Top Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

We’ve always thought of designer John Galliano as the Salvador Dali of the fashion world. His own look is never disappointing – he’s pictured above having a smoke outside a building in Soho – he graciously posed for a fan. He’s still on top – enjoying dazzling success designing for Dior and his own Galliano line. Here’s a sample from his “Ottoman Empire” menswear collection.

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  1. Looks like a “Dick Head”. I mean the model’s outfit, sillies.

  2. The menswear outfit is either an homage to emergency vehicles, or ice cream shop sundaes.

  3. Tell me Mr. Galliano is wearing his outfit for Halloween. If not, and setting my personal opinion of his wardrobe aside, he’s too old to pull it off and should know better.

  4. There are times for certain behavior – for everthing there is a season. Most peole never let themselves go and express themselves, even in their youth. Galliano is the exact opposite – he has yet to dress as a mature restrained and sophisticated adult. He should try it some time, he might like it.

  5. Uh huh. Even the dress rehearsal photos from costume king/disguise master Michael Jackson’s ill fated ‘This Is It’ comeback tour show him morphing into an age appropriate, hip and tailored look at that stage of his life.. my personal taste after outgrowing the more rebellious clothing choices of my teenage years, and I’m decades younger.

  6. I have never understood how people who can’t dress themselves, get to dress other people. And that hat on the model looks like the “Easy” button for Staples. Anyone need office supplies?

  7. When a TOP fashion designer starts to look like Mickey Rourke in his personal life….I start to smile. Because fashion designers are unnecessary to the economy as long as people are stylish. And thrift stores contain lots of vintage beauty for stylish girls (and guys) on a budget. So take that John Galiano. Poser.

  8. What first came to mind for me was he was doing a bad impersonation of Kid Rock, with the extra flair of the flower on the hat. And I know the gang-bangers wear several layers of pants, but does it EVER look good? (Answer: NO). His jacket looks like he stole it from his 12 year old sister!

    As for the bottom pic: There is truly not a man on this planet that would actually BUY that outfit, let alone the hideous penis hat. The best looking thing out of BOTH these pictures is the bare naked chest on the bottom pictured guy! YUM! (Just the chest, not the face)!

  9. Reta, Galliano was around, and looked like that, long before Kid Rock had a career.

    I remember when he was an up-and-comer, just starting out. He was part of the Post-Punk world, and followed on the heels of Vivienne Westwood. The guy is a freakin’ genius, and – sorry to say this, I am not being anti-American here – so far from American culture and mentality.

    Btw, his runway looks are never really meant to hit the streets – they are the extreme versions of concepts. And G has inspired a large percentage of the styles that eventually become mainstream.

  10. Yeah, I always have that as a thought when watching those shows on designers. Nobody ever really WEARS these things, but like you say, some of them are modified and wind up being worn, or as in the recently won series with Heidi Clum, THAT designer DID make actual wearable clothes and all the judges noted it. I enjoy the fantasy pieces and sometimes when celebrities were them I enjoy it, not over the top Lady Gagme, but nice but outrageous gowns.
    No offence taken. America isn’t the only place with strange ideas on fashion!

  11. All of the models’ hats ejaculated at the finale. Now THAT was a great ending.

    And Lenny Kravitz bought every outfit in every color.

  12. Fashion has many styles, we have Valentino for elegance, Trussardi for leisure class, Galiano for fun and Betsey J for girly dreams. It’s good to have versatility. I love his outfits and the Galiano seems like a nice guy.

  13. -he is dressed like a F*GGOT.
    -he talks like a F*GGOT.
    -he shits like a F*GGOT.

    I tell you: THIS IS A FULL 100 PERCENT F*GGOT!!!!!!

  14. He reminds me of Snidely Whiplash. Time to retire…he has tortured people long enough.

  15. “wim”=whit-insane-moron-Gerard Vandenburg… aka coward aka Captain America!

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