New York fashion week is even more fascinating this time around because one of the top models in BOTH male and female shows is 6’2” Andrej Pejic. Androgynous Andrej, 19, who was born in Bosnia and grew up in Australia, is booked in four women’s shows and five men’s shows! This makes him the first model to appear in New York fashion shows for BOTH genders. In his private life, Andrej wears both men’s and women’s clothes. He’s not a transgender or a sex change, just a male who can pass for a female supermodel. In the photos above he’s wearing Rihanna’s Grammy dress in the Jean Paul Gaultier Paris show, and also appears in men’s clothing for an English magazine.
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Gotta be a faggot!
strom, you are a pathetic excuse for human flesh.
Janet, when I first saw the top picture I thought Taylor Momson has gotten her face scrubbed down (finally!). I like the long dress pictures and the one where he is supposed to be modeling men’s clothes falls flat. He is way too feminine to pull that off and it would have looked so much better with a masculine, cut-jawed manly face, hands and shoulders showing it.
I think this guy should go ahead and get a sex change operation because he is way more female than male. The shoulders and hands are small and the waist is small, and the walk in that dress is all woman.
NOT digging the skunk stripe of nasty dark hair down the middle or her/his blonde locks in the men’s suit pose. People in the entertainment biz need to keep up their hair. Those skunk stripes are hideous and just make people look cheap and lazy.
Not diggin the black leather gloves with the delicate dress either. Clean, beautiful arms would have been better, or some fab jewelry all the way up like sleeves.
He’s perfect for modeling haute couture fashion which is always on the lookout for the new and different, unusual, avante garde, choose your adjective. His height is also a highly desirable asset in the modeling profession. He’ll probably be one of if not the busiest and highest paid NY Fashion Week human mannequin there.
This is it!
I’m really leaving now.
Good luck to everyone. I won’t miss any of you.
High fashion, couture, is designed by mostly gay men, for shapes that are mostly male: no boobs, slim hips and waist.
Once again, (sigh) I did not write the above. I am so weary of this.
This is really cool!! I really can’t believe this is the first time that this is the first person to do this crossover. There are alot of pretty men who can pass for woman and not so pretty woman who could pass for men. How ingenious of him figure this modelling niche out. Very oportunistic of him.
Great,it is already hard for women to get jobs now they have to compete with a man that looks better in female clothes.
This site is never dull. In the picture on the right he looks like Daryl Hannah in Kill Bill Vol. II (sorry Daryl) without the eye patch.
He’s wearing the same dess that Rihanna wore to the Grammys!
but Sperm is his favourite “drink”………..
Hahaha, oh Uncle Bill that is a riot.
You devil you.
Cool off, with short hair he looks like a man. In case uve seen his pics with short hair…
After reading this, I thought I bet the closeted gay “Uncle Bill” will make a snide homophobe remark. And I was right. Uncle Bill, you really are quite transparent. Get out of the closet, be true to yourself and relax. Being gay is not something to be ashamed of be critical of.
Andrej is boned more often than than Reta!
The dress looks better on him than Rihanna.
That is because Rihanna is more manly
Nancy, I agree, the dress looks fab on him. Looks like they didn’t attempt to create a boobs affect. But I wonder, in that thin see thru thing, what they did with his thango? Let it dangle to and fro as he walked the walk distinctly? I do sort of see a bit of a bulgy thingy there under the sheer cloth…
That is wonderful on so many levels and just think Double pay check and So handsome as a man and so very Beautiful as a woman and that is cool and wonderful and a very nice deal and always work no matter what and can stay healthy and strong but wear a dress is fine too and willing to do what ever it takes to take care of one self is a smart cookie indeed….Really smart and great idea..Take care and good luck to your career? Smart move and know that every one knows…Sure your going to get more work down the road.
He got plenty of work last night….dressed in a dress and servicing many a man! Send him to Gay Island!
Strom are you Gay or something and why are you not attending Gay Pride in your state or go to the dances or B.B.Q. or clubs and know adays you can hang out at the Gay parks and Disco are still around and you can gather massive amount of action.
Double pay check for this person and what ever they want to do with there life is up to them and…I don’t have one bad thing to say about this person except they look really handsome and Beautiful at the same time and…That is a wonderful positive thing.
Should be really proud to be able to always have work all year around and that means working really hard and having more time in the future for themselves is wonderful and amazing and…I hope other models will follow this wonderful direction?
Send him and CSL to Tulsa together!
Listen Strom, I am not in love with this guy and… Why do you keep wanting me to go to Tulsa? I am not leaving this state..Because you want me to and..Why don’t you go yourself since it is so good? I do not have a crush on Andre? I Just like what he does!
Its not about posters!
Send him to Gay Island and CSL to Tulsa!
STROM, You do what your telling me to do …I never asked to leave seattle with a stranger? I am not into gay men and stop thinking for me and stop telling me what to do and just do it yourself and go to Tulsa…Because if your waiting for me to do Hell is going to freeze over. Do it yourself and stop telling me what to do and just act like…I am not here okay.
Poor Reta and CSL. Slamming Strom but not the tranny’s who carry most of the AIDS!
Maybe Andrej and little BOB can soon get together!