Maybe it’s time for Kanye West to tone down his bragging and all that egocentric commentary he’s been lavishing upon us. It’s just too soon for Kanye to boast of his cultural significance in music, fashion, and design, and compare himself to Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, and Walt Disney. And whether he ends up with a company worth billions of dollars also remains to be seen. Could his self-praise be affecting sales of his new album Yeezus? According to Billboard, sales dropped 80% from the first week to the second, and the album went from 1st place to 3rd already.
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He is an idiot!
It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. What a delusional goofus this dude and his fans are AND that includes you Anna Wintour and Loren Michaels. This cat has been so spoiled because he had one good CD. He can’t sing and he can’t write (Your awesome, I’m awesome we’re awesome is an example of his brilliant, nay genius lyrics). Maybe he can produce but that’s it. Dude yells about life styles and yet lives the same life style he is yelling about. God he is a creep.
It’s the Krapdashian Kurse! It’s all downhill for the men who get involved with them
He, like J Lo and the Kardashians has fooled everyone and made fools of them while he became rich.
The unwashed will still buy millions of copies of this trash, just like they keep buying khardashian merch. Idiots!
a black F*ggot who is a big joke!!
What Palermo said! Hahaha!
Good news.
Hahahaha! Mr. ‘I AM all that and a bag o’ chips, just ask me’ ain’t doing so well, is he? No more than he deserves. He is nauseating. Not to mention completely delusional.
His poor kid is going to have unfortunate nicknames behind her back,
Like United, American, Delta…
Which name for the kid sounds better?
North West , or,
Diamond Grace West.
Look at the many many off-the-wall names that celebs give to their kids, too many to name here. That shows they are all nuts. I think the name Diamond is a little quirky, but not too far out there. This is just a little thing I thought up.
I forgot what an axx hat he is until I googled him and read. Some of the highlights are his storming out of an awards show when he didn’t win to Gretchen Wilson and a few years later grabbing the mike from a 19 year old Taylor Swift. What a f#(king jerk! So glad that sign hit his swollen head hard! And got it on tape for all posterity!