Britney Spears’ handlers must be rather nervous about her headlining a huge Las Vegas extravaganza. On December 27 she starts her three shows a week schedule and the pressure is enormous for her. To make her feel more secure they’ve hired a massive entourage to be with her at all times and attend to every detail, She has a chef, a personal trainer, an assistant, a driver, a voice coach, plus hair, makeup and wardrobe people, and extra security – for the first time in her career. Everybody is there to make sure she is ready and able to perform.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. is she STILL THAT Unstable?? I would think BY NOW she would be functioning fine w/o being babysat??

  2. I think it’s obvious that her brain chemistry is totally out of whack & she must be taking a hell of a lot of psychiatric drugs to keep her level.
    She’s definitely bipolar, formerly called manic-depressive.
    My guess is that she will finally get somewhat better when menopause kicks in & her hormone production slows down. But that is 15+ years in the future.

  3. It is what happens to be in her crazy mind at the time that will dictate what she does. No amount of handlers can keep her from going off-the-wall again. When the pressure of performing gets to her, then watch out. They will try to somehow keep her performing, ’cause there’s lots of big bucks tied up here.

  4. PS: Becca is correct. She is bi-polar, and if meds are not strictly taken, many things could happen, and they are all bad.

  5. I love her, as a mistery guest I will watch her show these day’s!!

  6. A voice coach?! That’s like the blind leading the blind. She doesn’t sing-she lip syncs everything and has gotten rich doing it while much more talented people never got the breaks she has!

  7. She can’t sing and lip syncs and she can’t dance…she is severely mentally ill….why don’t they let the cash cow rest, sheesh!

  8. Poor Brit another DISNEY victim. Bi-Polar is just the latest catch phrase used Medical Industry to justify the use of their horrible toxic drugs. She looks totally washed out and not herself and she won’t be as long as she continues on the drugs and is under the control of her money grubbing parents who put her on the track and sexualized her at such a young age. She needs to get away from all the parasites trying to make money off her and eat a clean raw vegan diet, get lots of sleep, sun and pure water and her “BiPolar” would amazingly vanish!

  9. Lol Janet – All of those “people” are on every wealthy female celebrity’s payroll~ Nothing new.

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