Photo Credit: Splash News
Just when we feared that Amy Winehouse had discarded her beehive for a new short curly hairdo, she turned up with the hive again! What a relief! Only now the long straight hair looks a bit odd next to the short curls. It needs some fine tuning. At least she got a new pair of shoes for winter.
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America now has a weak leader.
Terrorists are planning attacks on American soil targeting children similar to Beslan .
Pray this does not occur.
She looks a little healthier than usual actually. And to Anonymous @5:26PM, quit your fear mongering.
We are living in the last days…the end times…the time of sorrows. Believe it.
Anonymous 5:26 is just afraid of skanks! We all should be!
Janet, I think you have pretty much beaten this dead horse one time too many. How about picking on someone else for a change? This is getting really old.
HELL RAISER is one hell of a movie, folks!!