Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

This is exactly what drives us nuts at flea markets, farmer’s markets, and other crowded public places. Strollers are annoying and inconvenient enough, but DOUBLE strollers are unforgivable. A one kid limit would be fine with us. Jason Priestley and his wife Naomi appear to be having a good time with little Ava and Dashiell in spite of the irritated glances as the family takes up more than their share of space. It’s a good thing they’re cute.

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  1. f**k yeah it is inconvenient when a**holes don’t move and/or push in front of a parent pushng a stroller. maybe they should just let their kids run riot, or adults walk on their children.

    f**k sake janet – what a stupid self-centered caption. you forget you where once a baby too.

    hell why stop there Janet, why not moan and bitch about people in wheelchairs!!!!

  2. you really don’t wanna know how much SHITTING-PAPER is used by that family!!

  3. Janet, your bias is showing–certainly more than any “irritated glances” in this photo since there aren’t any! In fact, no one is even glancing the Priestleys’ way. Quit your petty griping, for heaven’s sake.

  4. Are you for real, Janet? What an absolutely ridiculous thing to say. You have some very odd hang-ups about strollers…and parents/kids for that matter. Wonder why that is? You should perhaps explore that in therapy instead of showcasing issues on your site.

  5. I don’t see any “irritated glances.” So many parents let their kids run wild in situations like this – I give them credit for being in control. I can understand being annoyed by naughty children, Janet – but this family isn’t doing anything wrong.

  6. “It’s a good thing they’re cute.” Why? What would you do if they weren’t cute? Sometimes I can’t believe this site is for real.

  7. Sorry Janet. I see 4 people taking up space for 4 people. At least this couple are keeping their little ones with them instead of letting them run wild. There are far more irritating people to deal with in a crowd, like people who smell horrible, are unwashed, or have a giant sized mop of gross unwashed hair flying around, or people who are loud and rude. This fam looks okay to me.

  8. WTF??? Nimrod, what would you have parents of twins use to transport them in? What a ridiculous post.

  9. Nobody is giving them bad looks. And, by the way, when you bring a stroller with you to a swap meet it’s a great place to stack things you buy as well as the kids!

  10. JC,
    You called it wrong on this one.
    Children are very vunerable in crowded places
    such as above.As parents they are doing the
    right thing by either toting or placing their
    small tots in the convience of the strollers.
    On a day out with small children,the stroller
    can be one of the best decisions of the day
    for parents like Jason and Naomi.

  11. Parents with Two Children need Double Strollers. You either don’t have children and thus do not know what you are writing about or you just lock them up in the closet when you want to go shopping. They have the right to go out shopping and take their children.

  12. What a shame. I really liked this site. This comment is enough to second-guess my previously held positive opinion of you, Janet. Wouldn’t it be wise to keep these inane ideas to yourself, thus keeping the housewives on your side. You are alienating a large segment of your readership. If you can post an after-thought on the Jesse Johnson paternity photo, then surely you can post an apology/update on this one. Come on, Janet. Step up to the plate. Us double-stroller owners are a forgiving sort.

  13. The stroller still isn’t as wide as Janet’s hips. Or lips — either set.

  14. Bravo Janet! One of my BIGGEST pet peeves is the ignorance of people on the sidewalks. STAY TO THE RIGHT ANAL ORIFICES! And just stopping to smoke and/chat — STOP IT! Or simply move to the effing right brainless wonders. The folks who walk a few miles to work every day, yours truly, view the sidewalk like the roads: a transportation venue. I’m amazed at the flat-out idiots filling the sidewalks. Traffic is just that: TRAFFIC! Be it pedestrian or vehicular. Are kids not shown how to proceed in public anymore? And strollers do suck. Yep. Millennium Park — Michigan Avenue — I have to cut through that area to get to work. Just love **shudders** how families walk abreast taking up the whole frigging sidewalk. Brilliant, non? Right on Janet!!!

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