Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

It finally happened. Whitney Houston has died. It’s a miracle she lived this long, considering her self destructive predilections. But it’s awfully sad because she was once a great beauty and a formidable talent. We thought Simon Cowell had lost his mind when he considered hiring Whitney to be a judge on X-Factor. It COULD have been a new start for her, but most likely would have turned out badly. Our sympathies to her family and especially her daughter Bobbi Kristina. (Above – probably the last photo taken of her)



  1. I feel her young daughter. Too sad. I loved her young voice so very much but it was ruined with the horrible addictions.

  2. No snark today a great voice is silenced.

    Rest in peace and best wishes to her family and young daughter.

  3. I agree, what a waste of a God given talent. Maybe her death will be a wake up call to other people struggling with addiction

  4. Very sad….what a tragic life. She said in an interview that she and Bobby were the same person….yes, she looked regal and had a fantastic voice but her demons did her in. I am sad to say I am not surprised but very saddened. I dont think her poor daughter has a chance….she is already into the drugs. 🙁

  5. you always hope the person will recover their health and sobriety.

    Substance abuse is a serious problem throughout our society.

    Whitney Houston’s life and death is a terrible example of a wasted life because of drugs.

    Good looks, great talent and amazing success mean nothing in the end, your physical, spiritual and mental health are your best assets.

  6. Still remember the first time I heard “Saving All My Love For You”—what a voice.

  7. Whitney’s choice in men was her undoing. Ray J is a big time druggie & wouldn’t be surprised if he was her supplier.

  8. Her mom, gospel singer Cissy, agonized over her for years. I believe Whitney was saved at a young age while singing in church. But the evils of this world sometimes can lure you away from your faith. Yet if she was saved years ago, she is definitely in heaven. She may not receive rewards for service to Christ, but her belief in God’s Son and through His grace, she is there.

  9. Damn Janet, you cannot say anything nice to anyone that is not in even the ground yet. U did the same thing to Mrs. Taylor, as u accomplished something’s? Robert downey jr. Was a crack head, k sucker and now forced to be in straight relationship with a baby. And Elvis!? She had her faults and!?! Not her great voice, or Superbowl rendition or movies? One of farleys brother’s, 20 year old son died of an overdose and Arron’s sister that died were they pieces of shit too?

  10. Janet, you wrote this like you finally won the celebrity ghoul pool after waiting for years. Really tacky, and you have a typo in the first word.

  11. She was truly one of the great voices of our generation. She didn’t need all the auto-tuning, weird clothes and thousands of backup dancers, all she needed was a microphone. Rest in peace.

  12. The surprise is that her physical body lasted this long. I read that medically our bodies can tolerate this kind of drug and alcohol abuse for only 10 years or so. Always hoped she’d somehow pull it together.

  13. It’s a shame but I predicted this way back when she married that drugged out thug Bobby Brown. I said he would drag her down to his level,not raise him up to hers, and he did. Their poor daughter doesn’t stand a chance with two druggies and alcoholics for parents.

  14. I saw her “comeback” performance on Good Morning America well over a year ago with Bobbi Christina and it was pitiful and sad at how far she’d fallen. She was nothing like she used to be and it was embarrassingly bad. Her voice sounded absolutely terrible.

  15. Give Janet a break. She is saying what a lot of people who really loved Whitney were worried about, that one day this would happen. Personal demons don’t care about talent, wealth, fame, the adoration of fans, or the prayers and devotion of your mother. Addiction leaves a trail of victims wherever you find it. Who knows how many other hearts, weakened by chemicals, gave out today?

  16. There is nothing wrong with Janet’s write up…factual and acurate altho short. Truth be told, the world was sick to death of her drugging issues and her last try at a run singing/touring was blown by her doing blow on stage as she turned her back on stage between off key notes and forgotten lyrics and faced away from the audience while she snorted something, then stumbled around blowing her own songs to hell. She was boo’d off the stage and that was the last of her singing career. She couldn’t hit any of the notes either, her voice was GONE.

    Her daughter has already been to rehab at least once that I heard about. I believe that girl is doomed to an early grave as well, and Bobby will probably join Whitney very soon. The obese, bankrupt, loser and druggie who got her started and fucked up her career and her life has nowhere to go but down and he’s been doing that well for years.

    I’ll never forget the scene of her sitting on the toilet on their reality show, having constipation, and Bobby asking her right on camera, if she wanted him to “dig it out of her like he did last time”! Now, THAT’s classy!

    Being born with a beautiful face and Heavenly voice does not automatically make you a person that everyone should look up to or strive to be like. Her REAL life was horrible and low class, and she completely threw away all her treasures she was born with that so many others would give anything for a chance to have. To have had that level of success and not cared for it greatly and nurtured it and treasured it makes me sick. She destroyed her looks and voice with crack, booze, hard living…might as well have went out and stood in front of a steam roller and had it flatten her down to nothing because she did a good job of that herself and left a legacy of torment for her poor child who is now motherless at an age when she needs a mother most, the teens. Surrounded by drugs, if the family doesn’t DO something, she too will be gone before we know it. What a shame her life was and what a horrible loss.

  17. J-Man, that photo is the very WORST one taken of Whitney on Thursday at a Grammy party. She was actually very upbeat and cordial to everyone that night, and even gave an impromptu performance, but you’d never know it from Janet’s lovely ‘remembrance’.

  18. Palermo, I agree with you completely. Whitney in her prime was exactly what I always say on here about the so-called “singers” of today…the Madonna, Britney, Gagme types who need machines to make them sound good, and tons of crap on their faces to make them look accepable, or circus freak-like is more like it really.

    ONE today singer that I do think is talented is Pink, who blew me away with her performance from the ceiling, singing live, VERY LIVE, and sexy as hell, dipped it water and doing a dance on silk “ropes.”

    And the new singer Adele has an incredible voice and writes amazing songs.

  19. She was a great talent period. Too bad the money grubbing Jewish record producer skimmed so much cash from her and others. Exploitation of the worst kind.

  20. I wouldn’t be surprised if Davis was supplying her with drugs or had her ‘taken care of’ for business reasons.

  21. Such a waste. That Bobby Brown was the slippery slope that sent her on the way. A huge talent that will be missed and let’s be honest, we will miss all her “antics”.

  22. Jeeze Reta, did Bobby really say that? What a mess that family was or is.

  23. Janet – you’re right, it was a miracle she lived this long. No point in sugar coating what happened. Is anybody even surprised? She had an amazing career but her decline and death was predictable. Here’s hoping the daughter makes it through.

  24. Should have gotten more into the Delta Blues Music and restarted her career in the blues. Imagine her blowing a mean harmonica on Friday & Saturday night and singing the gospel on Sunday.

  25. Christeen, he absolutely positively DID say that on their show which I think was called “Watching Bobby Brown” (?). It’s been a long time since it’s been on, but I will NEVER forget that quote as it so floored me that he would say something so very private in front of the cameras filming in their home, let alone that they let them in the bathroom while Whitney was squatting on the toilet in obvious distress. She was behind a small wall, but her face/head was peeking around the edge of it as Bobby asked her the disgusting question. I just invisioned them going thru this many times in the past perhaps so maybe it was nothing to them. And certain prescription pills, like vicoden for one, is known to constipate, so if she was really taking tons of pills she could have gotten herself into a real fix fast with that type of problem. Just can’t imagine a husband doing that to his wife, let alone offering to do so on camera, but I saw and heard it myself, so, yes, it’s all true! My memory doesn’t fail me on this one!

  26. So far they have not found illegal drugs in Whitney’s hotel room. I am shocked. I am not surprised that RX drugs were found but I thought she was on crack, heroin or whatever. Not just prescription pills.
    TMZ is reporting they refused Bobbi Kristina entry to the room and another site is saying that all of her relatives, including Bobbi Kristina, were saying their goodbyes in the hotel room so it’s hard to know what is truth. I guess everything will come out eventually. I don’t get how heroin addicts live forever and she died from RX pills? I know you can OD but I would assume heroin is easier to die from. I don’t know firsthand thankfully.

  27. Very sad. A magnificent voice silenced long ago by drugs, and forever now by who knows what.

    I would not be surprised if her “entourage” hid whatever illegal drugs there may have been. Also, if she had prescription drugs from different doctors, who knows what the combination could cause.

    May she find peace.

  28. Sad for the daughter, and a horrible death at a young age. My brother died of drugs and it’s easy to spot people who are killing themselves and watching others live off that person tell you everything is all right when you know it’s not. Whitney live a hard life and was a beautiful singer, but in the end she was an addict who’s demons beat her down and never let her up. RIP.

  29. dont know all the details of WH’s death but RX DRUGS are every bit as deadly as street drugs,(Heath Ledger, Dorothy Dandridge, Anna Nicole Smith).

    Betty Ford entered rehab at the urging of her family because she had a problem with alcohol of prescription drug medication.

    The first lady was not shooting heroin, smoking crack, crank or snorting coke, she was popping pills and drinking alcohol and her family was embarrassed by her behavior and scared for her life.

    We really need to stop segregating RX drugs from street drugs, the abuse of both street and prescription result is the same, wasted lives and premature death.

  30. anonTWO, I was not saying RX drugs are not deadly. Of course they can be. What I was saying is you have people like Steven Adler and Nikki Sixx who abused themselves a lot more and lived and here WH dies and now they are saying from Xanax. Xanax! I have taken that before many, many, many times. It is not deadly by itself. There is speculation she mixed it with alcohol but we will have to wait till it all comes out.
    As someone else said, her people could have hidden the illegal drugs which is something I never thought about because that is not how I roll.

  31. There is speculation that the Xanax in combination with drinking the night before may have caused her to fall asleep in the bathtub which is where they found her. Accidental drowning perhaps?

  32. Janet, how disrespectful 2 post such an unflattering picture of someone, who just died. A lot of people liked Whitney, including me. Too judgmental, too negative when she gave such pleasure with her voice.

  33. Too bad she just couldn’t have stayed “friends” with Robin but at that time it would have been a bad thing for her career. Seems she got caught up with a bad partner to stop the talk and what started as fun drugging became a life long struggle. She was a great performer in all aspects “pre” ex hubby. I pray for Sissy as loosing a child,regardless of age is something a Mother never gets over. Only the pain might dull over time.

  34. @ Prinmare, WH was messed up for prob at least 15 years now. To put a picture from the 80s up is glorifying her. Many pics from this night taken one after another are all over the web. She was a disheveled mess. This is who she was. If there is any disrespecting going on, it’s Whitney to her own self.

  35. I agree Reta, Adele is one of the few today who can stand there and just sing without all the things the rest of them use to hide the fact that they sing worse than I do (and that’s saying something)

  36. dragonfly, I hear you.

    It is safe to assume WH’s premature death is drug related, whether it is prescription or street drugs a combo of both and/or alcohol.

    My point is addicts are addicts, regardless if their drug of choice is prescribed medication, ALCOHOL or the humble crack rock!

    WH’s autopsy results will reveal all but it won’t explain WHY someone with a talent and success as great as hers fell into that trap to begin with.

    She was blessed person in her lifetime with genuine talent, good looks, success and she even managed to give birth to a healthy child but the drugs meant more to her.

    It breaks my heart and I wasn’t even a genuine fan of WH!

    Just last Thursday WH was photographed looking disheveled, sweaty and glassy eyed after attending a pre-Grammy award party.

    And I think it is sick and pathetic WH will be selling more albums than she has in a decade because she died yesterday.



  38. RIP to her.

    The enabling of her antics is what has led to this and the same will happen to her spoiled daughter when she gets her hands on even more money. Cissy, Clive, and Dionne W enabled and made excuses for her and her lesbianisnm became rampant. She owed the record company and Clive big $$$$ and they enabled her rather than allowing her to totally collapse and might have had a chance. She used the trash mouth race antics of many others and was coddled by far too many. To avert these tragedies the dealers to the stars should be caught and imprisoned and Charley Sheen and Whit should have been doing hard time instead of riding in Bentley’s. Whit would have had a great deal of fun in an all female prison but soon the family will be denying that she had a major thing for female sex. JC showed the right picture, most of the ones we see for the next month will be more of a fantasy than reality.

  39. I would like to believe that more inquiring minds will look at what Whitney accomplished, more so than the faults that landed at her feet. Her crystal clear voice sent a message of unity back in 1991 at The Super Bowl
    Game while singing “our” National Anthem.I can easily believe the fans and professional football players will remember her rendition of The Star Spangled Banner that Sunday more than anything else that has ever been printed about her. In later years she became a tale for the tabloids, mostly by living her life (as she chose, and Not answering to anything that was being said about her). No one can speculate about the past hours of her life. I will be satisfied *thinking” that the Good Lord above was ready to bring “Nippy” home to help her get over the burdens that she may have continued to face.
    Even though, there will continue to be opinions and comments about Ms. Houston *some media outlets and *some fans around the globe *will choose to honor her voice, and Not her mistakes. At some point her daughter might develop the Need to feel closer to her mother by visiting some of these message boards. Hopefully, blended with the truth or opinions, Bobbi Kristina will recognize her mother as she chooses to remember her. PEACE!!

  40. Looks like Shaquita jumped to the front of the enablers with Dionne and Clive! Who will be next?

    They caused this train wreck but now will be trying to make it a saint. Lots of $$$$$ floating around…not like the pervert MJ but more after her death than during her life if the catalog is taken over and managed properly and not by the family.

  41. It’s such a shame to have so much talent and beauty and to just throw it all away. There’s talk that she was absolutely broke and had squandered her quite large fortune. So many others would have given almost anything to have the chances she had. I do hope her daughter can recover from this, but I have my doubts.

  42. Amy Winehouse

    Whitney Houston

    Untold 1000’s of ordinary, non-famous

    Demi Moore: Are you listening…..before it’s too late?

  43. Her Jewish Record Company overlords couldn’t wish for a better outcome. Record audience for the Grammy awards and soon to come sales from her back catalogue. Maybe Clive had it all planned. a little booze…a little xanax

  44. About 10 minutes ago on ABC National News, they said Bobbi Kristina had been rushed to the hospital, overcome by emotion.

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