Simon Cowell never likes to be more than a few feet from a cigarette because he’s a chain smoker and inhales three packs a day. (To make up for it he stocks up on vitamin supplements and skin creams at Whole Foods.) So it makes sense that when he went to Ralph Lauren and found a small decorative silver plated cigarette holder he liked, that he bought 100 of them. He has several huge houses and each room has a cigarette holder in every corner.
Cigarette Shopping Simon Cowell Smoking
Will he get the Ralph Lauren nebuelizer when his lungs go south?
He should retire – cause he won’t be living to old age.
Worried about his skin and he smokes??? A friend of the family was just diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer, they said it can’t be cured. Puff away Simon.
Janet, that hideous man, Jesse James got married. I was hoping his victim would have gotten wise, but to no avail, she tie the knot with it.
When will you be giving us the dirt on that?
Smoking is such a nasty, disgusting habit.
To make up for it he stocks up on vitamin supplements and skin creams at Whole Foods.
Yes that should balance out 3 packs a day.
My cousin smoked 2-3 packs a day for years and died at age 41 of enphysema with an oxygen tank on his back, which he had lugged around for 2 years.
I heavily dated a handsome man who was a heavy smoker, who I really liked a lot, until I realized all my clothes and furniture were nearly ruined with the horrid smell of smoke. I kicked his ass out, but first I fixed him up with a friend, a lady smoker and they got hitched. lol.
Simon is a fool, a damn rich fool, when he needs an oxygen tank, he still will not be able to stop.
I’m chuffed that this Chav was deported from the UK.
All his money won’t be able to restore his ruined health from smoking. I too have seen too many lives ruined by it.
All that money will be no good when he no longer has his health.
I hate the smell of smoke. I hate being exposed to it.
Well written words, gonna visit again.
Finally! While I agree that being an impressive speaker is fine, but at some point you have to perform.
Finally! While we can agree that being a persuasive speaker is great, but at some point you have to perform.
This! While I agree that being a powerful speaker is great, but at some point you have to perform.
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