Last night we realized why Jimmy Fallon is so irresistible – he brings the best of SNL to the Tonight show. With no introduction, he suddenly appeared in a Beatle wig, tight white pants and white boots, dancing and singing the “Tight Pants” song. It was odd and very funny. Just as abruptly a female in a similar outfit and Beatle wig danced out singing about HER tight pants and we almost didn’t recognize Jennifer Lopez! The duet was SO unexpected and amusing. Jimmy brings out the best in people, doesn’t he? We can’t get the “Tight Pants” song out of our heads….

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  1. What a joke….this is more P/R Flak by Jlo publicity machine trying to make her something other than a talentless has been. She has provided more backside to BLACK men to make her famous than any other non-Kardashian in America.

    Please no more J Lo and no more Kardashian press releases touted as entertainment news and gossip.

  2. I think he’s adorable but I thought she was revealed to be a terrible singer and she looked incredibly awkward.

    Look at her face and listen to her screech through that song. It was almost un-watchable. She looked so self conscious.

  3. Fallon has destroyed the legacy of the Tonight Show. His childish bits are aimed at a young audience, but they don’t watch this type of Network garbage anymore. The Band “The roots” is horrid. Whenever a guest comes on stage they play some horrid rap tune and you can see the disgust in the guest’s eyes. I totally despised Jay Leno but at least he kept the show relevant to a broad base of fans.

  4. Wow, she looks great. You are right, Newbie, she didn’t sing as well as I expected, but she was not incredibly awkward. Maybe you are too young to recognize the ’60s stylizing of her movement. It was very accurate, and yet slightly extreme so that it was clear it was a send up.

  5. The point is she can’t sing at all. This is all PR flak that JC has bought and is nothing more. No talent and a willingness to service BLACKS for fame!

  6. This is all over the net like it is news….she has great managers to get such an untalented person big bucks. It is trying to foist on the market she brings the Hispanic audience. A joke,,,she preys on them by selling overpriced junk to poor and ignorant young women.

  7. I agree Jennifer Lopez can’t sing, but overall I enjoyed this cute sketch. Jimmy Fallon is adorable.

  8. Coco, I am familiar with the style of dancing. She looked painfully self conscious to me.

  9. Wasn’t really funny. Neither is anything else Fallon does…

  10. LQQK at all the old farts who can’t get out of their own way and enjoy something NEW. I bet you old codgers probably sit on the same couch you had in 1972 while you gripe about Fallon.

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