Photo Credit: Splash News
We ran across this photo of Robert Blake having coffee at the Beverly Glen mall and couldn’t help thinking that the accused wife murderer would look SO much more appropriate strolling on Santa Monica Blvd in Boy’s Town – perhaps on his way to Numbers.
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Janet, please look on the Heather Locklear…Princess has written comments that is giving our computers a virus. Please check on it, before we all crash.
Smells like rotten sausage to me…a murdering old rotten sausage!!!
what is numbers? a country western bar?
Born as a FAGGOT AND HE WILL DIE AS ONE, folks!!
I wonder if he thinks about the exwife he killed and got away with it. Probably not.
Janet, this ran on TMZ about a week and a half ago.
BTW, your site runs very slow, the comments only work about half of the time and when you scroll down in firefox you get a popup message about an error.
Time to call the geek squad in.
Naturally, he’s wearing a “wife-beater” shirt.
Yuck, all hairy and scratchy like a brillo pad.
Yuck, all hairy and scratchy like a brillo pad.