Farrah Fawcett is back in Germany for further cancer treatments according to the National Enquirer. Among other things, she’s having experimental stem cell therapy at the same clinic that treated Roy Horn after he was mauled by a tiger. The Leonardis Klinik in Germany offers traditional cancer treatments and alternative care – they are also able to do stem cell treatments that cannot be performed in the USA. Farrah already went through a round of treatments in Germany and was accompanied by Ryan O’Neal. This time Farrah’s longtime closest girlfriend Alana Stewart came along to cheer her up and she videotaped much of the trip. (Remember Alana from “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here!”) Farrah wants to document her battle and plans to discuss it publicly.

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  1. Nice to see her friends from her past are supporting her. Wish her the best.

  2. There’s a coffin looking for a body around FF.
    She’s lived a hard-partying lifestyle actually she’s a junkie as are her son and ex-hubby (ALL TWEEKERS) but I wish her well anyway.

  3. too bad but that’s life some of us have to struggle. good luck ff.

  4. I hope she really publicizes the fact that there are so many cancer treatments not available in this country. If big pharma doesn’t have a piece of the action, it doesn’t happen. I hope things go well for her.

  5. Wishing you the best Farrah. I’m a long term survivor of AIDS. The doctors thought I was ready for the “dirt nap” many, many years ago. But, I’m still here, and doing fine. Fight that illness and keep your sense of humor, it gets you through!

  6. Wishing you the best Farrah. I’m a long term survivor of AIDS. The doctors thought I was ready for the “dirt nap” many, many years ago. But, I’m still here, and doing fine. Fight that illness and keep your sense of humor, it gets you through!

  7. Though I do wish anyone ill, Farrah is a good example of what Money and Fame CAN’T buy. It’s too bad she isn’t making more of an effort to use her name to benefit other Cancer sufferers.

  8. i am sorry to hear about your situation. good luck on everything.

  9. i am sure that as soon as she gets a good grip on her illness, and reels it back in, she will come forth about it.
    you have to feel real good and healthy to start talking about something like that.
    good luck to her~~

  10. hot!!! sorry about your illness nobody is perfect alot of people are sick too.

  11. Wow, she looks great. Best wishes to her for good results from the alternative treatments.

  12. has anybody ever died at the leonardis clinic?

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