David Hasselhoff is not only a cowardly drunk, he’s a LIAR! He denies his own drunken behavior and the only way his daughters could prove it was to tape him when he was loaded. Good for them. Egomaniacal David has an army of lawyers ready to pounce on and bully any newspaper or magazine that intends to print a story about his drunken excesses, so readers don’t know how awful he really is. (He insists he was never at Madeo’s and never had a drink! LIAR!)
Kiefer Sutherland, on the other hand, has a drinking problem of his own, but he doesn’t threaten anyone who points it out to him. No cover-ups. He doesn’t try to weasel out of charges – he faces his punishment like a man (he’s a model prisoner), and doesn’t blame anyone else. Hasselhoff and Sutherland have little in common- except for the bottle.
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Keifer is cool. David is a drunk pig.
Why don’t you mind your own fucking business you filthy, ugly, pig.
David is a drunk. He probably molests his daughters too. It wouldn’t surprise me.
Good for you, Janet. He’s a total loser, always has been, and deserves to be exposed by the media.
I know the similair friend of the ASSHOLES. THE BOTTLE NAMED JOHNNIE WALKER!!
David cares about nothing or nobody (even his kids). All he cares about is himself, no matter how much he may deny it if asked. I never liked Kiefer; he is over-rated. But at least he is willing to take the rap for drinking.
There’s only one thing Kiefer likes more than hitting the bottle… Hitting the strip clubs!
Janet alcohol abuse is a very serious problem in society. You should not make fun of this issue. Alcohol causes way more social problems then it’s outlawed cousin marijuana.
Janet two thngs: first, thanks for the TRUTHFUL story and second if “Brian birchall, rancher” knows anything about an alcohol problem then he certainly should know there’s NO beating it until you accept the fact that you have a problem. So while he says you’re making “fun” of it (I didn’t read that into your article) he needs to realize that yes it’s a societal problem but abusers need to face their problem and seek help, otherwise, the problem continues. So what good would his (BBrancher) way of thinking do? Yours on the other hand may force this guy to realizes he isn’t fooling anyone but himself. BB did you ever hear of intervention? When it gets so bad somebody needs to do something? Well, Ms. Charleton is only printing fact and if DH can’t take the truth, then HE needs to change it. Terri Lynn
Both need to be delivered from their various demons by the Holy Spirit.
itn’t this hollywood? that’s what they all do including the girls 2.
Apples and oranges are fruit Janet.. just as alcoholic drink too much and deserve no respect.
And you’d be saying Oh hoff isn’t so bad because people like to party now and then, but bad old Keifer killed people while driving intoxicated.. shame shame!
David is a loser a liar and a has been. His career is over. America got talent but he does not!
thats not really true because when kiefer got busted this last time he later went balistic on fans saying how they set him up to get a dui….dont you read the star!?!
who cares about david
There is basically NO difference. They are still rotten on the inside.