We’re eager to hear what readers thought of “Shutter Island,” which opened this weekend, because it’s not the usual Scorsese fare. First of all, we were immediately blown away by the extraordinary cinematography. Each scene was almost surreal in clarity and beauty – we wonder if the NON 3D version of “Avatar” looked this good. The 3D movie didn’t. We happen to be huge fans of “Twilight Zone” (along with Leonardo DiCaprio) and when we say this film is like a two hour return to the classic TV series, we mean it as a compliment. It’s a real psychological thriller and it’s hard to figure out what’s real and what’s not. Fun and entertaining.
A friend of mine saw it and said it was horrible…difficult to understand and tell what was going on and had a horrible unsatisfying ending. She said she felt like walking out she hated it so much. But that’s just her, I’m still curious, but want to wait til I hear more feedback before I decide If I want to spend the money or time. The reviews are all over the place on it.
these are very clear signals you’re dealing AMERICAN LOSERS, folks!!
Several years ago I read the book which was excellent. I think I will wait for dvd to see how they ruined it.
I saw it last night with my daughter and we both loved it. Its a bit dragged out, but worth seeing and I loved the ending. Another Scorcese triumph if you ask me!
I was disappointed…every scene is two minutes too long. Feels like torture at times. My husband…who didn’t read the book…figured it all out in the first 45 minutes. A good DVD rental cause you can fast forward, but boring at the theatre.