You’d think these two people were the only ones running for office. They’re all anyone wants to talk about. Sarah Palin is getting an inordinate amount of publicity – mostly negative, it appears. We’ve never heard rants like this woman gets and doubt if it could happen to a man. Since so many readers seem to want to vent about these people and they keep leaving comments under unrelated items, we are now giving you the opportunity to get it out of your system. All we ask is for relevance and respect.

About The Author


  1. Your right it is all anyone is talking about.
    People are so divided that i am worried about
    what will happen AFTER the election.
    Regardless of who wins it is going to be 4 years
    of bitterness and hatefulness from the losing side. So much so that nothing is going to get done and we will be stuck in our own mud.

  2. Your right it is all anyone is talking about.
    People are so divided that i am worried about
    what will happen AFTER the election.
    Regardless of who wins it is going to be 4 years
    of bitterness and hatefulness from the losing side. So much so that nothing is going to get done and we will be stuck in our own mud.

  3. Obama supporters hack into Gov. Palin’s PRIVATE email acct. …Why isn’t this front page news in the NYT ???…Could it be because she is not a democrat and all forms of media are outright campaigning for Obama.
    I fear a serious backlash from the american people against the media and entertaiment.

  4. I am very much Pro Choice. However, given the option between a girl that knows how to use a gun, has governed the largest US state – even if she can see Russia from her house – and the smug, condescending “community organizer” who needs 300 advisers and gives campaign speeches in Germany, which last time I looked can’t vote in a US election, I’ll go for the believer of the Second Amendment every time.
    Liberals won’t think much of my opinion since I’m a Harley riding girl from the gun totting state of Texas – and this biker wears Lancome lipstick!

  5. Everyone who is going for the White House is going to be scrutinized in every possible way, why should it be any different for this person?

  6. Obama supporters hack into Gov. Palin’s PRIVATE email acct. …Why isn’t this front page news in the NYT ???…Could it be because she is not a democrat and all forms of media are outright campaigning for Obama.
    I fear a serious backlash from the american people against the media and entertaiment.

  7. Everyone who is going for the White House is going to be scrutinized in every possible way, why should it be any different for this person?

  8. Both news and entertainment media are actively campaigning for Obama.
    Americans are angrier about the DEMOCRTATIC CONGRESS and Gay Congressman Barney Frank that created the wallstreet financial meltdown.
    And especially angry at our BIASED MEDIA.

  9. Yes the same DEMOCRAT BARNEY FRANK whose boyfriend was running a gay prostitution ring from his apartment and had no idea…hmmm

  10. For months now the our “UNBIASED” Media has been ignoring tax evasion scandal of DEMOCRAT CHARLES RANGEL, the same guy that decides how we are taxed…….sheeple of America need to wake up.

  11. The U.S. economy is in the toilet and you people want to elect someone who has the EXACT same agenda as what got us there?! What is wrong with you people?!
    And I don’t care what gender Sarah Palin is…she’s incompetent and she hired her friends and husband for government positions when they were ALL unqualified. Wake-up!!!

  12. You ask for respect when talking about Palin? I don’t think John McSame showed respect for the American people by nominating an unqualified, less than knowledgeable person to be VP.
    If you’ll remember, Dan Quayle and Bush 1 took a lot of heat because Q wasn’t the sharpest pencil in the box. It isn’t a gender thing with Sarah, it’s an intelligence thing.

  13. Palin Power is here to stay, no matter how hard the media hollywood money tries to smear and decimate Gov. Palin and her family.
    This is the year of the woman, even Israel has a woman in contention for their elections.

  14. Governor Sarah Palin is famous for bucking her own party and fighting corruption wherever it may be, something the democrats would never do ….
    McCain/Palin 08 is the only choice.
    Pelosi and her corrupt congress will be out and Obama needs to take his fake presiential seal and stick it …..Vero Possumus suckers.

  15. Do you people really want a white trash redneck (palin) running around the whitehouse. If so, don’t bitch afterwards. The old saying, “be very careful what you wish for, you might just get it.”
    I don’t think either of the candidates is worthy of a vote. The American public got screwed. After 700 million spent, these are our two choices. It is pathetic.

  16. I don’t agree that Palin is being picked on because she is a woman. It’s because she is inexperienced, an extreme radical, she completely twists the truth, and my opinions were formed by watching the interviews with her. People complained that Charlie Gibson was hard on her. He was not, and anyone who is Vice President is going to get very, very harsh treatment by other countries regularly and needs to be up to the task. McCain/Palin would be much worse than Bush/Cheney.

  17. Obama racebaiting on Spanish TV ads, the moron must think hispanics are all illegals,mexican, and dumb.
    Obama get a clue …hispanics are not all lockstep in thinking.
    Los Republicanos creen usted no tiene liderazgo ni experiencia.

  18. No matter who wins, Dems or Reps….it is too late. The USA is already too far on the down-slide.: i.e…..millions of illegal immigrants that drain our food stamps, health care, and free gov’t $$ to buy houses (thus the housing foreclosures). Add to that the 4 1/2 years war that “W” screwed up on, and add to that the banks folding, and add to that rampant crime, and add to that hurricanes that have ruined millions of lives, on and on. So, the only hope we have is the return of Christ Jesus, but first must come the anti-christ as predicted in Revelation Chpt. 13.

  19. Obama racebaiting on Spanish TV ads, the moron must think hispanics are all illegals,mexican, and dumb.
    Obama get a clue …hispanics are not all lockstep in thinking.
    Los Republicanos creen usted no tiene liderazgo ni experiencia.
    Brave Sgt. Rafael Peralta RIP.

  20. No matter who wins, Dems or Reps….it is too late. The USA is already too far on the down-slide.: i.e…..millions of illegal immigrants that drain our food stamps, health care, and free gov’t $$ to buy houses (thus the housing foreclosures). Add to that the 4 1/2 years war that “W” screwed up on, and add to that the banks folding, and add to that rampant crime, and add to that hurricanes that have ruined millions of lives, on and on. So, the only hope we have is the return of Christ Jesus, but first must come the anti-christ as predicted in Revelation Chpt. 13.

  21. I dont want a woman like Palin telling me what I can do with my body. She is against abortion EVEN in cases like incest and rape. She has even made rape victims pay for the forensic tests.

  22. You’ve “never heard rants like this woman gets”????? Janet, did you hear ANY of the lies and insults that Hilary got through every bit of both of her Senate campaigns as well as in the recent Democratic Primary?? Anyone who enjoys paying 4 bucks or more a gallon for gas, ridiculous grocery prices, and having the whole economy in the toilet should vote McCain/Palin. They are dangerous for this country.

  23. Obama supporters hack into Gov. Palin’s PRIVATE email acct. …Why isn’t this front page news in the NYT ???…Could it be because she is not a democrat.

  24. Palin is no woman I relate to. She is no feminist. She’s joined the good ole’ boys club. McCain is soooooo desperate to win the presidency (which he won’t) that he sold his soul, it’s very sad. All this stress is going to cause him to stroke out if he’s not careful. Whitey is even sick of whitey running things. Obama IS the President. He will win the election even if it is by a hair.

  25. Palin is no woman I relate to. She is no feminist. She’s joined the good ole’ boys club. McCain is soooooo desperate to win the presidency (which he won’t) that he sold his soul, it’s very sad. All this stress is going to cause him to stroke out if he’s not careful. Whitey is even sick of whitey running things. Obama IS the President. He will win the election even if it is by a hair.

  26. THE TRUTH …. get a clue, the world runs on fuel and is a worldwide problem…Russia’s stock market crashed yesterday. We Need to be energy independent ie Nuclear,wind,solar and drill,drill,drill except that the democrats are beholden to Soros and left wing organizations that control that party.

  27. LOL, how did the Democrats end up with an Unexperienced,radical and unelectable candidate that can’t even speak without the use of teleprompter.
    Obama was finally forced into 3 debates and has fought off townhall meetings with McCain all along.
    Even Governor Palin has more cojones and executive experience than Bambi

  28. LOL, how did the Democrats end up with an Unexperienced,radical and unelectable candidate that can’t even speak without the use of teleprompter.
    Obama was finally forced into 3 debates and has fought off townhall meetings with McCain all along.
    Even Governor Palin has more cojones and executive experience than Bambi.
    At this point aside from a miracle, the only thing that might work for obama is killing off Biden and begging Hillary to take the VP slot.

  29. Let’s face it, the left only supports civil rights of the “right” kind of black folks, just like N.O.W. only supports the “right” kind of women. They must destroy Sarah Palin without fingerprints to be relevant from this point further.

  30. Biggest negative item on McCain: The dunce does not know anything about computers. He does not even know how to turn one on and he does not know how to send e-mail.
    Biggest negative item on Obama: He is a Muslim. He worships on the quiet at mosques and there is tape of him not saying the pledge of allegiance and he is turned away from the flag. He received $million$ from Muslim countries for his campaign.

  31. At this point aside from a miracle, the only thing that might work for obama is killing off Biden and begging Hillary to take the VP slot.

  32. At this point aside from a miracle, the only thing that might work for obama is killing off Biden and begging Hillary to take the VP slot.

  33. The media is going after Palin because they only have a relatively short time to get to know her, and because McCain is pretty old for a potential first time president. For all you women out there,this is what they do when you run for this level of office. They dissect you, nothing is off limits. Get used to it.

  34. McCain a former navy pilot is unable to type because of his war (the man was tortured for five years)injuries , the man cannot lift his arms above his head, his wife helps him with the computer. I’m guessing Obama is qualified to lead our great country just because he can type…. roll eyes.

  35. Even Hillary supporter Donald Trump grew a brain and now endorses McCain/Palin 08.

  36. Of course Donald Trump would vote for McCain, he wants the middle class like us to pay a big share of his taxes! Duh!

  37. Sarah Palin is smart, likeable, and I think she comes across very well on tv. THOSE ARE NOT QUALIFICATIONS FOR VICE PRESIDENT.

  38. BP-a big oil company sponsored Sarah Palin’s inauguration as the Governor of Alaska.

  39. Sarah Palin is pretty and has great hair–yeah, that’s who we should vote for!

  40. the media elite is trying to murder Palin in the cradle cause their darling obama is not qualified to lead and they know it, but he is the most liberal candidate they could find with marxist values.
    Btw anybody notice how the liberal hags on the view attacked the McCains, what a stark difference to how they treat the obamas.
    Barbara (I was never a mistress) Walters was
    down right mean and angry during the interview, they have lost their s.h.i.t. over the possibility of obama losing the election.

  41. Hillary got killed by the media cause she wasn’t enough of a socialist/communist.

  42. You would think that if 3000 U.S. citzens were beheaded or murdered on our southern border everybody would hear about it in the news……why is our media ignoring this reality ?????????????????????????????

  43. My biggest issue with Palin is the way she is being treated with kid gloves by the media and analysts. Hillary Clinton’s every move was scrutinized, criticized, and reported on. If she made a mistake it was front page news. She was expected to stand up for herself and her part.
    Palin at the moment seems to be off limits to reporters, the Republican party is protecting her from the media, and crying foul when she is asked legitimate questions about her leadership abilities, troopergate and more. If she does end up having a criminal role in Troopergate, she’ll probably have to step down as VP anyhow. So why not clear it up now. It just makes it look like she has something to hide.

  44. You’re right, Janet, the media would never treat a man this way. If it’s name was Steve Palin, he would have been torn to shreds by now! Palin is unqualified, irrational, unknowledgable about domestic and current affairs, and possibly criminal. Her “christian” policies don’t even work in her own family. She SHOULD be picked on. The issues facing this country are too complicated for her and McCain is too old–and entrenched within the status quo–for the presidency. Put your country, not your party, first.

  45. ^^^
    Celeste’s Post:
    At last!
    An oasis of REASON in a desert of willful ignorance.

  46. As a woman and a feminist, I find it offensive that the press and others are deemed for sexist for daring to challenge Sarah Palin’s inexperience, clear lack of foreign policy knowledge (did anyone see the Gibson interview and from a domestic p.ov., her comment that Grand Rapids, MI is in Iowa???), her religious zealousness that preaches intolerance of Jews and anyone who dares to think for themselves, her lack of concern for the environment, etc. It reminds me of when the Republicans would brand anyone who disagreed to with the Iraq war as “unpatriotic.” By the way, Alaska may be the second biggest state geographically, but it’s almost the smallest by population.

  47. Mitt Romney would make a great President. He is Mormon, and Mormons historically do not cheat, steal, or have affairs. He really has the look of a President and he is smart. None of the 4 now in the running have “IT”. USA is screwed….let the barbs, lies, back-stabbing, hot air, let it fly, blah, blah, blah, it’s too late. The only hope is the return of Christ, which according to prophecy is soon.

  48. Mitt Romney would make a great President. He is Mormon, and Mormons historically do not cheat, steal, or have affairs. He really has the look of a President and he is smart. None of the 4 now in the running have “IT”. USA is screwed….let the barbs, lies, back-stabbing, hot air, let it fly, blah, blah, blah, it’s too late. The only hope is the return of Christ, which according to prophecy is soon.

  49. Do any of you who are accusing Democrats of hacking into Sarah Palin’s personal Yahoo account have proof of that? The news clearly stated that it was an Anti-Scientology group who is claiming credit. No political party was named. Next time, get your facts straight before posting, pal.

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