Wednesday night commuters were treated to a traffic snarl at Sunset and Cahuenga when billboard queen Angelyne inadvertently caused a two car head-on collision. According to a witness, Angelyne was driving down the street in her Pepto-Bismol pink Corvette with her blond bouffant hair and low cut neckline and as usual everyone was staring. Two drivers gaped SO intently they slammed into each other in the intersection. Angelyne looked concerned and she pulled over to see that happened, causing more of an ogling traffic jam. Amoeba records shoppers poured into the street to watch. Two ambulances and several police cars later the scene was cleared. Never underestimate the power of a pink Corvette.

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  1. i was in la 20 years ago ( well almost) it was 88 and 89 and i remember her having the billboards back then. and a different pink corvette. she must be in her 60s by now…no one really knows that much about her.

  2. Didn’t Missing Persons singer Dale Bozzio (is that her name?) kinda copy her look?

  3. up close she will make you vomit and she’s a has been. trying to act young but time takes it toll.

  4. You know, I think I saw her when I was in Scottsdale doing some work at Allied Signal.
    Was standing in line at drug store and this hot looking gal in front of me turned around and gag! She must have been in her 70’s but looked great from behind.
    Wonder why the photographers don’t get up close ?

  5. I would have thought she would have updated that Corvette to a new model.
    Or better yet, imagine if she was to get a pink Cadillac sedan in a convertible version.

  6. Look closely at the picture of the cars in the back ground – it’s a old photograph.
    Wonder why Janet didn’t buy a newer one of this gal ?

  7. …”in her 60s” ???LOL!!
    Try again; that may have been true about 10 years ago.
    If she were repping a perfume, it would called “Old Pu$$y.”
    Jan used to babysit her when she was a kid.

  8. That is the same look Madonna is sporting for her “candyshop” album cover. How awful is THAT?

  9. Wow, I’m just glad to know she’s still ALIVE! I haven’t had an Angelyne spotting in a coupla years, so I assumed the worst. Having lived in Hollywood for 20 years, I always feel like an “Angelyne Spotting” is a lucky moment…like seeing a falling star or finding a four leaf clover. See Angelyne…make a wish!

  10. How old is she?????? And where does she get her money, anyway?

  11. this old whore was about 55 years old IN THE EARLY 80’S !!!!!
    i remember how YELLOW her old choppers were while we were waiting for a stall in the bathroom of the club lingerie — this was around 1983 !!!!

  12. Angelyne is hot as hell. You all are just jealous of her. She gets her money from adoring fans like me that purchase her worn bras and panties. Her scent is to die for.

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