Playgirl gave up the pretense of being aimed at women who like to look at naked men a long time ago – now the magazine is full-out directed at the gay “hot studs” audience. The publication seems rather desperate for publicity because they keep making extravagant offers to B list celebrities to take it all off, knowing in advance what the answer is. Jon Gosselin was insulted by their $20,000 offer and Jersey Shore’s Vinny turned up his nose at $30,000. The magazine supposedly offered Glee’s Mark Salling $100,000 – only because they were sure he’d turn it down. We wonder what Kim’s brother Rob Kardashian thought about his $45,000 offer – and whether his agent/mom Kris tried to get a better deal. Nobody really knows how much Levi Johnston was actually paid for his semi-nudes because both sides exaggerate.

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  1. They offered Jon Gosselin $20K? You convinced me Playgirl is desperate.

  2. The K mother has done very well in whoring out her kids. I am sure Lindsey L’s mom is watching this closely. When will people say, enough?

  3. He sees that his sister next to him was wiling to screw and be pissed on by black men in public for money and has a big bank account, so why should it bother him?

  4. Janet, wondering if Talia Balsam has ever gone on record about her marriage with George Clooney?

  5. JC, your last four items are about the Kardashians.

    I love ya, JC but I’m sure there is something else going on in the entertainment industry that does not relate to these people.

    I don’t know anyone who is interested in the Kardashians.

  6. I bet you 10 to 1 if Robert Kardashian were still alive most of this bullshit obscene greedy NONSENSE would have barely happened since his kids, NOT BRUCE JENNER KARDASHIAN’s, all claimed to love him so much and never wanted to disappoint him. At the LEAST he could have had his say as a FATHER to these attention whore rug rats….
    the guy has rolled over in his grave so many times he is beyond dust by now.
    thank god he didn’t survive to witness this
    garbage.Bruce is so pussy whipped by Robert’s ex he has no say in anything to do with these freaks anyway……he is a pitiful father figure and the age of these ‘kids’ has nothing to do with it. it’s the principle of the thing and proper and GOD parenting.
    wait a minute, I guess in the BIZ in Hollywood, there is little of That happening anyway.

  7. I bet you 10 to 1 if Robert Kardashian were still alive most of this bullshit obscene greedy NONSENSE would have barely happened since his kids, NOT BRUCE JENNER KARDASHIAN’s, all claimed to love him so much and never wanted to disappoint him. At the LEAST he could have had his say as a FATHER to these attention whore rug rats….
    the guy has rolled over in his grave so many times he is beyond dust by now.
    thank god he didn’t survive to witness this
    garbage.Bruce is so pussy whipped by Robert’s ex he has no say in anything to do with these freaks anyway……he is a pitiful father figure and the age of these ‘kids’ has nothing to do with it. it’s the principle of the thing and proper and GOOD parenting.
    wait a minute, I guess in the BIZ in Hollywood, there is little of That happening anyway.

  8. Yep…JC is being paid so well now by the flaks that she doesnt care if 4 Kardo stories are run or if everything comes up Anniston or Lohan!

  9. NOT AGAIN, I’m not sure that I agree with you. Remember Robert Kardashian leaving OJ’s house with the bag and participating in his defense even though he knew OJ was guilty, as demonstrated by his dropping jaw when the not guilty verdict was announced. He was not unfamiliar with the absurdity that is Hollywood. Hopefully, he would’ve wanted more for his children.

  10. Denise, you are dead-on on your take of RK’s reaction at OJ’s trial. It was what sticks in my mind the most clearly all these years later and I watched the whole trial. I was just as shocked as OJ’s friend was.

    As for this guy Robert nobody, who has accomplished NOTHING in his life, what exactly qualifies him to garner ANY attention from the media? Does he even WORK? To me, he looks like a chubby kid. Nope, NOT interested in seeing his handle. Ever. Now, if he had been lucky enough to have been born a girl, like his sisters, he could have it all with a giant ass, some fake tits, fake hair, and a speaking voice like a three year old. Yep, that would do it.

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