Celebrity designers Gwen Stefani and Jennifer Lopez were neck and neck for awhile, – both taking in over 200 million for their women’s clothing lines. Now, according to Laurie Pike in Los Angeles magazine, Gwen’s lines are earning 20% more each year, while Jennifer’s JLO lines are faltering. Gwen’s lines L.A.M.B. and Harajuku Lovers are sold everywhere in upscale boutiques, while Jennifer’s designs only sell well out of the country. Part of the reason is Gwen is still very involved in her business and consistently wears her own designs. Jennifer USED to promote her track suits by wearing them to The Ivy, but she stopped before she got married. Watch out Jen – when celebrities lose interest in their own fashions, the customers lose interest also.
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I don’t like Gwen’s hideous hair-style and bright lipstick, I don’t care what she designs. Buying a piece of clothing just for the name brand is ridiculous anyway; you pay 5 times too much for it.
Jlo is too classy to wear her designs now. shes doesnt want to be seen wearing the same thing as the common folks do.. actually she has a different style now. I can see JLO in a track suit but not Jennifer Lopez.
I hate celebrity lines. While I don’t necessarily boycott them, I sure don’t seek them out. And I certainly wouldn’t buy an item of clothing because some stupid celebrity put their name on it. People are so gullible.
I hate the celebrity lines when they just put there name on something just to stroke their ego. the fashion and omg everyone has a freakin perfume. which they nothing about. at least gwen actually has a passion for it and has always wanted to design. I think she has true talent. Nothing i would wear but i understand her desire.
The male fashion designers can co-exist. How come we always have to only have ONE woman at the top of any field? Give me a freakin’ break.
These celebrity ‘fashion’ lines have to appeal to “Martha Minivan” in order to flourish. They need to be sold at Walmart and Target situated right next to the ‘Carrie Underwood’ CD.
gwen clothes look more like costumes, don’t care for her style.
Jlo got her beat in the fragrance depts, 12 I believe.
gwen has a hideous face.
that’s an unfair post most lines do well in the beginning then slowly decline your comparing apples to oranges jlo line has been on the market for many years.
Classy and Jlo have nothing in common…..she sucked and was ass fucked to get to where she is.
This reminds me on a smaller scale of Kathie Lee Gifford’s clothing line that she peddled to Wal-Mart. Most of that stuff was cheap and ridiculous looking. I go by the way it looks, not because it has a money-hungry celeb name on it. And as for their high-priced perfume, forget it. Most can’t tell the diff between theirs and a knock-off anyway.
i totally agree with callisto.. jennifer lopez would not wear the same crap as she did when she was JLO . i dont blame her. Ive seen pics of me from just a few yrs ago in outfits that i would not be caught dead in now. people and style change. unfortunately Jennifer doesnt put in the time to change the style as her line.
gwen has ugly features and that clown makeup only attracts more attention to her face.
Maybe jlo has so many other businesses in addition to clothing that she just wants to let it run it’s course. this woman is a mogul and one of the richest women in hollywood.
I buy clothing for fashion, how well it’s made, fit, price and comfortability, not because of the name on the label. Celebrities make clothes they would wear. Though I’m not Martha the van driver, I’m a grown woman and would look ridiculous in their garb. They also need to realize that not all of us are a size zero!
Okay. Let’s talk STUPID. any of you women dumb enough to buy Coach bags and Louis Vitton etc… are idiots seduced by marketing. No bag is worth $2500 etc… When I see women walking around with those it screams “I am insecure and desperate to be someone!. I see women who will buy a $500 Dooney Blake bag and can’t pay their rent. It is just ridiculas.
Okay. Let’s talk STUPID. any of you women dumb enough to buy Coach bags and Louis Vitton etc… are idiots seduced by marketing. No bag is worth $2500 etc… When I see women walking around with those it screams “I am insecure and desperate to be someone!. I see women who will buy a $500 Dooney Blake bag and can’t pay their rent. It is just ridiculas.
@ 2:59 PM: I agree totally. And how about $800 Jimmy Choo and Manolo Blahnik shoes. Ridiculous. Rich and selfish stars should have to spend a few nights in a homeless shelter to see how some folks have to live. But I doubt it would change them, as they care about no one but themselves.
well.The problem is the Stars get those shoes and bags for free or as tax write offs… and maybe they can afford those insane prices (even though If I were filthy rich I still would not pay such outlandish prices) but the average american woman would be a hell of a lot smarter if they invested their money and carried equally attractive bags from Ross or Tjmaxx than throw it away on some stupid Hermes bag just to feel better about themselves because dumbass Oprah tells them they need it. Designer bags are a big lie.
well.The problem is the Stars get those shoes and bags for free or as tax write offs… and maybe they can afford those insane prices (even though If I were filthy rich I still would not pay such outlandish prices) but the average american woman would be a hell of a lot smarter if they invested their money and carried equally attractive bags from Ross or Tjmaxx than throw it away on some stupid Hermes bag just to feel better about themselves because dumbass Oprah tells them they need it. Designer bags are a big lie.
My Husband bought me a Louis Vuitton bag for Christmas and I made him return it. I told him if he ever brings that kind of overpriced designer crap home to me again it would piss me off and insult me. I’ll take a bag for $20 ANY day over any so called designer bag. If I WON a designer bag I would put it right on Ebay! What about those stupid women who now RENT designer bags they can’t afford just so they can look like they have money. So pathetic..
My Husband bought me a Louis Vuitton bag for Christmas and I made him return it. I told him if he ever brings that kind of overpriced designer crap home to me again it would piss me off and insult me. I’ll take a bag for $20 ANY day over any so called designer bag. If I WON a designer bag I would put it right on Ebay! What about those stupid women who now RENT designer bags they can’t afford just so they can look like they have money. So pathetic..
Jennfer juggles so many so many careers, production companies, and clothing lines, don’t think she loses sleep over one of her clothing lines, where as gwen has only one company that she could dedicate all her time too.Lopez husband mark also has a mega career mostly outside the US , he is an even bigger star than jennifer in many parts of the world.
You seem to imply that jennifer should worry about gwen, when in reality most of hollywood would kill to have lopez empire, money, career, and happiness.
Fcuk those rich bishes GS is irritating… but I do own a pair of JLO shades got ’em marked down in the clearance rack for five bucks at ROSS DRESS FOR LESS, heh.
Down with JLO for using to much (just a little is a sin to me)real animal fur. I would never buy from her or any designer using real animal fur. Down with JLO.