The women of MTV’s “Jersey Shore” have perhaps forever changed the concept of Italian American women that “The Sopranos” reinforced. The Shore girls, Jenni JWoww, Sammi Sweetheart, and Snooki, have been described as “predatorial, mean spirited, and crass” – much like their male counterparts. The guys on the show seem to primp far more than the girls do. Most noteworthy of all, the girls are all voluptuous and full figured. And PROUD of it. They eat what and when they want, without a thought to caloric content. The “Jersey” girls have done more to promote normal sized woman than all the full-figured models (like Emme) put together.
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As an Italian American woman, let me say, what a load of bullshit. Why do you keep promoting these disgusting people? Outside of Hollyweird, many girls of their age can eat what they want to, because they are YOUNG. Revisit them in about fifteen years and we’ll talk. Will any of them have accomplished ANYTHING?
I agree completely with Palermo!!! Between the 3 of these loser whores they don’t have one functioning brain to share!! I’m sick to death of having the media shove them down my throat every time I turn around!
they are not “full figured” by any stretch.
What they are promoting is low morals, orgies, adultery, porn, and all other abominable things. Plus, their mugs are not that great to look at. bleeech. As the British would say…….they are rather common looking.
It’s a sad commentary that anyone watches that show. Those that do should be exterminated to benefit all humanity. Janet stop wasting space on your blog with this trash.
Northern trailer trash. Send them back to school and give them a good scrub down. yeeech!
jwow has implants, you should read about them before the foot goes in the mouth.
They are not full figured, they are quite thin actually,
Good for them if they can eat loads and still look that good!
I believe Snooki I read somewhere that Snooki is not Italian. She was adopted.
Yeah maybe you should see the new pictures of Sammi because she has lost so much weight that you can barely recognize her. If they are all about being normal sized why is Snooki wanting to lose weight and why has Sammi lost so much since filming?
Wait a minute – you just finished bashing Kirstie Alley and Kevin Smith for being fat, and then you congratulate the Jersey Shore girls who eat whatever they want whenever they want without regard for caloric content. You just made fun of Kirstie Alley for eating 2 plates full of pasta, and now you’re cheering for these girls? They aren’t full-figured and they haven’t done a single, solitary thing to promote “normal sized woman”. They’re doing a great job promoting skankiness, though. Oh, and slutiness, alcoholism, and a complete lack of morals or common sense. What great role models for women! Or rather, what great role models for you.
Just look at them…GORGEOUS. Thats all you need in life today. Not to mention I would love to be with Sammi
hi my name is alton im portland me and u girls are hot and i love your show
look…some people just get lucky in life…these girls got lucky.
There’s no reason to hate them.
If you don’t condone their behavior, then live more excellently…don’t just pass judgement on people until you yourself are living a life of perfection. You will be a better person, in doing that..and maybe influence some people.