There wasn’t a lot of girly chit chat going on between Rihanna and Katy Perry at the Grammys. In fact, they’re not as chummy as they used to be. Katy CLAIMED that she understood why Rihanna couldn’t be there when she married Russell Brand in October in India, but her feelings were really hurt. Things have never been the same and they don’t hang out or stay in touch like they used to.
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I recall a recent blind that it is because Russ doesn’t like Riri, and that is what caused the distance.
RiRi is getting back with Chris Brown supposedly. I guess the lyrics to that Eminem song are true, she’s a masochist.
She is lucky cause Rihanna is bad ju ju
I read somewhere Rhianna & Brand don’t like each other. This would probably make it hard for Katy to pick sides, as Rhianna already has. Loyalty is very important to some people, myself included.
That was a fake friendship to begin with, there are even arranged friendships in Hollywood and yeah she thinks Russell is a jerk, I so dont get that pairing they looked so awkward at the grammys but she’s gonna help him make it big here so I see why he’s in for it, she’s very naive obviously
I think they both look ridiculous in those photos. It’s doubly funny to me when you can tell that they think they look gorgeous.
Janet, there you are! Just a reminder: MANDATORY meeting of the Aryan Brothers Booster Club today in the Quad after last class!
Remember to bring your favorite cupcake recipe for the bake sale! Oh, and good news—the JACKETS ARE IN—FINALLY! YAY! They’re 30 dollars
(no checks, please). See ya there!
I’ll say it 100 times that Reta and SebastinCanada TROLL this site. Reta is/was impersonating Indy btw. Reta criticizes Indy for not leaving, but she herself has moaned and groaned about leaving this ‘racist’ site. Yet Reta is still here.
Very interesting. But don’t confuse me with Sebastion, Indy.
Two different people.
Not surprised by “longtime readers” observations. But I thought it was Strom.
Reta! Are you trolling too? Nasty trolls!
Poor Indy.
Oooooh—almost forgot: Jan, can I borrow your spare torch for the rally next week? Mine’s STILL in the shop. Thanks girl.
But don’t even whisper the words “Malt Shoppe!” Nothing but grapefruit for me for the duration—I’m gonna squeeze myself into that prom dress in Ohrbach’s window if it kills me! Toodles! XXXOOO
Bonjour, Patrick/Pierre! 😉
The male model looks way better than Rhianna in that dress.
I have to agree with you Bettye. Rihanna seems to be stepping in a slide zone as of late. Nothing seems to be clicking for her at the present. Not the music or the fashions.
^^^ Whoever you are, I laughed my ass off at this. The memories! 🙂
And don’t forget to mention the mammaries, Monah!
because RACIST kate perry & husband thought rihanna’s skin collor was just make up.
“SebastionCanada” oww the misspelled name, Reta!
Dear “Longtime” I’m afraid you’ve got me all wrong. I have NEVER poster as anybody else, and enjoyed Senastian very much and miss his posts. I hope he’s okay. As for Indy, I enjoy her too, altho the extreme preachings and hell and damnations she sometimes goes off on are too much and innapropriate on a gossip site, (which by the way is why I STILL come here).
Futhermore, I don’t even know what a “troll” is altho Sebastian gave me an explanation a long lon time ago, but I have forgotten, or maybe it just didn’t matter that much so I let it go.
As for the things that have riled me, yes, I HAVE quit here TWICE due to the racist and homophobic unreasonably horrible comments that are posted and allowed to remain. I’m with all the others who have suggested a “report offensive material” button to the staff.administers of this site, but I believe they truly don’t give a shit WHAT any of us feel or think as long as they get their ad revenues.
Now, if you want to go ahead and believe I’m someone else, go right on ahead and have fun. Indy recently had someone posting crap under HER name, and I believe it to be by Patrick because he loves to fuck with people as a hobby apparently. Must be a nice life, eh? Maybe you and he can get together and start a paranoia club where everyone is someone else for starters?!
PS: Indy, those fake posts were so OBVIOUSLY NOT by you, I don’t think you had to worry one little bit. Relax. Your true fans know who you are, Just as we knew Sebastian voice. Patrick too has an obvious voice, it stands out, there fore when he pretends to be someone else in order to cause hurt, it is so transparent he might as well be waving a huge flashing flag. What a colossal waste of time.
And now for a comment on the subject: anyone notice Rianna’s right nipple peeking out from between the rows of tulle? I think at least the dress is eye catching, but the one on Katy is beyond hideous and looks like celophane falling off her. YUCK!
I have never posted as Indy, Reta. Take it from its source. The story was O.J. Anyone on this site take offense with black people that you have noticed? I’m not going to spell it out for you. S.T.R.O.M.
You have never heard racist or homophobic shit from me. EVER!
I’m just in it for the yucks.
longtime reader: Reta and I have never posted anything under any other name. Whoever wrote SebastiOn was not Reta, so give this s**t up and go get your prescription refilled. Are you still in middle school?
And Reta, as you said, ad revenues and money is the name of the game.
Also, I admit (mea culpa) that at times I have veered slightly off the gossip subject, but ya know….everyone is different and have different opionions on things.
Amen, Brother Ben, shot a goose and killed a hen.
^^^^^^RETA: But…when it comes to Scientology and Kabbalah, I might go slightly ballistic again. They totally suck and the celebs that pour huge money into them suck more.
Oh jesus Reta.
I didn’t do nuthin.
Patrick, I can call a truce if you can. Get off my ass and stick to the subject, and I will do the same.
PS: Patrick, I assumed the stray hurtful posts to be by you because they have way too much intelligence and knowledge of language to be by strom. He is a one sylable at a time man much a uncle bill/wim/Gerard Vandenburg are. You don’t get much with either, and if either of them ever actually made sense I’d know I had gone on to that great gossip site in the sky.
I think this famous line from “Dirty Dancing” would apply here, espcially to someone who thinks he is sooo cool:….”NOBODY PUTS BABY IN THE CORNER”.
And now I am beginning to wonder what the H I am doing here. Oh, just remembered: I don’t like Rihanna and Katy and would suggest they fire whoever told them they look good in these fashion mistakes.
I promise Reta. Cross my heart and hope to die.
You spelled syllable wrong.
p s strom and uncle bill are one and the…
Patrick: sorry, you’re mistaken on the two lovely fellows being one and the same. I have always been able to see thru Gerard Vandenburg’s transformative monikers and love to “out” him so the people will know who he really is if he is going to say the things he says. He tends to lean more towards the homophobic while strom is just as uneloquent in what he TRIES to say, while failing miserably in his ranting racism due to his total lack of ability to string two words together successfully.
Perhaps the boys are cousins, but not the same “person” and I use that term lightly and reluctantly…perhaps slime swilling bog dwellers would suit them better.
Riri is crazy and so is Katie
I think Rihanna and Russell Brand would make a hot couple. Then Katie can hook up with Chris Brown… Imagine the kids….