs? Speaking of boobs..will Brit EVER learn to wear a bra?

  2. LOOK at the VEINS in her NEW fake breasts! That sleezy SEXWORKER is a beast, so greedy for publicity!

  3. How would Britney know anything about black men and talking to her about anything. The dumb leading leading dumb, I don’t know who would be dumber.

  4. Still waiting on farley’s loser drug addict 20 year old son being dead.

  5. Just imagining any conversation between these two dummies makes my head hurt. Yep, Kim definitely got a re-up on those breasts, anything to make herself look older and more matronly by the day.

  6. Britney is not aging well between all the drinking, drugs,smoking and sun damage. Crazy also takes a toll, too.

  7. Kris likes to claim she was good friends with O.J.,Nicole and her cuckolded ex. Nicole broke off with her about the same time she cut off O.J. Skunk head hated her. Even O.J couldn’t stand the pretentious twat. She was a grifter from way back. Her and that cross dresser Bruce made a fortune selling that worthless thighmaster gizmo to the same dumb cunts who buy their worthless shit today. And Kimbo filming herself getting urinated on is precious. What a depraved bunch. Ron and Nicole were good People. I know.

  8. Britney always appears heavily medicated. I wonder what kind of cocktail of antidepressants and antipsychotics she is on?

  9. Pippa: I would guess she is on a variety of meds. If she takes her bi-polar medicine along with other stuff, things could go horribly wrong. She does always seem spaced out.

  10. Yeh Brit is looking out of it hope she’s not the next one to go get a drive in the golden hearse.

  11. Maybe, Tom but Ron’s craze for OJ’s leftovers cost him his life and set old man Goldman off on a crazed $$$ hunt.

    If there are any pictures out there of OJ boning Kris they would be worth millions of $$$$ and that would even give Goldman a woody!

  12. Fred G. spent 15 years sending a cowardly double murderer on his first stop to hell. Kim G. runs a charity for disadvantaged youth. Kris J. pimps out her children’s sexuality for chang-a-lang. Kim K. filmed herself doing ass2mouth and getting urinated on her face and in her mouth. I got your back Fred! You’re alright!

  13. Kim is going to get a beat down from Joan Collins for imitating her look. KK dresses like an old over surgeried Hollywood divorcee, granted with money but still.

  14. I wish Sears had never gotten involved with the K’s. I used to like that store a lot!

  15. P.S. Forget Target, USA! Canada wants Ross! Give us discount Designer clothing, not designers selling out to corporations like Target (and Europe’s H&M).

    My BEST shopping spree was in the USA! Arizona to be exact! Much love to Americans

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