Keira Knightley, the British actress who starred in “A Dangerous Method,” created a controversy recently when she discussed her atheism. She facetiously remarked that she wished she were Catholic so she could ask for forgiveness of her sins and not have to live with guilt. ”If only I was a Catholic I could get away with anything – you’d ask for forgiveness and then you’d be forgiven.” At first glance her comments may sound rather dumb, but actually they are a sly dig at religious types and their easy morality.

#keiraknightley #atheism

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  1. “At first glance her comments may sound rather dumb, but actually they are a sly dig at religious types and their easy morality.”—-Janet Charlton


    I am a deeply proud religious type. I hope & sincerely pray that one day you change your mind about religion and have a close relationship with God. 🙂

  2. Wow, I have much more respect for her, knowing she’s an atheist. This world sorely needs a big dose of freethinking. Down with ALL religion!

  3. It’s not the regular, church-going, or even the lapsed, or menu Catholics that have “easy morality.” Just the opposite. The real hypocrites are the right wing born again,gun-toting, and “Guns kill criminals” bumper stickers, with “Jesus” spelled out in sequins on their blouses who have the false morality.

  4. [b]”If only I was a Catholic I could get away with anything – you’d ask for forgiveness and then you’d be forgiven.” At first glance her comments may sound rather dumb, but actually they are a sly dig at religious types [i]and their easy morality[/i][/b]

    I don’t think it’s right to slam all religious people; there are moral ones, immoral ones, and amoral ones, just like everyone else (although it wasn’t Knightley who said that). I think Knightley makes a good point about the guilt, though.

  5. Oops, that should have been:

    ”If only I was a Catholic I could get away with anything – you’d ask for forgiveness and then you’d be forgiven.” At first glance her comments may sound rather dumb, but actually they are a sly dig at religious types and their easy morality

    I don’t think it’s right to slam all religious people; there are moral ones, immoral ones, and amoral ones, just like everyone else (although it wasn’t Knightley who said that). I think Knightley makes a good point about the guilt, though.

  6. God gives us free will in our lives and it’s very sad that’s her choice. If your an atheist, why would you have any guilt about sinning?

  7. “I am a deeply proud religious type. I hope & sincerely pray that one day you change your mind about religion and have a close relationship with God.”

    Fortunately not all of us are brainwashed to believe in imaginary dudes.

  8. “God gives us free will in our lives and it’s very sad that’s her choice.”

    Imaginary friend and free will in the same sentence – no way. Dude, go get ur pills!

  9. God bless each and every person on this site whether they believe in God or not.


    “My prayer today is that we will feel the loving arms of God wrapped around us, and will know in our hearts that He will never forsake us as we trust in Him.”
    ———–Billy Graham

  10. Atheists have a right to believe the way they wish, but it is truly sad. Their eyes have been blinded to the truth by satan.

    Since these are the last days (**), it would be prudent to think about the most profound verse in all the Bible:

    Revelation 20:15…..And whosoever was not found written in the book of life (Lamb’s book of life) was cast into the lake of fire.

    (**) Last days meaning the sounding of the trumpet, Rapture, and the return of Christ.

  11. come on you guys …. this is just a gossip web site, enough already. Between Strom’s drooling racism and the rapture. it’s getting a bit much.

  12. Strom is not a racist but Keira is a yid so if someone had made such a public comment about the jews there would be marching in the street and protests that Hitler was living in Iran and about to bomb Israel.

  13. she should be thanking god…..she got a chin like rumor willis and yet …….shes called a hottie

  14. The governments “useful idiots” in Hollywood and Media have of late been attacking people of Faith…. A Disturbing Trend….in all Pre-Socialist and Communist govts.

  15. They are purposely dividing us by race, class, religion.
    Divide and Conquer anyone?

  16. Is A “FREE EGYPT” better off now that laws like having SEX with your dead wife’s corpse up to six hours is implemented?
    We took down a dictator for an Islamic dictator…WHich is worse.

  17. Every one has a right to pick and choose what directions they are going and it is her life and she only has to live for herself and….The man above and when it comes to the end we all leave this world alone?

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