Ok, we weren’t going to bother spreading this story, but whenever we tell it to anyone they encourage us to do so. So here we go. Keep in mind this is a RUMOR, but it explains a lot. The story goes that when Katie Holmes split with her exboyfriend Chris Klein in March 2005, she may or may not have realized she was pregnant with his baby. She started dating Tom in April, 2005, and according to this tale, when Tom found out she was expecting, he not only didn’t MIND , but he insisted on taking credit for the pregnancy. They abruptly got engaged in June 2005. Since the baby was scheduled to be born too soon into their relationship, Tom and Katie faked the birth date. She actually gave birth months EARLIER than the announced birth. She wore padding for the last few months after the REAL birth, and made sure she was photographed. In case you don’t remember, Suri’s announced April 18 birth was oddly undocumented – there were no hospital records or specifics. Where WAS Suri born? Tom and Katie didn’t want their baby photographed because it would be apparent that Suri wasn’t newborn. After a few months it’s not so easy to recognize a baby’s exact age. Have you noticed that Suri has uniquely slanted eyes like Chris Klein? Keep in mind this is simply a rumor – form your own conclusions.


195 thoughts on “CONSPIRACY THEORY

  1. I think they have a very good casting agent that specializes in babies.

  2. This is the dumbest thing I ever heard, and totally not true. Take it from me,

  3. not sure if this story is true or not, but i just feel so sorry for suri. putting up with tom cruise for a father??? ich!!!

  4. I think you are an idiot for printing this crap. The baby looks exactly like Tom Cruise.

  5. You are unbelievable. You should have gone with your first instinct and not printed this crap. You were obviously upset yesterday because of Dave Navarro writing about you on his website…over your gracious announcement of the SuperNova winner. Well, there’s nothing “gracious” about this posting. Katie should sue your ass…leave her and baby Suri alone. That’s an innocent baby, for crying out loud.

  6. Once again, Janet breaks old gossip. This story has been all over the web before Janet reported it. Janet, you need to work on your sources!

  7. She may well be Tom’s (I think she looks like Tom)but I would be willing to bet that it happened via the “turkey baster” method.

  8. I beleive that Tom and Katie had sex and then came the baby..
    All the other stories out there are started buy jealous gays that are mad cause Tom does not want them.

  9. I thought the baby (who is adorable, by the way) looks exactly like her mother. Have no idea about the father. I guess the story could be true, but lacking a DNA test, who knows.

  10. I remember somewhere on the web there were photos of Katie throughout her pregnancy and her “bump” varied in size…such as her bump was bigger earlier on and then suddenly it was smaller…odd things like that. Maybe this is the reason.

  11. I believe the entire story because it has been written that he is sterile.
    The poor child looks like an alien, way too much hair!!

  12. Having seen babies, 3 that are within my family, I instantly knew when seeing Suri that she looked a lot older than a new bord does. Do you think Tom will ask Paris to Babysit?

  13. That might explain why my reaction was shock at that baby picture! It looked like trick photography – real strange. Looked like a much older child than 4 months old. I have NEVER seen a 4 month old baby with that much hair!

  14. I totally believe this story…makes sense and addresses all previous rumors.

  15. This sounds MUCH more plausible than the crap that is being spewed in Vanity Fair. There has been nothing believable at all about the Tom/Katie story, from the beginning. Tom is a crazy, irrational cult member, and his insanity cannot be hidden behind a fake family.

  16. That is a dumb story, with no basis at all. For starters Kaie and Chris break up was in february, but that’s not point in debate the irrationality of all this.
    I guess you and janet here feel good gossiping about a baby. yeah, really good.
    No matter how crazy Tom can be, you have no dignity.

  17. I’m not a scientologist.
    It’s easy to use the scientologist excuse to justify everything.

  18. It’s pretty obvious that the baby has Katies eyes. They’re identical!

  19. I hadn’t thought of this, but the more I look at Chris Klein’s picture the more I believe the story. Too bad you couldn’t put a picture of Suri next to him.

  20. Regarding the hair…I saw a newborn with more hair than that, so it is possible. I did see resemblence to Tom in Suri’s face, but after seeing a picture of Chris, she could resemble him too. I think if Tom and Katie kept their relationship more private in the beginning than the public spectacle that it was, most of these stories wouldn’t be going around.

  21. Tom is not sterile. Nicole had an ectopic (sp?)pregnancy early in their relationship around ’91 during which she almost died. This is probaly why they had to adopt.

  22. I hate Tom Cruise as much as anyone but the baby looks just like him. And yes, I have seen babies with that much hair. My younger brother was BORN with that much hair.

  23. Where do the blue eyes come from …IF this Baby is really 5 1/2 months ..her eye color is Blue
    Mendel’s law .. blue is recessive.. Kate has brown ,
    Chris Brown.. Tom??
    hmm maybe some body elses…blue eyed genes

  24. I can’t believe that even after most of the world demanded that they show us Suri, people still have to mock up a story of why and how this kid came to be. Do you guys know they didn’t even get paid for the prints, they just did it to shut every one up because it’s out of control. It’s fucking stupid. Why can’t Tom and Katie have a kid? Why is it so hard to believe? He’s a Scientologist BIG FUCKING DEAL! He loves Katie, SO FUCKING WHAT? It’s pretty sad that there is so much false data out there and artist as ourselves believe it. They are artist and as many of us are, respect that.

  25. I am a Scientologist, and proud of it. That does not mean I know him personally or more than what I see and hear in the media. Give me a break, 4 months old dont have that much hair… Baby’s are born with a full head of hair all the time, don’t even try to justify this ‘theory’ with that shit. Tom being sterille? Who told you that? What proof would anyone here have of that? That’s really fucking dumb for anyone here to say that and say it with pure truth.
    And before any one else wants to talk shit about Scientologist, why not go read some facts before you form an opinion? Oh but of course you have the media to always feed you the truth right? Give me a break. Do you guys also know that Beck, Mark Ishm, Jason Lee and many other artist you may admire are also Scientologist? So what makes them different from Tom as far as being a Scientologist? Don’t give me crap about him being ‘crazy’ either, he is more saine than any one posting here including myself. He jumps for joy on Oprah for love of Kaite, and because of that hes crazy? Who here has never felt love like that? He only had the oppt to be on Oprah and you don’t. Think logistically here folks not with your head up your ass.

  26. Baby Suri is beautiful. Tom & Katie are her parents. All this negative crap needs to stop. She has a brother and sister who are probably hearing and/or reading all this nonsense.

  27. If Tom is indeed sterile, why didn’t he get a relative to donate sperm? Would Tom allow Klien to blackmail him for a career? If Klien gets a career, we’ll know for sure.

  28. If Tom is indeed sterile, why didn’t he get a relative to donate sperm? Would Tom allow Klien to blackmail him for a career? If Klien gets a career, we’ll know for sure.

  29. I think the baby looks exactly like Katie; either man could be the father. But, her baby bump really did look weird and fake. I just don’t understand the whole “keep the baby and mom away from the world.” It’s like, you’re famous, get over it…why all the secrecy if there is nothing to hide? And why are scientologists so bizarre and tell Katie who she can be friends with. It’s just a strange, strange world.

  30. You people sound as crazy as you say Tom is. Give it up! The last time I checked, no Scientologists have hijacked planes and flown them into buildings. Leave Tom and Katie alone. BTW, I am not a Scientologist.
    Tom and Katie have a baby. Tom has two other children. That’s 5 people who have to deal with all the terrible things that are being said.

  31. Scientologists do lots of other things – no need for crashing planes. Read up before you make ignorant comments.
    The rumour is well done, enough dots connected to make it printable. What the hell are you sanctimonious posers doing here reading if not for that? Its good. Period. Live with it. Cruise and his baby and the whole story was weird from day one because of them, not because of gossip. They are weird, and they INSISTED the whole world watch on. And everyone KNOWS Cruise isnt able – or probably does not want more than professional beards.

  32. don’t scientologists believe they will go to a space ship in the sky when the “leave this earth?” …nah, that’s not crazy…it’s fucking sad…..ludicrous..not crazy…..

  33. Its the story of the babies birth certificate that seals the story. That is a fact the whole thing was illegaly covered up with falsified documents – why would someone bother? No doctor signed it who was in attendance, nor a nurse. That is just illegal. period, and wouldnt be worth it if it werent for the fact of the need to change dates. On and on.

  34. The certificate was NOT illegal. It was signed by the same nurse that signed that one of Brooke Shields baby, it was the hospital procedure.

  35. Yes, we know about Beck and Jason Lee, so please don’t insult anyone here, by trying out your “personality test” tactics and believing anyone will accept that as a sales pitch… The difference between Beck and Jason Lee from Tom Cruise, is that the former generally shut the fuck up when not on the screen or on stage. They realize that they’re entertainers, not Scientology spokespeople, and that, combined with their level of talent is why we’re willing to look past their involvement in your ridiculously misguided cult.
    And yes, jumping for joy on national television telling the world you’re madly in love with someone you’ve only known for a handful of weeks is 100% bonkers, no matter who’s doing it, but especially for a 44 year old man. It’s one thing to be in love, but entirely another to make repeated desperate attempts to convince someone of a situation that does not actually exist in reality, a gross exaggeration. Tom does not live in reality, nor do you.
    “Personality tests”, my ass. How about a paternity test? And admission that many of your most lauded members are in fact gay or bisexual, and are quite open about it whenever the cameras are not on. And that you have made them overcompensate with hyper “hetero-ness” by threatening them to obey or be ruined, and thus leaving them with no option other than to live double lives. Isn’t that so, Sally? And isn’t it so that Travolta was finally caught on camera and that is currently available on the Internet and will go public in print next week? Deny as you will… but the answer’s “yes” on all accounts.

  36. Thank you L. Ron Blowhard you said all the things I would have loved to tell Sally the scientologist. I think She’s the one with her head up her ass shit can make you very tense and sensitive. I think Tom needs to believe that this baby is his, but I don’t believe it’s his shes to cute to be his baby!

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