Okay, we know you’re sick to death of Paris Hilton but this is different – it’s a closeup of the contents of her designer handbag! We can’t resist a peek into a celebrity purse. The photo was purportedly taken during fashion week and we can see a little packet of what looks like weed. Perhaps more surpising than that is the fact that she’s sitting at a fashion show and furtively applying pink polish to her nails.

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21 thoughts on “SNEAK PEEK

  1. Janet my dear you MUST stop writing about this human turd.

  2. Agreed – she’s a waste of space! Why would she have the bag so prominently displayed unless it’s yet *another* desperate attempt for publicity?
    PS I think she’s applying lip gloss not nail polish?

  3. I think you’re right WE ARE SICK OF PARIS HILTON AND LINSEY LOHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I think you’re right WE ARE SICK OF PARIS HILTON AND LINSEY LOHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. And we care that Paris smokes dope because…? Maybe you’ll report that she eats toast too.

  6. By posting to the thread on Paris just shows how popular she is.
    Makes no difference if it is for or against. It is a reaction and that is all that is needed. If you don’t like her don’t post to her threads. Then Janet and others will not write about her.

  7. Janet I used to love your articles in the star but you now seem borderline obsessed with writing about paris hilton and her cronies. I guess that is your business but I find it very dull and boring. I wish you could go back and write the way you did.

  8. Excellent work Janet, keep up the good work. I’m very proud of you.

  9. Janet you are not writing for teen people, stop writing about this pathetic girl.

  10. Janet you are not writing for teen people, stop writing about this pathetic girl.

  11. Do you have any idea how old your readers are? If we want to read about this stupid slut we would go to other websites. We wan stories on Oprah and Cher and Liza and Liz and Madonna and Dick Clark and Harrison Ford and Al Pacino and Prince and Robert DeNiro and Farrah and Ryan andMichael Douglas and Sharon Stone and teh rest of Hollywood stars. Enough with Paris!

  12. UHH>>>>>>>>>>
    I FULLY disagree with LTJ the last comment……
    Stories on the 50+ crowd????

  13. “FULLY disagree with LTJ the last comment”
    LTJ is a troll. It has many different names but always the same boring game of, please write for the older crowd.
    It must have laughed it’s ass on coming up with Dick Clark. He was always one for gossip.

  14. Well, did she eat toast, Janet?
    Enquiring minds want to know!
    I want to know!

  15. “did she eat toast”
    EVERYONE knows that Paris does not eat toast.
    That is why she is thin.

  16. seems like your readers are divided but the majority want you to stop writing about paris. why don;t you do a poll and ask us what we want?

  17. OMG, Ladies, Doesn’t That look just like a Playtex Tampon in her hand?

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