
Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Who’s that girl hiding under a hood as she leaves Katsuya with record producer J.R. Rotem? It’s Lindsay Lohan playing coy here, and that’s out of character for her. J.R. is the same guy who was rumored to be the father of Britney Spears’ baby but the story proved untrue. He certainly has a knack for being photographed with the most paparazzi-friendly women in this town. Could he POSSIBLY be hoping a little fame will rub off on him?

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  1. “I don’t write stories that I don’t think are true just to be sensational. If I write it, I BELIEVE it is true. Unlike celebrity magazines, I will write about ANY celebrity that I find interesting – from Barbra Streisand to Ali G. I am as sick and tired as you are of fake Jennifer Aniston stories and Paris Hilton photos.”

  2. he’s the DEVIL in disguise can’t stand the dough boy yes he’s a dough boy! and i can’t stand the poopy head. he screws anything with a mound.

  3. WELL, well, well!!
    She wants simply more PHOTOGRAPHERS around her body, that’s the one and only reason she’s doing this!!

  4. Sex addict dope head scum buckets, both of them. And, they probably basically know it and do not care. Fluffy rehab palaces are worthless.

  5. Fame with addicted, ugly, boozing, neglectful, vulgar, crude loser women?

  6. yep a BIG LEZBO join the crowd hollywood is full of lezbos alot of them won’t admit to the pulic. for fear of losing their jobs. I do know a lot of them.

  7. “west hollywood person” how do you know she’s a big lezbo? have you seen her get down to it?

  8. It’s just a matter of time before this poor girl comes tumbling down off the pedestal that she thinks she is on. She has a screw loose and it’s getting looser by the hour.

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