


70 thoughts on “VOTE NOW: THE 'O' INFLUENCE

  1. I like Barack Obama without Oprah. He doesn’t need her, she cheapensa class act.

  2. he’s black… the only reason she’s coming out to back a candidate. She’s a loser.

  3. Obama will get my vote because he didn’t flipflop on Iraq. He was against it from the start unlike Hillary.

  4. agreeing with 9:50 and 10:48 am, violently disagreeing with 9:54 am.
    Obama’s a black man?
    Thanks for pointing that out.

  5. Hollywood needs to stay the hell out of politics, it’s bad enough as it is. Oprah is Hollywood. She is entertainment, that’s it. Informational at times, but primarily, entertainment. What she thinks about politics should not be of any more influence than any other American. All that being said, I may end up voting for Obama for the mere fact that he’s a black man. His election would be a milestone in this nation’s history, could help to finally heal a lot of old wounds that divide our society and for God’s sake, he couldn’t be worse than Bush. I need to hear more of what he has to say, but there’s a lot of things about him that seem very right.

  6. i love obama but it’s time for hillary! obama in eight years.

  7. Oprah’s been the Queen of TV for over 20-25 yrs and never, ever endorsed anyone. Clearly, there’s only one reason she chose Obama — because he’s black. Sad. Not that he’s a bad guy — just very, very green and not very accomplished.

  8. Alida, please do not go there.
    If you want to go there, let’s talk about all the people who will NOT be supporting Obama because he is a black man.
    Then the other issue is people who complain about celebrities entering politics.
    I have two words for you to consider before you continue your complaint:
    Need I say more?

  9. Influenced in what way? Negative or positive? The results could be skewed depending on how you interpret the question.

  10. I am offended by her pushing Obama. In the last few years Oprah is all about the blacks and the black getting their due. Check out the year Jamie Fox won his oscar. Please, Obama is so green and the next president must by good at foreign policy, folks, or we are in big trouble as we try to clean up Bush’s mess. I no longer watch anything promoted/financed by Oprah. She is using her influence and people listen to her and DO Not think for themselves. Horrible!

  11. No offense to Oprah, but her opinion means absolutely nothing to me. On any subject…

  12. I don’t think Obama is what this country needs right now nor is Clinton — what we need is someone who is saying the truth about what the problems are with this country. And, John Edwards is the only one who has spoken out about it — corporate greed and control. Yes, we want change, but we need experience and someone who doesn’t cowtow to big business. Obama got where he has because of his wife’s pushing him. That’s not the type of man I want in the white house. Let’s shake it up in 2008 — vote Edwards!!

  13. By his allowing Big O to indorse him, I decided not to vote for him.

  14. O wants to marry him after he becomes president. And, she wants him to then appoint her Vice President. Far-fetched? In this crazy world, anything is possible.

  15. Yes, I am influenced, but not in a good way. I think Oprah pushed him to run before he was ready so she could spend her weekends at the White House. He has very little substance behind his rhetoric.

  16. 1:58; It’s not Regan it’s Reagan! I hope that was a typo and not stupidity on your part.

  17. Oprah sounds like the reincarnation of Martin Luther King ever since she started supporting Osama oops I mean Obama. She’s so black all of the sudden.

  18. Is Barack Obama his Muslim name or is that his birth name? Does anyone know? What kind of name is that? Does anyone know?

  19. oPrah inspires me to do two things, consume all of the products she endorses and to change the channel whenever that Texas jackass Dr. Phil shows his face.

  20. He’s black that’s why she backs him. All the blacks probably will vote for him because they are racist. I won’t vote for him because he is stupid and unqualified.

  21. Stedman and Oprah both want to date Obama. Oprah should just worry about her school in Africa.

  22. Have you ever seen Rev. Al Sharpton and Oprah in the same room? No, because Oprah is really Al.

  23. Black sees black and nothing else. Oprah endorsing him makes me not vote for him.

  24. What’s great about America is that even stupid people like Oprah and Obama can get ahead.

  25. Why didn’t Dr. Phil run? Oprah would have backed him. Maybe he was too busy writing his next book, I’m not a Dr. and not Fat.

  26. No, Jesse you wont vote for Obama because you are white and have issues.
    I wonder how many times the whites are going to post the same stupid comment about O backing Obama just because
    they’re both black in this discussion?
    One thing about the whites, they love themselves and believe everything that they say is right.

  27. I think that Obama needs to pronounce his words better. Maybe he could be tutored by Oprah’s speech coach to make him sound white, like her.

  28. lol @ richie! Hey I’m a black and I a knows that he is too dang slow in tha head to be Presedent.

  29. Obama doesn’t know what color burgundy is. How is he going to help with the china in the White House.

  30. Oprah made a mistake backing him. He’s not experienced or smart enough.

  31. O needs to stop endorsing people that don’t know what they are doing.

  32. Oprah is just trying to help her 4th cousin. So he doesn’t know how to multiply or punctuate. Oprah will hire a tutor.

  33. Oprah is suffering from Thyroid Thighs and wants to clobber around the White House lawn to lose weight.


  35. Oprah is going to make him join her book club. Obama is going to regret her thyroid induced fat presence.

  36. The White House menu will be simple: grits and fried chicken.

  37. I can’t believe the stupidty of most of the remarks posted. Oprah can endorse anyone she wants that’s her perogative as is it everyones. I would vote for him too if he were a candidate in Australia, he seems like a very decent sort of man in touch with the real world and perhaps more intelligent than the current incumbent.

  38. I hope her fake eyelashes don’t fall into her soup at the White House Dinners.

  39. I hope if he gets in he’ll have jungle music playing in the foyer with some bongo drums and rap in the study.

  40. My (off and on darling) Oprah wants to have an affair with Obama, especially if he wins. She would really like to marry him, and with her money maybe she can buy that. How do I know all this?….well, I’ll tell you; she talks in her sleep.

  41. Michelle Obama already knows Oprah is after her man; it’s the law of the jungle, women just inherently know these things. She is ga ga over him, ever since Steddy and her grew tired of each other. Maybe she can make a 2nd white house at her mansion in Hawaii. At any rate, she wants him to win, cause she wants to be a guest at the White House anytime she wants to, and what Oprah wants, she usually gets.

  42. Because she endorsed him, I’ll vote for Hillary. GAG!
    Oprah doesn’t really want Obama to win.
    She is just using this so she can run in 4 or 8 years for president.

  43. The majority of these comments are racists at the very least!! Oprah is a very intelligent woman who recognizes that there must be true change in this country. Not someone speaking the same rhetoric or flip flopping on issues depending on the pollsters. Remember JFK had little to no experience when we was elected President during very tense times in this country and how our country was perceived by the world (think cold war, people). Just because Mr. Obama has no foreign policy experience doesn’t mean that he cannot do the job. Mrs. Clinton has very little foreign policy experience as well. Just becuase you were married to the president and his confidant while he was in office, does not qualify you as having valuable foreign policy experience. All of her efforts as first lady were huge disasters. Mrs. Clinton is just not likeable enough. Personally, I wouldn’t vote for her even if Mr. Obama wasn’t running. She never sticks to her own opinions and is constantly quoting pollsters as though they are the magic needed to pull the wool over my eyes and vote for her.
    People need to be more involved in where our country is heading and how it is perceived in the world. Throwing out ignorant comments regarding a candidates ‘blackness’ or a media mogul’s perceived ‘blackness’ is what is wrong with this country. For the record, Oprah Winfrey is an intelligent woman whose opinions are held in good esteem with a large majority of women in this country. Don’t discount that kind of power, it can be lethal…

  44. She wants him, you can see it in her eyes when she looks up at him in pictures. His wife better watch out. She won’t make it to the White House.

  45. Dear Austraia, It’s embarrassing that you’re seeing this. This is not reflective of the average American, just a select few. We Americans know you’ve made big changes with your recent elections and we hope to do the same. Here’s hoping Obama wins. And Oprah has nothing to do with that – she’s a talk show host for goodness sake.

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