Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
He may be Governor, but Arnold Schwarzenegger still likes to hang out at his longtime favorite places – like Cafe Roma in Beverly Hills. He hung out with Sylvester Stallone there last week. They were once rivals – highly competitive action heroes – and now they’re friends. Keep in mind, Arnold is NOT supporting Proposition 8, which would ban gay marriage in California. He wants California to be a progressive state and a positive example for the rest of the country.
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So he’s a closet Democrat mascarading as a Republican.
Botox notwithstanding, he’s looking old.
No, he’s a Republican publicly behaving like a decent human being, which by the way, is not confined to Democrats.
“So he’s a closet Democrat mascarading as a Republican.”
Valley Girl –
You speak the truth. He’s sat on the fence so long he’s got hash marks on his butt.
Whatever happened to the Arnold of old?????
Only in America could an idiot like this rise in fame and power. The Austrians have wisely banished this man from their Country.
Good for him. Hate and discrimination is not a family value.
Yes on 8. Stop homosexual Hate on Straight! This isn’t about equal rights. One man can not get married to a woman isn’t discrimination when I can’t get married to a man either, and I am straight.
All the gays want is to ram down our throats their lifestyle. If you want to have a family and love each other, you can do so. You just won’t be able to get married.
So stop the lies. Stop the GAY MAFIA!!!
Hey, Hater at 7:31 p.m.:
Come out from behind your Anonymous moniker. Let’s see if you want to be recognized for spewing your filth. Coward. I dare you.
You wrote: “One man can not get married to a woman isn’t discrimination when I can’t get married to a man either, and I am straight.”
In addition to being an empathy-deficient bigot, there is no logic or coherency to your post.
Excuse me, make that the hater at 8:13 p.m.
Let’s see your real name. I’m using mine, and I’m challenging you to use yours.
Start of with your person!!
If Arnold wants what’s right for California he should admit he is a total screw-up and go back to Austria.
If Arnold wants what’s right for California he should admit he is a total screw-up and go back to Austria.
I guess all those kennedys got to him.
Perez of 8:13 PM… you are 100% correct. Fags do not want to know what the Good Book says about this abomination (faggots and lesbians).
I like Arnold. I love that he is stumping for McCain. I have No Problem with gay unions with same benefits and rights but they should not be in the same category as Marriage. Yes on 8 has NOTHING to do with “hate” – I have a ton of gay friends. I just believe in preserving the traditional title of Marriage as man and woman as God intended. Until they change that title to Union I will not supprt Gay “marriage”. Sorry Ellen