Scott Disick was very smart to have baby Mason with Kourtney Kardashian. He may never have to really “work” again (if he ever did.) His connection to the money machine family has proved hugely profitable as is illustrated by his new Lamborghini. So far he’s appeared as a cad on three of the Kardashian reality shows – “Keeping Up With The Kardashians,” “Kourthey And Khloe Take Miami,” and “Kourtney And Kim Take New York.” Viewers love to hate him.
Baby Car Culture Kourtney and Kim Take New York Kourtney Kardashian Lamborghini Scott Disick
He’s a loser and he knows it. That’s why he needs that car.
A guy who gets a car like this AND has anger problems, do so to compensate for you know what!
I have no opinion on Scott Disick one way or the other because I have zero interest in Kardashian type programming and don’t watch. However I am aware that a character viewers love to hate can be one of, if not the, show’s biggest audience draws. People want to keep tuning in just to see what he’ll do next so they can hate on him all over again. That reason alone makes Scott an integral part of the show, guaranteeing he’s pulling his weight, and earning him the right to drive his new Lamborghini guilt free.
The Kardashian flaks are doing very well it seems with stupid stories like this.
Why would Kourtney continue to try to hang on to Scott, a proven serial cheater. She has probably already gotten a venereal disease. Baby Masonis is fat and cute though and Bruce said he’s crazy about his fat cheeks.
The whole lot of them is rotten thru and thur.
I must admit that I’ve seen a few episodes, it’s not unlike straining your neck to see an accident. However I don’t love to hate this guy, I just hate him. Such a pompous, arrogant d-bag who dresses like a fop.
His parents are wealthy, so he was wealthy before he hooked up with the Kartrashians. I’m sure Kourtney wouldn’t have looked at him twice if he didn’t already have money, they are all totally materialistic.
What I don’t get is how rapidly they all smoothed over the possibility of that baby not being Scott’s at all. Kourtney had sex with another guy when she was split up with Scott in Miami and she was rip-roaring drunk. And the next thing you know Scott and her were back together and she was throwing up and pregnant. The baby looks nothing like him, and in fact looks ONLY like the Kardashians which leads me to believe the other guy she had sex with was of similar racial make-up as they are. The truth will be in the second child when it comes. But if I were Scott, I’d sure want to know for sure, not that I’d love him any less as he’s raising him. The whole family is a strange dynamic, so far from “normal” in the real world.
Blood line connection can only happen throw a child and of course when they see that Baby..They are seeing him and…No matter what family is family and this man has swagger and charm and good looks and…He is the father and that is a bond that is going to last forever.