Stars Earn Stripes


Sharon Osbourne is in a huge dispute with NBC over her son Jack losing a job on a reality show. Jack, 26, had been in talks to appear on “Stars Earn Stripes,” which pits celebrities against each other on military exercises, but the show cut ties with him after he announced that he has multiple sclerosis. Producers pointed out that the rigors of the show might be too intense for him and what’s more, they insist that Jack was never actually hired and no contracts were signed. Apparently Jack never mentioned his condition to producers before he went public with it in June. Sharon was outraged by Jack’s loss and claims that an NBC exec offered to pay Jack his full appearance fee but she refused. In retaliation against NBC, Sharon quit her job on “America’s Got Talent.” We can appreciate that new dad Jack needs a job, but this is ridiculous. This is Jack’s battle and control freak Sharon should butt out.