Photo Credit: Splash News

This is a front yard in Hollywood, California. There’s something very unsettling about this hanging effigy of Sarah Palin. It smacks of sexism and worse. John McCain is featured in flames at the top of the house. What kind of people occupy this home? More important, what has this woman done to deserve such incredible hatred? So WHAT if we don’t agree with her! Can’t we voters support our own candidates without belittling others? This effigy is an insult to decent Obama supporters everywhere. MUST we turn into a nation of fanatical haters? It’s just another election.



  1. This was done by a Chad Morrisette, a gay man who
    is against Palin and her stance on gay marriage.
    He said of his display that,”It is ART and that
    the effigy would be out of bounds at any other time of year, but it’s within the spirit of Halloween.”
    Obama has the same ideas on gay marriage so i wonder why he didn’t put him up….
    Maybe cause it would have caused a riot?

  2. This is not just ANOTHER election. Nobama wants to change the Constitution – heaven help us. If you want to get a gun – better do it now. That right will be taken away.
    Cash in your stocks – 401K’s – mutual funds – do it now. Barry’s capital gains tax will screw this country. That’s why the run on Wall Street. Even the co-owner of the Miami Dolphins wants to sell – he said he’d rather give it to charity than Nobama.
    People – if you’re a nervous flyer, you watch the other passengers that fly alot. If their not nervous, then you don’t need to be. In this case, watch the business owners and investors that keep this country afloat. They’re taking the money and run because they know what’s gonna happen.
    Look beyond you’re little ideals. This is very important. Be sure you know your candidate. It’s kind of hard to know Barry because he hides so much.
    If he wins – there will be millions of people that will see the light – only to late.

  3. This is not just ANOTHER election. Nobama wants to change the Constitution – heaven help us. If you want to get a gun – better do it now. That right will be taken away.
    Cash in your stocks – 401K’s – mutual funds – do it now. Barry’s capital gains tax will screw this country. That’s why the run on Wall Street. Even the co-owner of the Miami Dolphins wants to sell – he said he’d rather give it to charity than Nobama.
    People – if you’re a nervous flyer, you watch the other passengers that fly alot. If their not nervous, then you don’t need to be. In this case, watch the business owners and investors that keep this country afloat. They’re taking the money and run because they know what’s gonna happen.
    Look beyond you’re little ideals. This is very important. Be sure you know your candidate. It’s kind of hard to know Barry because he hides so much.
    If he wins – there will be millions of people that will see the light – only to late.

  4. I don’t find it offensive. Then again, what’s scary to me is that goofy woman being a heartbeat away from the presidency.

  5. Hey 4:33,
    love all the thought and reasoning put into your post. But, I have learned not expect thought and reasoning from Barry fans. They don’t have it in them.
    If Barry wins – you’ll be so sorry. Mark my words. You have NO idea what this creep wants to do to this country. Maybe educate yourself some.

  6. Hey 4:33,
    love all the thought and reasoning put into your post. But, I have learned not expect thought and reasoning from Barry fans. They don’t have it in them.
    If Barry wins – you’ll be so sorry. Mark my words. You have NO idea what this creep wants to do to this country. Maybe educate yourself some.

  7. Because of this I’m voting against gay marriage. Nice going, boys.

  8. I will now vote YES on Prop. 8.
    Obama has split this country in two. This latest attack on Palin makes it even worse.
    The Democrats and their hatefulness are going down.

  9. 4:49 –
    Right on. You are AWARE. It’s amazing what happens when you actually use critical thinking.
    Woo hoo!

  10. First of all – I have no prob w gay unions and equal benefits – just don’t call it marriage because it isn’t. 2 men can not procreate and it is not traditional.
    Second – there are NO decent Obama supporters. They are all mistaken and mislead. Go McCain! BTW I was at Mandonna’s concert this past month and when she bashed McCain and Palin EVERYONE in my section – whom I had never met booed her. And when they showed Obama there was piped in, prerecorded cheering. Notice how Obama has some how gotten grey haired recently. It is ALL fake. I hope he looses.

  11. 5:10 –
    Thanks for the real deal.
    Madonna? Yuck? She’s just wrong. She’s no one to admire. She won’t even let her own kids watch her videos. Loser. And she endorses Barry Hussein. Like we care?
    Read up and investigate. It’s crucial.

  12. Your statement about Obama voters disgust me. Why isn’t didn’t you comment about about the woman, a McCain supporter, who carved her own face and blamed a black man? Why didn’t you give it equal time and say that you are sure that McCain/Palin voters don’t support this? Or the assination plot on Mr. Obama? You can’t because one quick look at the vile venom coming from McCain/Palin not only encourages evil behaviour, but supports it as well. You should be ashamed. I won’t come near this site again!!!!

  13. Hey Janet, how are you?
    I totally agree with you. And what about the skinheads who were going to kill Obama? Why can’t people just respect each others choices and not do hateful things like these examples. I mean there are people out there that hate you if you are not on their side. I thought America was better than that! And even if my candidate loses, I will respect and have the new President’s back because he’s our President and I’m a proud American.

  14. White woman
    Cool. be gone. Of course – you didn’t quote facts – so your post is irrelevant.

  15. 5:34
    You sound really cool. But check Barry’s background. He hides so much – because no one would vote for him if they really knew his background.

  16. 5:34
    You sound really cool. But check Barry’s background. He hides so much – because no one would vote for him if they really knew his background.

  17. OMG, this site has turned into Foxnews. This will be my absolute last time at the site. Good riddance. And by the way, lynching would be too good for that worthless bag of shite.

  18. Thank you for your post and comments, Janet. This is just horrible. What has happened in this country that this sort of hatred display is acceptable? I agree with you – what has this woman done to deserve such hatred? Let’s see – she is a wife, a mother, a working woman, smart, and damn attractive for having a 5 month old. You know what I think – there are A LOT of very jealous women out there and really angry gay men. Obama/Biden believe that a marriage is between a man and a woman – Biden said it in the debate – so why the hatred towards Palin?

  19. Barracks campaign has been calculated and very negative but the media hides and covers that fact and skews facts. The media has been so one-sided. Barrack is buying this election and doing all kinds of tricks with editing and schemes to alter reality.
    McCain has a huge base who will give these idealistic tree huggers a run for their money. Obama is one big lie.

  20. 5:34 no need to mention that PLANT who was put up to do that stupid ploy and carve her own face. No self respecting McCain supporter would be that stupid. She obviously is pro – O and tried to pull a fast one. McCain supporters are too classy to be that desperate – unlike Obama supporters.

  21. I support Obama, AND I support gay marraige, AND believe that they ARE married if they say vows they mean to each other, under the law, just as you or I do. They should have every right we do. EVERY RIGHT!! I couldn’t care less what ANYONE else does in their sex life, it doens’t affect me whatsoever. I only hope for other completely joy and happiness, and all legal benefits under the laws of equality and humanity.

  22. How ironic that this gay fool displays McCain in flames when he’s the one that will be burning in hell.

  23. 5:47 You sound cool too… in a scarey way !perhaps YOU should check YOUR facts and read more ….
    Still in school? IF not go back!!!

  24. Sorry. But the word MARRIAGE is for man and woman. Give gays all the same benefits and rights NP – but choose another title for them. When someone says they are married I want to know exactly what that is. I do not want to guess how to address an invitation for an event for instance and get it wrong. Marriage means traditional unions. Until men can fertilize another man etc… no one can convince me that humans were designed to marry the same sex. I don’t think it is wrong – I just do not like tradtional families sharing the same title. Until there is a different name for it I will continue to vote against marriage for same sex.

  25. Oh, Janet — you sly puss.
    Clearly you’ve reckoned that the best way to drum up interest in your site is to throw a little raw meat — in the form of this post — at the rabid political partisans.
    And at the same time you obviously draw attention to the actions of a single person, who is somehow supposed to represent whom, exactly?
    It’s cheap. It’s intellectually dishonest, and as others have pointed out, makes you an excellent candidate for FauxNews.
    And as an aside, your frequent whimpering over “sexism” is equally pathetic.
    Rest assured, dear Janet, as long as the propagation of the human species depends on males AND females, both sexes will continue to be represented in all facets of social life.
    In short, stick to what you know and care about: namely, Hollywood gossip.

  26. titles like union, partnership etc… would be best. Equal rights definately though.

  27. I agree with you Janet except for one thing. You said “What has this woman done to deserve such incredible hatred?” She created that hateful climate at her rallies. When people called out let’s kill Obama and similar vile statements, she said nothing to stop them. Instead she continued with her venomous assaults on her opponent. She encouraged this hateful environment so it’s no surprise that she is receiving hateful comments and displays in return. Obama and Biden have not sunk to that level. They’ve concentrated on the critical issues our nation is facing now – one of the many reasons I’ll be voting for them on November 4th.

  28. Don’t worry. ANyone with common sense and true patriotism will be voting McCain/Palin.

  29. If this was an Obama effigy, that person would have been arrested for a ‘hate’ crime.

  30. The media would go nuts if this was an effigy of BHO on the noose…….hmmmmmmmm
    Rashid Khalidi another radical plo terrorist that obama doesn’t care to remember from Columbia University and helped him get into Harvard……

  31. This is an outrage and would be if ANYBODY had been percieved to be the one hanging…gay, straight, male, female, black, white, orange, or purple.
    However, I would like to point out that if any McCain supporter did this with an Obama manequinn (yes it too would be disgusting and an outrage), the mainstream media would be on a manhunt and whomever was responsible would be charged with a hate crime.
    Why is it that this, then is considered ‘art’? When does free speech go too far????

  32. But Obama/Biden both came and during their debates that they were not in favor of gay marriage so why is this just an attack on Sarah? Gov. Palin has openly talked about a lesbian friend that she’s known since high school and she’s totally cool with it. Obamabots are haters like this effigy hanging homeowner are working hard to split this country in two. God help us all.

  33. “I support Obama, AND I support gay marraige”////////////
    OBAMA does not support gay marriage!

  34. if obama wins welcome to venezuela and chavez lite government….
    In Venezuela you are either poor majority or a rich minority…… you remember that on election day……..

  35. Next Barbara West will be muzzled and only obama approved speech will be allowed.

  36. Watching that ‘art display’ made me realize how dumb and tasteless Obama supporters are. Americans embrace yourself, what’s coming at you isn’t pretty. This reminds me of South Africa years ago getting rid of whites… read your history books people, read and learn.

  37. Marriage is a legal contract between two people. Why should sexual orientation affect a contract? If you bible thumpers want to attach all kinds of holy and religious meaning to a government contract, do that on your own time (early Sunday morning, I hear). Not all of us are religious and we live in a country that has a separation of church and state.

  38. If they had hanged Obama in effigy they would have been charged with a “hate crime” (fascism) and there would have been hoards of rioters outside their house threatening their lives.

  39. FYI: I’m not “religious” and I do NOT support gay “Marriage”. Marriage is between a man and a woman. A union between same sex is fine but do not call it marriage. Call it something else and give the us same benefits. That I agree.

  40. If Michelle Obama gets to be first lady we will be even more of a laughing-stock in the world than we already are. What is that growth below the bottom lip that sticks out? She looks like a big-boned wrestler. Then again, Cindy McCain has thin red lips and must spend $1000’s to look half-way decent. I know this is mean, but it’s the truth.

  41. This is absolutely disgusting. Can you imagine if someone hung up an effigy of Obama with a noose? Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton would be marching the streets, riots would break out!
    I am proudly voting for McCain/Palin, and they will be victorious in 2008!

  42. Gee. Could it be because of the this country’s long, documented history of lynching black men?
    Could that be the difference?
    Thankfully, our record for hanging “soccer moms” is much less shameful.
    Whenever we question the great mystery that is the presidency of GWB (2 terms, folks!!), we come here for a little refresher course in just how WILLFULLY, UNABASHEDLY AND PROUDLY STUPID OUR FELLOW-COUNTRYMEN (AND WOMEN) CAN BE.

  43. Meg at 12:37 p.m. — I believe you mean Zimbabwe, not South Africa. South Africa was ruled by whites under apartheid until 1994, and they are still living there now.

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