Jersey Shore’s Snooki must be feeling sentimental these days because she’s been posting vintage photos of herself. The most recent is this picture of Snooki at her Junior Prom.
This is her caption:
“Here I am at my Junior prom! I went with one of my best guy friends! Best Prom Ever! My dress was so from JC Penny! No Shame. Such a bargain shopper.”
We like her smile BEFORE she got those new Hollywood teeth. She was undeniably cute in high school, but her compulsive tanning was already out of control.
Photo via: Hollyscoop
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…………a dog from a photo?
More like Paula Abdul and Corey Clark!
Tony Soprano would go crazy if this was his Jersey daughter.
Aren’t her 15 minutes up? I think she got 30 minutes by mistake.
That’s no guido!! I thought she loved Italians so much!!! lol
Jesus christ!!! She totally went ghetto on prom night. Really!! She went to the prom with a guy that had a hair don’t – cornrows. she could pass for a domincan with that look.
gggrrrr I hate this red webpage we have to click through now to get here. Sometimes it gets stuck!!!
I hate the redpage too, what is the point of it. Well let’s not forget Snooki is Chilean, so my guess is her natural color is on the darker side without tanning
She looks cute. And she went with a “guy friend” so stop with the racist comments.
Did she get stumbling, vomiting drunk and show her ‘coochie’ that night?
Dennis, what racist? Truly cornrows is hoodrat. Why can’t he have a fro? I don’t like seeing men with braids nor earings. Braids and earings belong on women not men.
” Did she get stumbling, vomiting drunk and show her ‘coochie’ that night? By sherry lynee
who knows ? But, I’ll wager you did ! Why so interested Sherynee ? Got the hots for the little schiksa do ya ?
Don’t ya hate it when your little sister brings brings cornrows home for dinner.
And you know he’s always going to wreck the pie.
That was funny, patrick.
She was undeniably cute! Too bad she turned into the equivalent of a beached whale in terms of tonnage.
Everyone forgets snooki is not white or Italian, she is a dark Chilean short girl. its obvious she is a product of a very indigenous people from chile that tend to be very short and dark. In the summers, very much like Puerto Ricans, they tend to get darker. We all know she tans, but the darker skin tone is very natural for her. She is adopted, remember.
I think they look pretty typical really, unsophisticated, happy , silly teens ,
but the hatred is palpable on this site. Snooki is the least of America’s problems, consider the environments that shaped the minds of Hello or Sherrylynee or Strom, therein lays a real and terrible genetic failure. eeesh … imagine their kids ..
true, that is indeed, a grotesque thing to imagine
true dat