It happened in1998: Rosie O Donnell has decided she and her pal Madonna should team up in Las Vegas as the female version of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. Or is it Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis? Whatever – Rosie reasons that since Madonna became a mom she doesn’t like touring, but still loves performing. Las Vegas is the perfect solution. Rosie can tell the jokes and Madonna can sing. Rosie’s been looking for a way to make it up to Madonna since backing out of their planned movie “Chicago,” and this brilliant idea might smooth things over. So far, Madonna’s not interested.

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4 thoughts on “Rosie Rat Pack

  1. Madonna’s a fool.. in comparison Rosie would make her look so young, slim and pretty again.

  2. Rosie is about to tour with
    Cyndi Lauper so i guess they are the new Dean and Frank instead.

  3. I agree, Can’t be bothered with either Rosie or Madonna. They both need to come down a peg.

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