Johnny Depp is seen here buttering up everybody in sight at the courthouse in Virginia before he left for Memorial Day weekend. By having the court battle with Amber Heard televised, he succeeded in one thing: to Johnny’s delight, most of the internet has turned against Amber and she now has a reputation as unpleasant as Depp’s. As far as the lawsuit goes- Johnny will most likely LOSE. Yes, Amber wrote a news article about domestic abuse, but she never NAMED Johnny, so his claim that she destroyed his career is questionable. He has already lost this case in the UK and it will probably have the same result here. If HE won, Amber would probably proceed with HER lawsuit and they’d have to do this all over AGAIN. Those lawyers are just raking in the bucks…
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
By your comments, I don’t think you watched the trial or read the evidence. Depp is lucky he got away from her. Heard is a psychopath.
Halle's berries
Amber is a typical Texas grifter: A Grifter, is somebody who can influence anybody, anywhere, at anytime, into doing whatever they choose to have them do, that will result in the grifter’s personal gain. Usually monetary, but really anything that benefits him or her somehow.
I think JD will be able to find work after this, and I wonder if AH will be able to, so in that sense I suppose the case was a success no matter the outcome.
I’m just REALLY GLAD that Elon didn’t end up with her. I was sweating bullets when they were rumored to be together.