You’d think these two people were the only ones running for office. They’re all anyone wants to talk about. Sarah Palin is getting an inordinate amount of publicity – mostly negative, it appears. We’ve never heard rants like this woman gets and doubt if it could happen to a man. Since so many readers seem to want to vent about these people and they keep leaving comments under unrelated items, we are now giving you the opportunity to get it out of your system. All we ask is for relevance and respect.
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Do any of you who are accusing Democrats of hacking into Sarah Palin’s personal Yahoo account have proof of that? The news clearly stated that it was an Anti-Scientology group who is claiming credit. No political party was named. Next time, get your facts straight before posting, pal.
I hate to say it, but Obama’s biggest problem is the media bias towards him, and the big celeb endorsements. A lot of people like myself have to fight the urge to just ignore him because I don’t like anything shoved down my throat.Bennifer anyone? Remember their backlash? I believe in voting for the right candidate whatever the party lines. I look at what issues are important to me and their stance on it. Palin has been attacked quite a bit. I mean, seriously, someone pulled that baby rumor directly from last seasons Desperate Housewives! How stupid was that? People will begin to wonder why the media is so threatened by Palin that they give credence to ridiculous rumors. Then that is what candidate they are more inclined to pay attention to, not the one who is worshiped by the media,aka Obama.
Well – I am truly proud to be CANADIAN!
Our politics may be boring, but they are clearly separated from tabloid shenanigans.
The US may be divided on the vote…but the rest of the world is rooting for OBAMA!
Yea.. I voted for Obama till I really started hearing and seeing all that was being reported. The Pro -Black church he was attending, his friendship with Ayers, yea that made me nervous. Also, his stand on pro-choice, whoo votes for partial birth abortion?? How cruel his he? Killing a baby after a botched abortion. Late term abortion is discusting. How can he vote for this?? Baby have rights too! As Mother Theresa said, “Don’t kill your babies give them to me”. He as a man dosn’t know what a woman goes through for the rest of her life once she has made a choice to end her babies life. The guilt.
Whatever happened to Elizabeth Dole? She knew more about politics than any of these people combined. I would have crossed a party line for her. Where is she?
“BP-a big oil company sponsored Sarah Palin’s inauguration as the Governor of Alaska.”
Was Barbra Streisand the guest singer?
Oh sorry that was Obama and his 9 million dollar
party! Hurrah for HOLLYWOOD!!!!
I personally want to thank :
Hollywood ——-for their perverted wisdom
News media——-Blatantly campaigning for obama
Entertainment media–left wing liberal propaganda
Bill Ayers ———-Pentagon Bomber and friend
Bernadine Dorhn—— also a bomber and friends
Frank Marshall——- communist mentor
Saul Alinski——— communist mentor
Tony Rezko——– syrian chicago shady slum lord
Father Plfeger—-radical chicago preacher
Jeremiah Wright—Racist Mentor and pastor 20yrs
Minister Farrakhnan-Nation of islam adores Obama
Wake up people- There is no way I want to look at Mrs. NoBama for 4 years, or his purple lips & blue teeth !
We are already taxed to death & NoBama plans on dumping more into our lap. Oprah can swing it, but I SURE CAN’T!
JOHN MCCAIN’S conduct while being a prisoner of war is alone enough reason why he should be elected- What a leader.
Kept other POW’s upbeat in the midst of the Viet’s knocking out his teeth to the gums & other heinous tortures few others could endure.
Sarah Palin is icing on the cake. I can identify with her. She’s doing it all, like alot of us.
Hilary who ? Five kids all to the same man ? Sounds like a family to me, not a political position.
That other person running has no experience.( Other than appearing on his gal Oprah’s show.)
Your kidding right? Though Obama has a penis, he’s had a death threats because he’s BLACK!! DUH. If anyones being disrespected it’s Obama for his name and skin color. Idiots can’t get past that he’s 50 times more intelligent than any of his opponents. But that just show’s America’s, well, for a lack of a better word..dumb. Just look, George Bush has been in office for two terms!! This country is at an ALL TIME LOW! But don’t vote for Obama with the funny name and well…he’s black. McCain picked the nice white woman who governs a state with population of not even 700,000! Los Angeles has over 9 mil! Do the math, you think she’s qualified to do a job she admitted she didn’t know the job description of V.P. when she accepted the position, you think she could handle the entire United States?! Oh lord people. Let’s not forget or deny the fact that McCain picked Palin mainly because she was a woman! Bottom line, to win votes. And that’s not sexist? His plan worked.
But that was the plan of the international bankers, dumb down America and own it. Plan worked. Fasten your seat belts people it’s going to be a bumpy ride. either way!
Elizabeth Dole is a North Carolina Senator getting kinda long in the tooth for VP run. She’s got to McCain’s age. Don’t get me wrong – I like Elizabeth Dole – but they’d cut her to shreds for being too old, just like they are John McCain.
I can’t look at the 6-footer Michelle O., without gagging at the one inch protrusion under her bottom lip. Is that buck teeth on the bottom row of teeth, as opposed to buck teeth normally being on the top row? Push your tongue between your bottom teeth and bottom lip, and you got it. I’m sorry.
On the other hand, Cindy McCain has NO lips at all. With her gazillions, can’t she buy some fillers.
On the other hands, I don’t like Obama or McCain. So, there you are.
I was a Hilary fan now voting for McCain. I don’t trust Barack, sorry, and it has nothing to do with his race. I don’t like Sarah that much either but she is better than Barack.
What brave journalist is gonna ask Obama about his past radical associations and His advisor Franklin Raines part of the fannie mae mortgage crisis ??????????????????????????///
Anon @ 6:59 AM:
Unfortunately, due to her husband Bob’s endorsements for Viagra — and the free lifetime supply he receives as part of the deal — Elizabeth Dole has been rendered too exhausted to do much of anything during the time she has purportedly represented the good people of North Carolina.
In other words, Bob f*ucked Elizabeth and Elizabeth f*ucked us.
Sandra Bernhard: Palin Would Be Gang-Raped By Blacks in Manhattan…
——————————————————————————–a quote from madonna’s lesbian girl friend … this what the preach at the kabbalah center.
Surprise surprise a DEMOCRAT politico son hacked Gov. palin’s PRIVATE Emails…..where is the media outrage ??????????????
You insist on posting this little cow pattie as if Sandra Bernhard were remotely relevant.
Who knew (or cared) she was even still alive?
And for the record, mostly what they preach at kabubabalah centers is along the lines of, “Your donations are tax deductible, so please give generously…and often!”
It’s celebs like the vadge and her lesbo friend bernhard that hurt Obama’s chances of winning the election. Thank you celebs.
Sandra Bernhard: Palin Would Be Gang-Raped By Blacks in Manhattan…
——————————————————————————–a quote from madonna’s lesbian girl friend … this what the preach at the kabbalah center.
Who cares, all politicians lie, no matter what party you belong to. It’s like this every election, everyone hates everyone who doesn’t believe what they believe. Just go vote and realize no one really wins. We will only win when our economy is no longer in the crapper, and our gazillion dollar debt goes away, among many many other things.
Barrck is a GLORIFIED SPEAKER and nothing to get excited about. He does NOT have a magic wand – although his campaign claims he does and he LACKS REAL CREDENTIALS.
MCCAIN / PALIN 2008!!!!
Woody Allen who likes to screw his girlfriend’s daughter just told a spanish reporter..
“It would be a disgrace and a humiliation if Barack Obama does not win”
I am a democrat who is voting for McCain. I am incredibly excited by the selection of Palin as VP. That tipped the scales for me. I was going to not vote because I do not trust Obama but now that Palin has been chosen I feel that finally there is a candidate that speaks for me. I will be so happy when she and Mccain are inaugurated. Finally the glass ceiling will be broken!!!! Change is a good thing!
MiMi, I couldn’t agree with your last statement more!
Now please go change your drawers.
Dr. Ahmad Dwidar is imam of the Islamic Center in New York
Whoever posted the words…:”THE WHITE HOUSE WILL BECOME THE MUSLIM HOUSE” is ultra-correct.
Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a Muslim, born and bred a Muslim, will die a Muslim. He has been shown praying in Mosques. He stated that he is a Christian but that is a lie. He disdains the American flag and tramples the memory of the millions who have died for the flag and freedom.
Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a Muslim. The liar said he is a Christian, but he is not; he is a Muslim. Does anyone remember Saddam HUSSEIN, who was finally captured, got the death penalty, and is now in hell. Islam/Muslim were responsible for 9/11. He has refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance and turned his back to the flag…it was all over the news. Why are his followers so stupid?
The democrat party can’t get out of their own way. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid were behind getting the delegates to back Nobama because they didn’t “like” Hillary.
So – they have managed to put the most unqualified candidate on their ticket based on personal preferences. That should tell people what this haughty and stifling party is all about.
Actually, I think it’s befitting. They are now secretly wringing their hands over what to do as Nobama’s campaign comes apart at the seems.
Add to that the great selection of Palin that McCain made, the Republicans represent CHANGE alot more than tax-raising, government bloating Nobama/Biden.
Once again – The dems can’t get out of their own way. Now, if we can get rid of that kook Pelosi, we might actually get something done in the lowest rated congress in American history.
i am dissapointed in janet for shielding plain. look at teh issues you fool
It never fails — Democrats always get the nastiest and the most irate over the biggest political threats.
Is it just me, or is there something not quite right about Obama & the Dems campaigning so hard against the Republican VP nominee? Hello, he’s supposed to be running for the position of leader of the free world, not the VP!
I also agree with other posters that a huge backlash against the media is building.
It never fails — Democrats always get the nastiest and the most irate over the biggest political threats.
Is it just me, or is there something not quite right about Obama & the Dems campaigning so hard against the Republican VP nominee? Hello, he’s supposed to be running for the position of leader of the free world, not the VP!
I also agree with other posters that a huge backlash against the media is building.
There are rumors going around that in early October, Biden will quit the ticket citing “health reasons” and Hillary will be named as the VP.
If it happens – what a stupid move. They just copy the Republicans. Barry was too egotistical to name her in the beginning – but now he realizes she’s his only hope.
If it comes to pass – you read it here. Way ahead of time – so it’ll a be a ploy. Typical Barry. He’s so fraudulent.
There are rumors going around that in early October, Biden will quit the ticket citing “health reasons” and Hillary will be named as the VP.
If it happens – what a stupid move. They just copy the Republicans. Barry was too egotistical to name her in the beginning – but now he realizes she’s his only hope.
If it comes to pass – you read it here. Way ahead of time – so it’ll a be a ploy. Typical Barry. He’s so fraudulent.
There are rumors going around that in early October, Biden will quit the ticket citing “health reasons” and Hillary will be named as the VP.
If it happens – what a stupid move. They just copy the Republicans. Barry was too egotistical to name her in the beginning – but now he realizes she’s his only hope.
If it comes to pass – you read it here. Way ahead of time – so it’ll a be a ploy. Typical Barry. He’s so fraudulent.
Wow – Bu,
You laid out some facts and sources there. Not.
Silly Barry follower. Can’t provide facts or sources. Typical Barry follower – but it’s OK. You’re following a Marxist that can’t make his real opinion known. Thus – you can’t back his non-opinion. Cool.
Wow – Bu,
You laid out some facts and sources there. Not.
Silly Barry follower. Can’t provide facts or sources. Typical Barry follower – but it’s OK. You’re following a Marxist that can’t make his real opinion known. Thus – you can’t back his non-opinion. Cool.
Wow – Bu,
You laid out some facts and sources there. Not.
Silly Barry follower. Can’t provide facts or sources. Typical Barry follower – but it’s OK. You’re following a Marxist that can’t make his real opinion known. Thus – you can’t back his non-opinion. Cool.
She has definitely bitten off more than she can chew. But I guess if elected VP, the gov’t will supply her with 3 nannies…. a kid with Down Syndrome will need 24/7 care. The other 2 nannies will have their hands full with the other 2 girls…it’s too late for Bristol. I’m wondering if the little sexpot really did have an extra-marital affair. Many mags and websites say YES.
She has definitely bitten off more than she can chew. But I guess if elected VP, the gov’t will supply her with 3 nannies…. a kid with Down Syndrome will need 24/7 care. The other 2 nannies will have their hands full with the other 2 girls…it’s too late for Bristol. I’m wondering if the little sexpot really did have an extra-marital affair. Many mags and websites say YES.
Go, McCain/Palin!
My “2 cents”: (1) It’ll be a miracle if McCain / Palin prevail in November due to the unprecedented Media bias / bashing of the Republicans (i.e. finally Chris Matthews & Keith Olberman were jerked from covering campaign on MSNBC – they were so in the tank for Barry, tingling leg and all…) (2) This Friday, Sept. 26th, will be the first presidential debate and it’ll be interesting if Barry can respond to the questions without a monitor. (3) Will someone in Dem. Party tell Barry that he’s running against McCain, not VP Palin. (4) I too believe that there will be a Dem. “VP switch” in first week of Oct. due to a Biden aneurysm … and “lo and behold” the dream team Obama / Clinton ticket will ride to victory in November.(have no doubt that Bill is behind this machination). Hang on everyone, it’s going to be a bumpy ride to Nov. 7th.!!!
Does anybody know where Barrack was born? Why does his wife always says ‘I love you Americans’? Are they from the US? If anybody on this comment page do, please inform me where Barrack Obama was born, thank you.
Does anybody know where Barrack was born? Why does his wife always says ‘I love you Americans’? Are they from the US? If anybody on this comment page do, please inform me where Barrack Obama was born, thank you.
Does anybody know where Barrack was born? Why does his wife always says ‘I love you Americans’? Are they from the US? If anybody on this comment page do, please inform me where Barrack Obama was born, thank you.
See lawsuit against Obama et al…re Birth
See lawsuit against Obama et al…re Birth
If that doesn’t work, try just…
As soon as it was public that Sarah was boned by BLACK basketball player Glen Rice it was all over for her!