Mr T’ss much talked about Snickers commercial featuring a hip swiveling speed-walker that got pulled in the UK after it was described as “homophobic.” We think that’s ridiculous (it doesn’t offend US in the slightest) and we wonder if it’s all a publicity stunt. What’s your opinion?

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  1. barack the paris hilton of politics, all flash no substance.

  2. ^^^
    These poor losers get paid .10 per posting to disseminate this GOP junk.
    Meanwhile, the dire consequences of Bush’s “substance” become more apparent every day.
    WHATEVER your political affiliation, do a little research into the last days of ENRON.
    That will give you some reference for the monumental disaster facing this country.

  3. Back to the topic at hand, I’m pretty hard to offend when it comes to things like a Saturday Night Live skit or something along that order, but this ad was pushing the taste envelope. There is a difference between sketch comedy and what is appropriate in advertising, especially a product like Snickers, who’s core demographic is teen boys. It promotes as funny picking on effeminate men. Very wrong, considering the problems gay youth already face every day. Call me an old mom, but anything that targets kids and promotes bully behavior is simply bad.

  4. Agree, the guy (actor) looks gay and then Mr. T (is that really him?) picks on him. Glad it was pulled, can’t believe you didn’t see how offensive it is, gay beatings are up every year. Even in NYC.

  5. Agree, the guy (actor) looks gay and then Mr. T (is that really him?) picks on him. Glad it was pulled, can’t believe you didn’t see how offensive it is, gay beatings are up every year. Even in NYC.

  6. Meanwhile, the dire consequences of Bush’s “substance” become more apparent every day.
    YAWN The demorats have take over Janet’s page..
    I thought the ad was funny not mean.

  7. Everyone knows that “Milky Way” is the preferred candy bar for poofs.

  8. Janet why do you refer to yourself in the plural? I notice you do this often. Do you suffer from a multiple personality disorder?

  9. Are you paid to join in with the “publicity stunt”?

  10. I thought it was funny. If you’re offended, I have a message for you: LIGHTEN UP!

  11. Yes it offends me because I can’t eat at least one Snickers Bar a day and not put on weight. Snickers rocks !!!

  12. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    only liberals get offended cause they lack humor.

  13. omg that is soooo funny! the british dont have a sense of humor!

  14. This add does seem to portray a week gay guy getting picked on. Not good. And the end line, ‘get some nuts’ is like ‘get some balls’, meaning.. be a man…like he’s not a man because he’s gay. Glad it was pulled.

  15. BigTony’s right, people who are defending it are not gay and are probably middle class white people who have never been discriminated against!

  16. For goodness sakes, that is what fast walkers look like. If you ever watched Mr. T, you would understand that he uses that saying all the time.
    Of course, most who were offended probably didn’t bother to think of either of these things. Just jumped to the conclusion that they were being bashed.
    You know, it’s okay to be offended once in awhile.

  17. just a note…he doesn’t “look” gay. he’s walking effeminately. it may be few and far between, but not ALL feminine men are gay. that’s a lame stereotype.
    the ad was funny.

  18. I think this is hilarious!!! No straight man in his mind would ever walk like that or even want to see another guy walking like that its nasty. So i am glad mister T shot him with snickers. An we stereotyping isn’t lame its how we comprehend how ppl are ,by giving them labels such as yours *idiot*

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