Miley Cyrus spent way over a thousand dollars to have Jennifer Aniston’s hairdresser come to her house for a makeover. Pricey Beverly Hills hairstylist Chris McMillan is responsible for Jen’s “Rachel” haircut on Friends that was imitated the world over. Miley just returned from Philadelphia where she visited her fiancée Liam Hemsworth on the set of his movie “Paranoia,” and she wanted a new look – VERY blonde. We wonder if she was inspired by Liam’s costar, Amber Heard, who happens to be a beautiful blonde.
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I’ll give her a hair cut.
The dumb coont can’t fade away fast enough. She has no talent and now is acting like a stupid slut. She’s an embarrassment to the human race.
She should have had those overbite beaver teefs filed down.
Ever since she jumped on the OCCUPY bandwagon the Media has started to embrace her again, never mind that she’s dumb and immature. Run Liam Run.
Applause, applause, applause to the above 3 comments.
Miley is so struck on herself, yet so fearful Liam will stray. And that deep matronly voice of hers would drive a crazy person even crazier. Can’t stand her.
they never learn (roma downy, lindsey lohan as examples)
certain skin hair color look terrible with blonde hair….get a clue miley
This girl is one of the most annoying “celebrities” ever. Manufactured by those in Hollyweird much like the no talent Britney, her voice and mannerisms are like chalk on a blackboard. I agree with sis and the others on here, Liam better run and keep running.
Miley is actually one of those girls who has to grow into her face. As for talent? I’ll take the 5th.
Amber Heard
She is the AC/DC actress who was the final blow to the breakup of Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis. And she has said she does not care if it’s a male or female….it’s just who she sees, when and wherever, she goes for it (her words). Miley is very insecure when it comes to Liam, as I don’t believe she or Liam have finished sowing their wild oats yet. He shouldn’t fully trust her either. They are both still immature. I don’t know why Miley is so set on marrying him right away.
Rather valuable idea
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