Katie Holmes took Suri to the park for her last weekend before school starts, determined to get her daughter accustomed to sharing and playing with other kids. Suri has grown up indulged and most often in the company of adults. Katie is also a bit nervous about paparazzi annoying the other students and parents at Suri’s school – especially since Suri’s dad is expected to be present for her first day. Hopefully Suri will make friends and the photographers won’t be too intrusive.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. That smile on her face while she’s having fun with the other children is priceless. I’m sure she’ll love the social activity school will provide.

  2. I really hope that Suri thrives in school. I think her mother has made the right decision leaving Tom and his ultra control sect. It’s good to see Katie assuming control of her life and her child’s well being.

  3. Bet a nickle the Cruise-meister is paying for a bodyguard for Suri, keeping a discreet distance and always keeping her in his sights. A kidnapper whould get a pretty penny ransom money to return her.

  4. I believe that’s the first photo I’ve ever seen where Suri looks genuinely HAPPY! Clearly she’s delighting in the company of her peers. Kudos to Katie for providing what her child has so obviously longed for: a semblance of normalcy. Now, if only the paparazzi would keep their distance and give the poor kid (and her mother!) some much-needed space . . .

  5. The kid is playing with two and three year olds. Hopefully that’s not her emotional age.

  6. the normal life is looking……………….QUITE NORMAL.
    (tommy won’t approve this)

  7. Suri looks happy and cheerful and on top of the world and having an amazing time with her mother and yes Katies world and her main point of view and loving family and being together and walking every step toward a new day!

  8. Man, the older she gets the more you can see she’s not Tiny’s kid.

  9. First time I’ve seen her feet on the ground. Mom’s usually carrying her and since she’s half her size, that can’t be easy. Glad to see her legs work. Also, she wears a blanket when it’s 100 degrees but when it’s freezing she wears shirt sleeves and no sweaters. Who is the parent? Make the kid dress properly.

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