
Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Here’s walking-on-the-beach proof that starvation diets DO work – quickly, if not permanently. Brandon Davis spent two weeks on a 500 calorie a day liquid diet. He guzzled vitamin shakes instead of eating food and managed to take off twenty pounds. He does look better. Let’s see if he can KEEP it off.

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  1. He looks like he lost more than 20 lbs. I’m not buying that he was on a vitamin shake diet.

  2. I don’t buy the 500 calorie a day diet angle. Even the lowest of low calorie diets gives you 800. He’ll gain it all back.

  3. Get a job Brandon. Honestly, you’ll feel so much better about yourself.

  4. Too much of a loser to even comment on–no education, no job, nothing to offer.

  5. Starvation diet! Is that the new in term for a two week coke binge.

  6. It’s not unexpected he pretends to clean up his act to please his parents for inheritance. Thats all the wealthy parents have as punishment now to bring their wayward rich kids under control and prevent them from squandering their fortunes too early.. Don’t trust him at all.. he and Paris are thick as thieves on conning and hurting others.. and his liver and brain were probably dying from over indulgence in dangerous sex, pot, drugs booze and rich food.. so he is following doctors’ orders {hired by his parents} to clean up and lay low while Paris tries to redeem herself too. It’s really very funny..

  7. Marvin “Step Daddy” Davis died BROKE. Brandon & Jason are broke, he probably couldn’t afford food & coke.

  8. I’ve always thought he was handsome, minus the pounds and bad attitude of course. I hope he doesn’t resort to sucking on the cancer sticks to keep the weight off. Anway, I wish him luck and strength.

  9. actually the reason he has always kept his mothers last name is because they are the ones with the money. so his stepfather dying broke has nothing to do with anything. he is handsome and I wish him the best. he has a lot to offer if he believes in himself and goes after his dreams. he needs to stop hanging out with herpes hilton though. all negativity points to her.
    nicole, britney, lindsay, brandon they are all part of her little crew at one point and they will all die off and she will be left sitting back laughing.

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