Amber Heard


Johnny Depp’s former condo in downtown Los Angeles’ Eastern Columbia Building is on the market for lease. The 2490 square-foot penthouse is being rented for $7500 per month and it’s the same unit where Johnny and his former wife, Amber Heard had many of their blowout fights. But here’s a more interesting fact that we never knew: Anne Heche rented the penthouse from Johnny just prior to her untimely death, and some residents in the building seem to feel the place is cursed. Check out the listing here:

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Sin Since her disastrous trial with ex Johnny Depp, Amber Heard has been hiding out quite happily in Spain with her toddler daughter Oonagh (?) Yes, that’s her name. Hopefully it sounds better spoken than it looks in print. Between her successful first trial in the UK and the painful second one in the USA, Amber managed to film a movie “In the Fire,” that just premiered at the Taormina Film Festival in Italy. Fortunately no loud Johnny Depp fans turned up to torment her. She happily greeted her own fans (above) and announced that she does NOT plan to retire from film-making. She intends to settle things with Depp and proceed with her career. Meanwhile, her other movie Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom will be released later this year.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


It’s ABOUT TIME. Gloria Steinem and many other domestic abuse experts have come together in public support of Amber Heard. After Amber wrote an essay in the Washington Post about her domestic abuse (without naming her ex Johnny Depp)- he sued her for defamation and he WON. Steinem and 130 other experts and organizations published an open letter in which they agree that defamation suits are being MISUSED to SILENCE survivors. They also blasted social media for mocking Amber’s allegations of violence and abuse. (victim shaming) Anybody who read Depp’s revolting emails knows he was abusive. It has been five months since this appalling Virginia trial and we are delighted that Steinem and other experts have taken a stand. Amber moved to Spain with her daughter after the trial – now she can return with more confidence.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Johnny Depp must be very smug since his REVENGE lawsuit against Amber Heard seems to have paid off. If he had REALLY believed that Heard’s article in the Washington Post had damaged his career by inferring that he had abused her, he would have sued the Post also. It was all about his ego. What happened to free speech? Certainly the #MeToo movement has been damaged by this – women WILL be afraid to call out their abusers if they have power and money. Hollywood insiders know that Johnny was behaving very badly on sets BEFORE he even met Amber. His drug abuse and arrogant intoxication made him frequently late (with no regard for co-workers waiting all day) – if indeed, he showed up at all. Producers had grown wary of his self-indulgent rockstar attitude and tried to avoid hiring him. If you have any thoughts that Johnny was the good guy here, just read his emails revealed during the trial. Simply being in his company was abuse…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Johnny Depp is seen here buttering up everybody in sight at the courthouse in Virginia before he left for Memorial Day weekend. By having the court battle with Amber Heard televised, he succeeded in one thing: to Johnny’s delight, most of the internet has turned against Amber and she now has a reputation as unpleasant as Depp’s. As far as the lawsuit goes- Johnny will most likely LOSE. Yes, Amber wrote a news article about domestic abuse, but she never NAMED Johnny, so his claim that she destroyed his career is questionable. He has already lost this case in the UK and it will probably have the same result here. If HE won, Amber would probably proceed with HER lawsuit and they’d have to do this all over AGAIN. Those lawyers are just raking in the bucks…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Suddenly Jason Momoa has been thrust in to the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard lawsuit, and we wonder how he feels about that. Johnny’s rabid fans have been speculating all sorts of things about Jason and his Aquaman costar Amber – mostly because Jason started following Johnny on Instagram. Depp fans are insisting that Jason and Amber had an affair while filming, and THAT’S what broke up his marriage to Lisa Bonet. (So far there is absolutely NO evidence of that.) Depp’s fans are trying to get Amber cut from Aquaman 2. Supposedly emails between Amber and Jason are about to be revealed in court- THAT might clarify the situation. So far the only upside of the Depp/Heard debacle is that Aquaman 2 is getting loads of publicity…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA- Jason Momoa is in Italy filming Fast & Furious 10


If you’ve been leaning toward supporting Johnny Depp in this sordid lawsuit against his ex-wife Amber Heard, take a moment to look at some details. We’ve all heard the accusations of horrible behavior on both sides and it IS hard to decide who’s telling the truth. That’s why you must consider the emails. Emails don’t lie. Here’s an example: Johnny claimed Amber told him his kids disliked him and he was a bad father. He insisted the kids actually disliked AMBER.
But an email he sent to pal Elton John (after splitting with Vanessa Paradis) tells a different story. He said his kids had fallen “head over heels” for Amber, and Vanessa was trying to “brainwash” his kids against him. That’s when he referred to Vanessa as “the French extortionist” (Keep in mind Vanessa has always been supportive of Johnny and insisted he didn’t abuse women) Johnny’s drug-addled recollections don’t match up to those awful (and numerous) emails- they are a dead giveaway…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


SO sad to see Johnny Depp doing exactly what he was advised NOT to do by all his “people.” His acting career is already in tatters, but he insisted on dragging his ex-wife Amber Heard back into the courtroom for a defamation suit, although she did NOT name him in her article about domestic abuse in The Washington Post. The problem for Johnny is that Amber’s defense will reveal all the grisly details about Johnny’s rampant alcohol and drug abuse, along with all those horrifying emails he sent describing Amber in awful terms and showing just how twisted his brain was during those times. He’s paying his lawyers a fortune and further diminishing his reputation. He can’t win, either way. But remember, he still has a music career to fall back on…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Things are looking worse and worse for litigious Johnny Depp. He’s set to go to court next month for his defamation lawsuit against his ex Amber Heard because she wrote an article for The Washington Post supporting women who come forward and talk about violence and abuse like she did, and how they can suffer from blacklisting and lost jobs for doing so, because men protect each other. Johnny Depp’s name was NEVER mentioned in the article but he took offense and, against advice, sued. Of course Amber countersued (she DOES have the right to free speech) and a female judge just made it easier for Amber to succeed. Johnny’s lawsuits are dimming his popularity even more than Amber’s abuse charges.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


There’s no doubt that Johnny Depp’s career has taken a severe beating since he split with wife Amber Heard in 2016. The lawsuit he filed against The Sun for calling him a “wife-beater” was a nightmare- he was drilled about his behavior in court and all sorts of negative conduct involving drugs and alcohol were dredged up and he looked BAD. And he lost. It cost him all his big ticket movie roles (Fantastic Beasts, Pirates of the Caribbean etc) His current 50 million dollar defamation lawsuit against Amber (she wrote in the Washington Post that she is a “domestic abuse survivor”) will no doubt repeat those debauched stories about him. He’s in a bad place and he and Amber are both spending a fortune on lawyers. Depp did manage to make a movie –City of Lies- that is showing, but not in competition, at the Deauville American Film Festival. His fans were happy to see him there, even if he did a lot of complaining about being blackballed in Hollywood…

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