Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
The honeymoon is over! Seems like just last week Katherine Heigl got married to Josh Kelley in Utah, and already she’s put it behind her and moved into serious decorating mode. She was spotted today crossing Robertson Blvd with a can of paint that she intended to match up to fabrics and furniture. Later she went into a trance at a furniture store in Beverly Hills while trying to make big decisions.
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Janet do you know most of Hollywood despises this fame seeking used prostitute? Please no more pics of this fame seeking whore.
Without a sex tape, DUI arrest or divorce; a year from now her name is going to be Katherine Who?
Please heigl, put some finishing touches on your person, will ye?
She is unlikeable.
Too funny, I do the SAME things in stores when I’m contemplating big decisions! Ha! I feel better knowing I’m not the only one.
The chick’s not liked because she bitched about her role on Grey’s Anatomy, the turn the plot took; also because she thought her first movie role was sexist. So? Didja hear her say she wasn’t thankful? Or that she wouldn’t do it again? Get over it, for the love.
Katherine rocks. Love her 🙂 If you don’t like you must have a personality flaw.
The visceral dislike one feels for this attention-whore.
There are no words.
I want her to smoke more.
LOL^^^ I knew I wasn’t alone in hoping to read that she is upping her intake to say, 9-12 packs a day.
I’d also want her to know that Skoal Chewing Tobacco is a great alternative for those times when it’s inconvenient to light up.
Is she carrying a Jimmy Choo Ramone Bag?
The woman is incredibly gorgeous.
this girl is one of millions of blue eyed blondes in hollyweird. No IT factor, though. There is nothing special about this actress.
She is a dime a dozen blonde floozy with no appreciation of her luck. Go away Katherine. WE hate your guts
In all her ‘acting’, she has a deadpan look. She is incredibly lucky to be where she is, considering there are oodles of real talent out there that can’t catch a break. Casting couch, perhaps. Who can ever figure out show biz and Hollywood?
She reminds me of the hated and hateful Ashley Judd. She’s very unlikeable, agree and that pic was terrible she was in. Hatin’ on her as I type (and chanting as I speak!).
She reminds me of the hated and hateful Ashley Judd. She’s very unlikeable, agree and that pic was terrible she was in. Hatin’ on her as I type (and chanting as I speak!).
This self-richeous slag isn’t worthy of the media attention. Boring, big mouth, and not much in the talent department. Snooze.
I am telling you nice people, she has a perpetual BLANK look… emotion. This surely was a case of ‘The Bimbo and the Casting Couch’.