Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Courtney Love has the dubious honor of being the first celebrity sued for defamation on Twitter. New York designer Dawn Simorangkir demanded payment for a few thousand dollars worth of clothing that Courtney owed her and Love took to Twitter and blasted the designer with a tirade of appalling insults. The comments spread quickly among her fans. Among other things, she called the designer a drug-pushing prostitute with a history of assault and battery. The resulting lawsuit heads to court this month and it will set a Twitter precedent. We know that Courtney is in the habit of taking clothes and services from people and refusing to pay because she “is a celebrity and it’s free publicity for them.” Let’s see if she can weasel out of this one.
Maybe we’ll get lucky and she’ll weasel herself right into a little jail time.
I can dream, can’t I?
others are simply deadly tired of it.
I can’t understand why her head hasn’t just exploded by now. I hope the woman/designer wins her lawsuit and teaches the thankless bitch to keep her fake lips shut.
Interesting lawsuit. Hopefully it will strip people of the comfort and protection they think they have when spewing insults and worse from behind the shield of technology.
I think she’s mentally ill, can’t stop mutilating her body and face
She needs to be seeing a mental health professional several times weekly. She had a wacked out childhood that was more than just sad. I am not a fan of hers but I hate to see anyone deteriorate so rapidly like that in public. She needs help. Hope she gets it.
At first glance she looks normal; look a little more, and the sleeves on that coat are 6 inches too long. And, then there’s the marionette shoes.
Bettye: This isn’t the first piece of clothing seen with hideous long long sleeves…apparently it’s some sort of “fashion”. Celebrities seem to put up with just about any rediculous nonsense the “experts” throw at them and thus come off looking like idiots when they don’t use their own common sense and just say “no” as Nancy Reagan would suggest. Perhaps with celebrity comes an automatic dip of a few IQ points!
Courtney blatantly ripped off Joan Jetts sound on her latest album.
Not very classy.