We get the feeling that Jesse James, 42, thinks his new book “American Outlaw” will reveal him to be a macho man and lovable bad boy who couldn’t tolerate his ex-wife Sandra Bullock’s phony Hollywood life. But from what we’ve seen, it exposes him as a misogynist and a shallow coward. He said he felt “trapped” in his marriage to his “high class wife who wasn’t some whore in the back of a Daytona nightclub.” Apparently, in his twisted mind – there are “good girls” and “whores” and he’s more comfortable with the latter. He admits he asserted his masculine independence with infidelity. (Wake up, Kat!)

FYI: The book title comes from Jesse’s claim that he is related to the infamous cowboy outlaw Jesse James, yet he refused to prove it by genealogy or DNA, when given the opportunity.



  1. Now here’s a headcase who will never get therapy.

  2. Although I do admire his honesty, he is still an A-Hole. Boo hoo hoo. Low self esteem really is a powerful force to be reckoned with. And obviously it has or had a BIG hold on this guy. I do understand the self sabotage thing that he talked about, it is a kind of a defense mechanism. I am going to hurt you, before you can get close enough to hurt me deal.

    If what he is saying is true, it must have felt like he was living a fake life with Sandra. They really were an odd match to begin with anyway.

    Sandra not having any contact with his little girl anymore, kind of tarnishes
    her Miss Perfect image a little bit. Maybe she really isn’t so nice after all?

  3. He was on Howard Stern to promote his book, and said that sex with Kat Von D is “100% better” than sex with Sandra.

    1. TMI
    2. What a douche.

  4. Muffin, what you describe is exactly what happened to me with my half sister when I found her after allo our lives apart. she was 43 and didn’t trust anybody by then. I tried for about 6 years to show her I didn’t want anything from her but the opportunity to love her but she couldn’t overcome her distrust of humans who always hurt her. She finally left, closing the door on us, before I could hurt her too. She is bi-polar too so that must have had a lot to do with it, but it does make Jesse’s personality easier to understand. I don’t think he intentionally is a turd, but self-sobotages maybe because he doesn’t feel he deserves a woman as good as Sandra. And he may come to realize that “dangerous” sex is always excting (at first) but I’m betting he will sabotage his relationship wth Kat sooner or later as well.

  5. Reta,

    We could really live without another story from your personal life, in which once again you were wonderful hero, silent saviour and misunderstood angel. Your sister could be bi-polar, but you are bi-loser.

  6. Can’t see how would anyone buy this book or even be remotely interested. Sandra made a huge mistake believing this loser and thinking he was a partner material. A man who was married to a porn star with drug issues? I wouldn’t be surprised to discover he pushed Janine into habit and was mentally abusive. What he did to Sandra is absolutely cruel and cowardly. This man is dangerous and delusional.

  7. it really can be worse in the states?
    suuuure: CALL JESSE JAMES, folks!!

  8. With every word he speaks he just digs himself a deeper hole. He is scum.

  9. He needs to suck on that gun barrel and pull the trigger.

  10. To hear him talk, he sounds like a decent sort, but his actions show what a pathetic man he really is. I have trust issues too, but I don’t go around hurting those who I know love me.

  11. I had a best friend who self-sabataged and it absolutely wore me out. I had to end the friendship because she was exhausting and it’s very difficult to stand by and watch people do that to themselves. At first you try to help them, but slowly over time you realize that you can’t help them. If this is what Jesse is really like, then I feel sorry for Kat getting mixed up with him. And the fact that he prefers whores to good girls doesn’t speak well of what he considers Kat to be, now does it. Some people are just too messed up in the head to ever get their act straightened out. He seems to be one of those people.

  12. amen, alpha femme. and isn’t one of crazy reta’s arms supposedly out of commission?

  13. I don’t think JJ is saying that what he did was right. He is just explaining why he feels it all went down the way it did. There is a difference.

    Reta, you are 100% right!!

  14. ^^ Muffin, couldn’t agree more.

    Sounds like he’s really done some looking inward. He probably wishes he’d done more of that before the shit-storm.

    As the saying goes, “TALk it out, or you’re destined to ACT it out.”

  15. He is a selfish whoring sonofabitch. I suspect he put Sandra through all kinds of hell when she would try to see Sunny. When he moved to Texas, I believe that he thought they would get back together.

    Futhermore, given his personality and his me me me attitude, I don’t believe he was looking forward to little Louis. A baby would take attention away from him.

  16. I just remembered that on a couple of occasions Jesse James’s parents have said publicly that his upbringing was nothing like he claimed.

  17. ^^ They may be basing their attitude on how his upbringing WOULD have been, if they’d known that, you know, he’d grow up to be a muti-millionaire and all.

  18. Yes, my rt arm IS in a half-cast after surgery to put in a steel head on the end on the radial head at the elbow. It just wasn’t healing at all after 6 1/2 months since my accident. So, excuse some typos her and ther, trying to catch them, but pain killers have me a bit ditzed out too right now.

    As for people like Jesse (and my sister) they can be incredbly charming, giving and even seem to be loving in the beginning, but after a while that ol brick wall comes up and they begin to self sobotage as has always been their pattern. He may HAVE done some sould searching and worked on himself, but this type of personality defect isn’t cured overnight. It is too deeply buried, and most of these type personalities truly don’t think they are lovable or worth the effort to try to “save them”. Not many normal thinking people can ride out the effort, and in the end it usually doesn’t pay off either. They they get to say yet again “see, I’m just not LOVABLE or so & so would have hung in there with me and tried harder. I KNEW I was right!”

  19. Walt, His sister however DID say that Jesse’s memories of abuse by his father was true. Of COURSE an abuser is not going to admit to it. I also remember a childhood friend being interviewed and that guy said he remember the dad having Nazi stuff all over the place, and the dad being very mean and abusive to Jesse. Sorry, but I believe Jesse. Not giving him free reign to be an asshole to others because of it because there are thousands of survivors or abuse who have not gone on to hurt others. The human mind is an interesting thing…I enter strom and The American/Gerard Vandenburg as examples of how screwed up some brains can become, and yet somehow, society doesn’t lock these aberrations up, until the day when they snap and murder their whole family or some such then suddenly everyone will chim in with “I always thought that guy was an odd fellow, but somehow didn’t think he’d do THAT!”

  20. Hey Reta, Thanks for the info about his sister. I’m not that knowledgeable of Jesse. He just isn’t an interesting or likable person to me.

    I am so sorry to hear that you are still in so much discomfort and pain with your rt arm. Hope you heal soon and are pain free asap!

  21. AS for Bullock I feel no sorrow for her.. she got involved with Jesse while he was still married and his wife (Janine) was 8 months pregnant. Now that really shows how they both had a little something in common. Both are selfish! Wow, I mean with all her money did she really need a man who had a pregnant wife?? it says a lot about her. Jesse you are gross and whats even more gross is how you use the name “jesse james”.. very disrespectful to the real outlaw..
    Janine i hope you keep fighting for your daughter.. don’t give up.

  22. Reta, I totally agree with your assessment of people who self-sabotage. I’ve been through it and it’s clear you’ve been through it as well.

  23. You summed it up well Janet. He is a misogynist of the highest degree. And a narcissist to boot.

  24. Casonia sade logenberry..Two ladies tossed off of Hells kitchen and the reason is there actions did not match there words. Saying it and not doing it is away out the door. Put up or shut up! says:

    Jesse James seem like he needs sex every day in order to be in a relationship and that is major cool and wonderful to have that each and every day in every way and that is the reason he cheated because he was frustrated and most people would try to talk to there partner about it and was enored and…some times people will ask to end the relationship and the other person will not let it go or just move on and when your married and your lady says no…The frustrations just built up and it just happened and I have seen my parent go throw it and even though it is not the best way to leave a relationship…it could be the only way to leave.?

  25. For the future Aim toward woman that can have children and or want children..Kat stated in her show that she was never going to be a mother and down the road don’t you want to be a father again.

  26. I Like your style and grace and all the bull crap you talk about others..Your Blunt and to the point and really push people as far as you can.

  27. Down the Road don’t you want alittle Jesse James Jr. Good luck with finding who can give you more children…

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