A big setback for Kirstie Alley and Scientology. A customer of Kirstie’s weight loss program “Organic Liaison” filed a lawsuit charging the Scientology backed company with false advertising. Kirstie claimed to have lost 100 pounds using her product, but the dissatisfied customer pointed out that Kirstie actually lost the weight by dieting and exercising and rehearsing for “Dancing with the Stars.” Kirstie’s high powered Scientology lawyer tried to get the suit dismissed, but the judge ruled against her. Kirstie had to pay the disgruntled customer $130,000 and she has to re-word the ads for her product. No doubt customers will lose faith in the system and the Los Feliz store will be emptier than ever.

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  1. It’s a shame these Hollyweird types keep hyping these phony-baloney weight loss schemes. Some people are just destined to be big and it has to be hard on the body and mind to yo-yo on these goofy “diets”.

  2. Amazing that companies pay $$$ to scam artists like Kirstie and lesbians like Latifah and anything to the trash Kardashians and JLo for promoting their products that anyone thinks people buy because of them.

  3. Here’s the secret to losing weight: eat less and exercise more. The two things nobody wants to do.

  4. True and she always looks so greasy…soon she will either become a lesbian or engage in screwing BLACKS!

  5. “True and she always looks so greasy…soon she will either become a lesbian or engage in screwing BLACKS!” ?????

    @strom, try to stay on topic eh ? and try to learn to read in a more discerning manner, evidently, you don’t really undertand the topics, because you rarely , if ever, really refer to them

    and do try respect others more, try to show a little dignity once in a while …

    Strom, at at least try to just understand the posts, we’ll help ya, it’s not always BLACKS and LESBIANS ETC …. it makes you seem very immature, both emotionally and developmentally.

  6. Totally on topic Rosie….advise of anything inaccurate.

  7. Who would believe anything from a cult member? It was clear she was losing from dancing 8 hours a day. What does she look like now, my guess is she put a lot of it back on

  8. Kirstie’s life is always out of control — why was she chosen as the face of this phony product? It’s probably owned by the Scientology weirdos.

  9. Scientology: That alone is the source of all her problems. Kirstie and the hot-shot celebs in SCI are all brain-washed, brain-dead zombies.

  10. Kirstie owns the Organic Liaison company, she is not just a spokesperson for it.

  11. Anyone who believes there is a magic pill for weight loss is an idiot. Diet and exercise is the only way.

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