Brittany Murphy’s husband Simon Monjack and her mother, Sharon, are still thick as thieves and teaming up to write a book on the late actress’s life. Simon and Sharon has become extremely close since Brittany’s December 20th death – SO close that friends are taken aback. Simon has vehemently DENIED that they are romantically involved. But they ARE rushing to write a book about Brittany before somebody else does. They’ve already approached a couple of publishers with a book outline. (In our opinion, these two look more like an appropriate couple than Simon and Brittany ever did.)

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  1. This is disgusting. Why don’t these people get real jobs and stop living off a dead person? This is why people like Brittany Murphy and Lindsay Lohan have problems: Idiot narcissistic parents. Can’t you just see Michael Lohan doing this when Lindsay finally succeeds in offing herself?

  2. Sadly I think there’s so much more to this story than we know. Brittany’s death was too shady to begin with and the mother and husband blabbing to Larry King was just bad taste. It doesn’t surprise me these two clowns are living off Brittany. Remember, her parent pimp groomed her to be milked for money.

  3. On another note, Janet if you and other bloggers stopped giving these two morons press then maybe they’d go away.

  4. Both users, shame on them. Why can’t they get a real job. Oh, that’s right, neither one can support themself.

  5. It’s disturbing to me that they chose that picture of Brittany to hold up. I know she is in character (for what movie, I do not know) but wouldn’t it be more appropriate to hold up a picture of her not in character? The way they should remember her? To me, this is just confirming that they are saying they lost their cash cow. They don’t miss the person, they miss the actress who brought in the money.

  6. Dragonfly: my thoughts exactly! and if they wanted a picture of her from a performance, why that one? I can’t even place which movie that one’s from unless they’re promoting an unreleased film of hers?

  7. Good grief, mother and daughter look exactly alike. It’s obvious he is a shady son-of-a-bitch and if something is going on between them regarding Brittany’s money or having an affair then oh Lord, I would not want to be them. They will get paid back in spades sooner or later in some way or other.

  8. “Creepy” indeed. I thought there was something going on from day one when it was disclosed that Sharon had been living with the couple in Brittany’s home. That Monjack character’s a CREEP and all of Hollywood thinks so… Definitely more here than meets the eye, and if it’s true it’s the ultimate betrayal.

    Poor Brittany.

  9. Yes, this guy’s a major CREEP! Icouldn’t BELIEVE that that young pretty girl would go to bed and have sex with that fat balding creepy aging pasty man. He looks slimy and clammy all the time. And I’ve ALWAYS wondered why the mother had to live with them, they being newlyweds. I mean, who lives with their newlywed child, and doesn’t let them get on with their new married life in PEACE like an adult??? There’s something extremely WRONG here, with BOTH of them. I hope whatever ventures they scam off her memory are failures and they disappear into the dark clammy alleys where this creep crawled out of.

  10. That Jewish moron caused the death of his wife. Drugs and flu are bullshit made up by the media. Of course they arent that stupid to tell u the truth. And we, like good sheeple, believe all that we see and hear without further investigating or thinking twice. Typical!

  11. We all know what’s wrong here, they want money off her death. Look at these two pieces of garbage.

  12. I too think it is a bit too creepy. My gut instinct tells me that the mother was good to her daughter. When Brittany died, there were quite a few celebrities that spoke about how she lived to help and take care of her daughter and that they were inseparable. I think Simon took advantage of Brittany and now he’s taking advantage of her mom.

  13. Just taking a second look at how they’re posed. THEY LOOK LIKE A COUPLE! What “normal” bereaved mother and son-in-law would pose like that?

    It stinks, I tell you. STINKS to high heaven.

  14. Helena you are so right on that pose! It creeps me out too and I can’t believe neither of them are smart enough to realize that the public would be appalled by this. Do they actually think anybody will buy anything from either of THEM? If they do, they are certainly a few bricks shy of a load!

    I hope Brittany haunts the holy shit out of those two creeps!

  15. During an interviw shortly after Brittany died, in which these two announced their creation of a foundation in her memory, I noticed that Brittany’s mother sat with her hand on her son-in-law’s thigh. Eeuuww.

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