We’ve had it up to HERE with the tributes to Elizabeth Taylor. Let’s get real about Liz. Sorry, but she simply wasn’t worthy of all that admiration. She had a pretty face but other positive qualities were rare and far between. When she was a teenager Liz started stealing other women’s husbands. (We still admire Debbie Reynolds for forgiving her.) The acquisitive actress married seven men and finagled as many diamonds out of them as she could manage. And bragged about it. She loved her pets but never bothered to house break them – they messed her carpets – and OTHER people had to clean up. She had health problems but casually checked into a hospital whenever she wanted a rest. Of course her health would have been much better if she had controlled her urges to overeat, drink, smoke, and take drugs – and she never exercised a day in her life. Self-control was not Elizabeth’s strong factor. In 1983, she admitted to being hooked on painkillers and sleeping pills for 35 years. While filming, she expected to find a “gift” in her dressing room every morning or she might not be in the mood to work. We mean jewelry, not flowers. She kept people waiting for hours with no apology. Liz expected her friend Michael Jackson to shower her with diamonds and jewelry stores are still suing his estate for money he owed for her gifts. Granted, she WAS a dear friend to Rock Hudson when he needed one, but her involvement with AIDS charities brought her a grand lifestyle and prestige – private jets and five star hotel suites around the world for her and her entourage, incredible gifts, paid for by the charity. Style icon? Only if you like turbans and caftans. When Edith Head stopped dressing her, she lost her glamour. Let’s celebrate her film career- not her private life.



  1. O.K., so grabby, sloppy, self indulgent, hedonistic, home wrecking, lazy, fag hag.
    You’re next Pippa.

  2. And all of that being said, our dear Zsa Zsa being cut from the same jib.
    Must have hell on her mind.
    Least there will be no end of men for them down there.

  3. Gee Janet, stop sugar coating it and tell us how you really feel about Elizabeth Taylor.

    By the way, she is really rocking that headdress.

  4. Ms. Taylor was showered with fabulous jewelry because men WANTED to give them to her. Feeling a little slighted, Janet?

  5. Janet I have to agree. She was 79 and abused her body for years.

  6. Janet, you are finally talking! Couldn’t agree more. Liz took all she wanted and had no regards for human feelings. Taking a man from his small children and young wife just to dump him soon after? Tsk tsk tsk. Movie star? Sure! Wonderful? Will me missed? Gimme a break. She was addicted to herself, narcissistic and void. Stood by Jackson even after his own sister condemned him. Promoted aids awareness? Wonder if her own children/grandchildren got to spend some time with her…

  7. Not everyone can Doris Day. When will people get there heads out of th 50’s and realize women don’t steal HAPPY husbands. How does a “woman steal a man if he is smitten with his wife. Please!

    As for painkiller addiction…has anybody seen the footage of Elizabeth falling from the horse while filming National Velvet? I saw it on Access Hollywood, it was a brutal fall, which is why she used/abused painkillers. Chronic back pain takes a hard toll on anybody.

    Jewelry, well, if men were buying me jewels, I certainly wouldn’t turn them down.

  8. Wow, you don’t believe in letting the body grow cold before the insults start up I guess. I’m sure if we knew the true personalities of most actors then AND now, we would be disgusted and appalled. Most of them are all about ME and everybody else can go to hell.

  9. She was a woman of great extremes. I don’t think it’s fair to condemn her. You don’t know what amends she made in her life.

  10. On a lighter note………….

    Years ago, I recall reading a “guess which celebrity” question about an aging female celebrity that had been married many times and had a penchant for diamonds. The article said that the woman was known to cuss like a sailor and loudly expel multiple intestinal gases and then blame one of her dogs. I’ve always thought that was Elizabeth. lol

  11. This is truly repulsive. Talk about spitting on someone’s grave who absolutely does not deserve it. Like all humans, Elizabeth Taylor had her faults, but certainly did much more to make this world a better place than any of you self-righteous, sanctimonious, “moralistic” hypocrites. Time to delete this site from my favs. Just…yuck. I need a shower.

  12. You’re confusing faults with vices Mel. If delving into Liz’s personal life isn’t cause for a shower, nothing else is either.

  13. Who made you God all of a sudden?!!!!

    Whaever. You sound like a little jealous to me. And JUDGEMENTAL.

    Surely you must have known that Debbie Reynolds was already having problems with Eddie Fisher, right?

    Have you forgotten that she went to Betty Ford to clean herself from alcohol and presecription drugs.

    In the 1980s!!!!!!

    I can say more, but seriously you are off. You truly are being JUDGEMENTAL … and JEALOUS.

    Elizabeth was a great star and a great PERSON.

  14. One of my favorite quotes from Richard Burton TO Elizabeth at one time was
    “Quiet, Tubby, or I shall belt thee in thy tiny chops.”

    He also loving called her Lumpy.

    I don’t think any of this was Really necessary to print, actually. Everyone is human and has their faults, temptations and downfalls….she lived a hell of a life on her own terms. Good for her. Few can say that…..

  15. Elizabeth Taylor was born with 9 lives and she used them all. Debbie Reynolds has acknowledged
    the fact that she and Elizabeth were on a cruise,and they had a talk and all was forgiven between the two. As far as Sybil Burton was concerned, she married a younger man Jordan Christopher Not long after the divorce from Richard Burton. After Elizabeth and Richard divorced the 2nd time, he remarried Susan Hunt, and was married to Sally Hay when he did. If any of us on these pages are lucky, we will have at least 1 great love in our lives. Through her many marriages, Elizabeth considered herself to have 2 great loves. Mike Todd and Richard Burton. In the twilight of her life, Elizabeth helped to raise money, and that was her way of serving to help others. Because of hip replacements and back injuries,Elizabeth traveled mostly by wheelchair, but she stood tall to raise money to help others. If Elizabeth was an early reminder of a Diva, it is because others chose to cater to her and her demands. Elizabeth has gone into her other life, but I believe she is going to be able to keep her public mesmerized about her life for a long, long time.

  16. Elizabeth and Richard did a play on Broadway called Private Lives. He was married to Sally Hay when he died. It does Not always matter what the public think of you when you are gone, but I will bet dollars to donuts that Elizabeth Taylor’s children will Not be writing any Mommie Dearest tell all about her. Her adult children
    avoided the limelight, and it is my understanding that they were at her side when she closed her eyes. I do Not think there is anything that I Need to know about Elizabeth that I did Not already know,but I am looking forward to the many pictures taken during her life that I may have missed. PEACE!!

  17. you simply can’t have it all.

    look at Michael Jackson.

  18. Bitter much? She’s a legend and like someone said, people wanted to give her the gifts and I don’t think the men minded either, either giving her jewels, or being stolen. It’s not like they went against their will.

    <3 Liz and her death saddens me.

  19. She was a human being with all good and bad, but it looks like idiots and cowards cant help spitting on her grave. Who or whats next?

  20. Same on you, Janet. Do not speak ill of the dead. She lived her life the best way SHE knew. A beautiful and caring woman. Generous with her time and money for AIDS research. A great actress. You do not have the right to judge … you did not walk in her shoes. Once again: Shame on YOU>

  21. Sounds like a typical Hollywood star. And it sounds like sour grapes or jealousy from you towards Elizabeth Taylor. Can’t you even let her be dead for a week before posting something like this?

  22. Good post. Now she has been planted and after a few old movie reruns she will be mostly forgotten before very long.

    J Lo only wishes she could be as famous.

  23. Let’s see now, she did all that in her 79 years? Some celebs today do all that & worse in less than a 24 hour span & yet, they’re worshipped & adored. Who cares? We all have our sins & from the sounds of Liz, she’s made amends, so let her RIP Janet, pick on someone else who’s alive & can fight their own battles.

  24. FYI, she was another MK/mind controlled slave. Her “falling from a horse” backstory of why she had so many health problems is likely more related to severe sexual abuse. I think she was a genuinely luminous spirit who got targeted, early on, and was “owned” by the system. the way she acted out was how many sex slaves act out – as soon as they are too “old” to be abused as children/teens they get married a lot, always seeking love and protection, but almost always ending up with more “handlers” who abuse them more. Welcome to the real world. Welcome to the real Hollyweird!

  25. I once became acquainted with Liz’s ex daughter in law who was married to Liz’s son from Wilding, I believe. While she was not overly negative about Liz she revealed when she divorced, Liz wanted to pay her off if she would give up her daughter, which she did not. I remember her saying Liz, with all her money, did nothing to help her grandchild in terms of helping with college or with becoming involved with her rearing. I found that interesting and telling. By the way, her ex daughter in law did a great job raising her daughter.

  26. David Chalfant, who worked at the Whitman-Walker Clinic in Washington, D.C., lauds Elizabeth Taylor for standing up and giving voice to the fight against the spread of HIV at a time when others were silent, saying, “[Her involvement] created a sea change in the way people in Washington, across the country and around the world looked at HIV and AIDS. For her to step out and do that very famous commercial where she holds up a condom and says, ‘This is the one way we know to help prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS — before our sitting president [Reagan] even said the words ‘HIV’ and ‘AIDS’ in public was quite a statement.” She was the first celebrity to join the cause. [Since then] many celebrities have lent their name, from Angelina Jolie to Lady Gaga, but no one had the iconic position and the American spirit and heart that Elizabeth Taylor had. No one stood up the way she did when everyone else was still silent.” And instead of raking her over for the coals for using private jets, etc., for her fundraising activities, how about considering the bigger picture: She helped to raise millions of dollars–along with public consciousness–for AIDS research.

    Tell us, Janet, exactly what have YOU done for society that comes anywhere close to what Elizabeth Taylor did? Shame on you.

  27. Sounds like any other Hollywood actress to me. She came from a different era when men actually used to cater to women and put up with all that high maintenance crap, dont hate her for reaping the benefits of that.. would you turn away diamonds from anyone? also her charity work more than makes up for all of that nonsense ..I think you are forgetting how difficult it was in the 80’s to support the AIDS cause and what her contribution actually meant to society

  28. @The American: She was born in England.

    Second, Janet, you’ve finally done it. Letting your homophobic and racist readers post with no censure and now trashing Elizabeth Taylor when she’s not even cold?

    Say what you will about her, but Elizabeth Taylor was the star of her generation, did more for AIDS awareness than just about anyone, and lived a live that most of us could only dream of. So she was a diva. So are the rest of Hollywood.

    She was an icon. You don’t even make punctuation mark status. I’m done with you and your site.

  29. Hahaha the homo enablers are out today it seems. The $$$$ that has gone to AIDS research pales is so much greater than for many diseases that could have been eliminated. Instead this money has been spent on a disease that is largely caused by behavior. Liz could have done more by using her voice to influence the behavior.

  30. lippp, I believe you’re talking about my cousin… her name was Beth and she was the first wife of Michael Wilding Jr… they had a daughter, Leyla… just so you know, you’re wrong… Liz paid for every penny of schooling for Leyla, she took her on extravagant vacations, she always made sure her granddaugher had everything. I can’t imagine Beth saying differently unless she has sour grapes because her marriage didn’t work out (they lived in a commune in Wales). Anyway, wanted to clear that up, Liz had a very generous heart.

    Janet, I’m shocked you write such ugliness about someone who hasn’t even been dead more than a few days… I get this feeling you feel ‘wronged’ by Liz somehow.

  31. Elizabeth Taylor thought she didn’t have to pay for anything either. She stiffed my ex for $1100 for cleaning the massive hard to get to windows of her estate. We were young and struggling to make his business work. I wanted to sue, he wouldn’t let me because she was Liz Taylor. I couldn’t stand her after that.

  32. You shameful bitch! I’m done with you and your column. I won’t even both correcting your errors, you hateful vaginal infection.

  33. I figure Janet you are for Westboro people to protest Dame Elizabeth’s Memorial, right?

    That was rude what you said. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    I am never reading your blog again.

  34. Bravo! Bravo Janet! Yes, Elizabeth was a wonderful actress, you got it right. No she was not a nice person, Right again! So what’s up with people getting on their high horses & acting all offended because you’re not writing all “sugar & spice”. I loVe some of her movies & admire her wonderful acting abilities come on people. That doesn’t make her a good & sweet human being. Teeheehee, I’ve had a good chuckle. Tell us more.

  35. The gays are out today on parade it seems…each trying to keep Liz’s flame burning, even as she fades away..will there be a AMZ does Liz weekend when they can all tune in?

  36. I agree with you about Elizabeth Taylor. She played by her own rules. She knew Fisher had a wife and two little children. She had very little self respect. It sounds silly today, but it isn’t. Debbie may have “forgiven” her, but believe me it is just a scab. Children really don’t matter to people today.

  37. Let’s see what jealous, less talented and mean spirited so called journalists call you when you find yourself at the end of your life.Judge not let ye be judged.

  38. You tell the truff — she didn’t get to be on the tabloids every single week for being Debbie Reynolds. We all loved Debbie more (at least I did) but Liz was the ultimate “I don’t give a shit” actress. And yes, her “illnesses” were all some form of her not being able to deal with the crap she laid down for herself.

  39. What I admired about Elizabeth taylor was she was a BROAD! She had elephant balls when it came to standing up for herslef or a friend. I didn’t like MJ and still think he was a child molester, but Elizabeth stood by him because she was his FRIEND. That’s what real friends DO or they aren’t your friends.
    She was a one of a kind fireball in a tiny package, and a damn good actress as well. TMC is going to be running a long tribute of her movies, so look out for that. I’m happy she’s not suffering anymore. Wonder who’s going to get the giant “rock” diamond from Burton, and the other incredible jewelry she had. Hope she has it all mapped out fairly or there is going to be a huge fight!

  40. Reta, “the giant rock diamond.”
    Remember the episode with Elizabeth and the ring on, The Lucy Show?

  41. Richard Burton and Elizabeth may have shared a great love story, but at the end of their times together, he married two different times, and so did she. In the mid 70’s Burton said that he and Elizabeth lived a lavish lifestyle that included floors of hotel rooms, yachts (The Kalizma) named after his daughter Kate, and her daughter Liza and their adopted daughter Maria.
    In the interview Burton claimed that when he and Elizabeth parted, he was down to his last million. After marrying John Warner whom Elizabeth campaigned for and help to become Senator from Va. she went on to do the play “The Little Foxes”. When Elizabeth divorced Warner, she was overweight and very unhappy, and practically had to start all over again to establish herself as a TV movie actress. Entering the world of perfumes and charities is what (I believe) gave Elizabeth a true purpose after divorcing her last husband (construction worker Larry Fortensky). We can say anything that we choose to say about Elizabeth, but we have to admit she held our attention, and even Now she still has it!!

  42. wow Janet you really are a loser. The chick is not even in the ground yet and you already shitting on her.

    She’s a fucking movie star!
    Did you read her body of work?
    Are you on number 5 to top her body work
    So she liked diamonds and she liked to be spoiled what women doesn’t?
    At least she had 7-8 guys loving her some people can’t even find one
    Janet you need a stiff cock for a Friday night

  43. This is an actress that most people don’t even know that she had children. Few can tell you how many. Even less can name them and almost none can say they have ever seen a picture of her with her with one of her children. But everyone knows how many times she’s been married and probably can name almost if not all of her husbands. Tells you something about what kind of a mother she was.

  44. Yes, she was self-indulgent and had people that indulged her every whim since childhood. She lived in a time where they milked every husband and boyfriend for diamonds and houses. Zsa Zsa bragged about it. Unfortunately they were both taken in the end by a pretty boy and a Prince(?).

    Liz did a lot for raising money and awareness of AIDS very early on. Why? Because her daughter-in-law died of it.

    Liz was the most beautiful woman in the world. No one should speak ill of the dead. She may have not been the nicest person in the world but nor was she the worst.

  45. I am coming here for the LAST time to ever post in this SORRY “blog”.

    Let’s see … Janet used to be “famous” back in the 1980s. She has the post, and she decides to “F*** up the gig, HER gig, by dissing one of the most famous Hollywood Legends living today.

    Why I ask myself? I think it could be because Janet was DISSED for an interview. Or is it because she is just like the FAKE CHRISTIANS from Westboro who are simply NOT Christian.

    How dare you put this post up on the day of her burial.

    May you burn in HELL … but then again, I don’t have to say that as you are one sorry gal (with UNNATURAL hair color).


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